The Butterfly Effect

                                    Thurston’s Thoughts

Identity Crisis

The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect is a snowball effect of an action which causes or impacts another occurrence seemingly unrelated. Events, ideologies, and behaviors are revolving seminal premonitions interwoven in the deterministic fabric of future possible outcomes. The results or outcome produced eventually differ from others from even the slightest deviation. Therefore, a minor conditionality of influence significantly affects a domino spectrum of instability or randomness preventing a methodical predictability. Chaos Theory can be considered both a cause and effect of the Butterfly Effect. It is a box inside a box which also contains the box which contains it. 

Classifications are much the same having a deterministic insinuation or connotation significantly affecting perceptions, opportunities, and considerations. Classifications are a linear understanding manifested in an applied perception or interpretation based on the subject’s and interpreter’s categorization. Localized or expansive ramifications are provisional to unrelated considerations created from conditions removed from the application but still influencing the applicator.

For example, two children experience the same occurrence but process it differently. The variation is in the individual lens experiencing it and the resulting impact. However, later in life that experience may produce vastly different dispositions. So, children who grow up in the same household and environment can develop diametrically opposed perspectives from many of the same stimuli but experienced differently creating different characteristics in each. The reason is often the separation of other experiences and influences aside from the commonly shared one respective to their individuality.

Another example is CRT influencing DEI with CRT emerging from GRT (Global Race Theory). This three arm pendulum swings creating a Butterfly Effect regarding social dynamics such as left, right, woke, minority, African American, white, or person of color designations. The definitions are fluid and essentially has no stable delineations which are not subjectively or divisively redefined altering their original meanings. This leads to the reassessment of classifications which have been used to separate, subjugate, or alienate specific groups as meaninglessly undefined by random stipulations.

The definition of social classifications become so diluted one should question the need for them even if it can be argued that they had any relevance in the past. Race, sexual orientation, religion, morality, cancel culture, and many more have no probative definition. What they do have is a subjective convenience of labeling where not only the goal post constantly are moved but the endzone as well. By the constant stretching and contraction of terms and concepts what is actually accomplished is the widening of their definition and thus their irrelevance. 

It also invalidates the criteria used to predict or, more precisely, construct a replication considering the intangibles and collaborative or oppositional circumstances culminating in an outcome or formation. Consider the greatest quarterback, slugger, or baller and the small variation which propelled them above others in the same category or skillset. At what point did it become evident prior to it becoming obvious? What about the fortuitous impact of unpredictable circumstances such as injury from existing vulnerabilities or chance occurrences, or even the impact of rules or teammates?

Many variables contribute to an outcome whose contributions were unforeseen, coincidental, or perhaps fateful. The full circle of materialization is a cumulative randomness. A distance runner whose bedwetting led to his champion pedigree by running home after school to retrieve his sheets from the windows avoiding embarrassment. Essentially, avoiding embarrassment was the unpredictive catalyst. Consequently, we are not defined by our classification, category, or subjugation but instead a Butterfly Effect where the biggest determinate is as unpredictable as the pendulum of life swinging in no certain pattern.

At best, what we do, what we are labeled, or our insufferable endurances are not who we are. They only contribute to what we become. so don’t get it twisted. The formation or reformation of our identity is a Chaos Theory of possibilities randomly determined but arising from the initial conditions formulating our foundation susceptible to random influences or chance occurrences. The declassification of many policies, practices, and designations of social taxonomies only established to serve subjugation and narcissistic hierarchies of control, divisiveness, and separation must be recognized and dispelled.

The identity crisis of social relegation is a pattern to produce a predictable outcome by a standardized method. Accepting other’s limitations as our designation confines the possibilities of our Butterfly Effect to an isolated principle of predictable stagnation. The possibilities are endless, random, and undefined, but, if not careful, so is the identity crisis. For incentive, rags to riches don’t care who receives it. Hopefully, this article will have a Butterfly Effect of clarification as a chance encounter catapulting you to a destiny of self-actualization.


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