God-Truth be Told

Choose Correctly

First, I wish my mom, affectionately known as Pudding, Happy Birthday on June Third. Second I would like to issue a disclaimer and indemnify myself from any judgment as I will make none or request none. Finally, I would like to offer ten questions for your consideration.

In the privacy of our own minds, it should not be taboo to contemplate perspectives that will strengthen and perhaps clarify our beliefs or explore other’s point of view against our own. It is more like a premise for debate or forgive the term but devil’s advocate.

The context for the premise in which the final answer is deemed correct according to whatever you choose is you cannot be wrong, at least by my standards and the design of the questions. Under this structure, I will pose ten questions, and you will answer them and be the judge of your answers to make whatever determinations you choose.

But first, riddle me this, you have an Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or any other religious denomination or designation you would like to substitute for these. The riddle at the end that has a correct answer is, what do they all have in common? Let us begin.

One. Many religions faithfully practiced now and in the past, which the followers have steadfastly proclaimed for their salvation and guidance. Complicating matters within these various religions, there are many more factions or sects with perhaps slightly different teachings and observances.

Most of them and their followers staunchly forbid the worship of another God before them or beside them as being false idols or false teachings. If this is true, then which of the many religions is worshipping the one God, and why are they correct and all others incorrect? Other than it being your religion, of course, but what is the reason why? Who is right?

Two. The God of these many different religions is worshipped according to that particular religion, beliefs, and traditions. So if there is one God, why are there so many different beliefs and faiths, or is it unlikely that everyone can’t be wrong with only one getting it right? Why are there so many saviors from God born of a virgin mother and crucified?

Examine the concept of God mysteriously entering a virgin’s bedroom in the midnight hour impregnating her. There was no indication of consent instead depicted as a mind-altered state not able to resist. Would God take liberties in a serial fashion? Imagine God shockingly appearing as a supernatural entity fornicating with virgins for a holy reason. This resembles incubus activity and deception, although for a holy cause.

Virgin mothers were allegedly impregnated by spirits, visions, the wind, white elephants, and other forms giving birth to saviors and messengers from God such as Jesus, Chrishna, Buddha, Mithras, and others allegedly long before Christ was conceived.

How authentic is the claim that other saviors have been crucified before Christ? How many virgins did God need to impregnate and messengers to be crucified? Would that make Jesus not the only begotten son but have many equally divine siblings? Was God promiscuous in spreading his holiness?

Three. Does the Priest, Ministers, Preachers, or Rabbis conduct resemble the teachings and doctrines they proclaim? Principles including discipline, obedience, celibacy, poverty, humility, compassion, or do they practice deviations from the word they were called to spread? Do they make allowances for others to deviate from the scriptures and accept clear violations of the word? Are they Christ-like, Prophet Muhammad-like, or Buddha-like, etc., in their actions?

Four. Are miracles divine acts, alchemy, magic, or some other godlike or extraterrestrial manifestation? Can the descriptions of these acts or miracles be characterized under interchangeable definitions from opposing beliefs to describe them?

Is God a way to conceptualize and quantify what we can’t explain or provide a structure where we can transfer responsibility for our actions or fate? Does God encourage our need to follow as opposed to our willingness to lead? Are we obedient because of fear or desire to do right? Do we crave the love of God or fear the wrath of being smitten?

Five. Suppose we believe divine acts which are beyond our understanding and defy logic, science, or explanation are attributed to “God” or a higher being with unlimited power to command wonders and blessing as well as wrath. Would it be too far-fetched to believe in an extraterrestrial being of superior knowledge and power that resides in the heavens? Is there a difference, and why or how?

Feats both that are unearthly or divine have to be attributed to some being or deity, but what about earthly and common acts? If favorable, God is responsible, but if unfavorable, is it nothing but the devil or the adversary at work? On the other hand, is God at work at all times, good and bad, to bless or punish with no rhyme or reason, just our acceptance of his divine will?

Six. Are our beliefs reflected in our actions, or are our actions a true reflection of our beliefs or thoughts? Is it do as I say not as I do or by our deeds so are we known? Are our beliefs are reflected in our actions or our free will to commit so many sinful acts? If we have the free will to sin or disobey, don’t we also have the will not to sin and be obedient? Perhaps, what you thinketh so are your actions, but does that make us flawed or hypocrites to our beliefs? Is falling short of the grace of God different from being disobedient?

Seven. Do we seek solace in the gift of the message or the skillful tongue of the messenger? Are they a crusader for their belief of the message or themselves as the messenger delivering the message? Are we? Remember, few are chosen. If the word is constantly coming from the same book, then why is the silver tongue of the purveyor of the word what we base our fellowship on? Is it entertaining our spirit, flesh, or something else that sometimes the messenger matters more than the message? Do you believe in religion or God, can you tell the difference?

Eight. If current practices are handed down from ancient times, what methods and manner of worship were determined to be a tradition or determined to be pagan rituals by who and why? Were some religious traditions discarded and some pagan rituals embraced and still practiced today?

 What of the many religious or biblical books that were not included in the Bible or religious teachings? Why not Enoch, who was said to have walked with God and had mysteries revealed to him? Who edited the accounts of God’s word? Was it Constantine? Like God gave his word directly to Moses, did he also give it directly to the many others who proclaim it is the word of God they present? Were they working on the honor system? Are we? 

Nine. Did you choose your religion, or was it chosen for you by inheritance from our family who embraced it before us and passed it down? Do we believe because we choose to believe or because we were taught to believe? Are we religious or spiritual, and is there a difference? Can they co-exist?

Would our beliefs still be the same if we were indoctrinated differently? If we switched religions, would our old belief have been wrong, even believing it wholeheartedly like our new belief?

Ten. Is God a deity or being, or could God be a place or destination? What if God is a destination, then what would that resemble? Is God a figment of our mind and imagination or truly omnipresent and everlasting? Either way, whatever we did, we would do in the literal presence of God, wouldn’t we?

Would God exist if humanity did not? Do other life forms or nature worship God somehow? Do we have to exist for God to exist because can something exist without knowledge of its existence? By that standard, how do we know that God exists without knowledge just on faith? If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a noise if there is no one to hear it? 

This makes me wonder if it is more important to believe or more important what you believe in. Have you seen a vehicle speeding and darting in and out of traffic only to end up at the same traffic light down the road as us? We arrive at the same destination but by different methods. 

Could it be that someone’s belief that guides them to a principled and fruitful life is just as valid as someone else’s belief that guides them to the same end? Could belief be a hidden bridge between the subconscious mind and the conscious mind?

Respect their belief as you respect yours because if we all have faith and believe in the abstract without concrete proof, who is wrong. That is why it is called faith because we believe not by sight or proof. So seek out your own confirmation knowing that no one can claim you chose the wrong belief for yourself.

With that said, let me ask you these questions. God was in the beginning, but what is the origin of God as a singular deity with unlimited powers, and how was that power amassed to have dominion? Also, how does the science of the big bang theory and single-cell organism’s evolution reconcile itself to the God version of creation?

Why does God demand to be worshipped and obeyed, ruling out God’s vanity, of course? Are there others, could there be universally speaking? Is that dominion over earth or all that exists in every universe and dimension which would indeed extend God’s power?

Wouldn’t God transcend gender or human form if this is the case, but what form would God be recognized as, or would it be by his word alone? Even as we worship faithfully, how will we recognize God if presented before us? Truth be told, what would we accept as proof?

The answer to the riddle about what the various believers have in common is they all believe in something, even if it is nothing in the atheist case.

Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz 

In fear for your life

 Deadly Force.

The standard for legal justification of deadly force is the same for police and civilians, but it is interpreted and applied differently. Therefore, following the law and exercising your rights must include adherence to the application of the law and the procedures or scrutiny if deadly force is used by you or against you, whether civilian or law enforcement.

The standard default declaration is to proclaim being in fear for your life. It has no meaning but is generally understood to mean something that is subjective but not specific to the situation. You only think you know what it means but it has a different meaning to everyone projected upon and applied to a situation. It is vague and supports a spectrum of fear levels based solely on fearful anxiety.

The time when that is acceptable as the primary justification for using deadly force has passed and defies objective reasoning or quantification. Thus, fear should no longer be sufficient or a factor for using deadly force. Instead, the actual circumstances should constitute a code red threat or tactical disadvantage creating an imminent danger of serious bodily harm or death, not to gain compliance or quell any fear.

Being in fear for your life is very subjective. It can primarily reflect your psychological frailty instead of the actual circumstance you are in or confronted with actually being a serious bodily harm threat. Specific physical and mental allowances must be made for a variance of vulnerabilities, the prevailing circumstances confronted with, and the objectively reasonable response. Still, an actionable threat must be the primary reason for any legal lethal force response.

Realizing that most civilians have uncertainty regarding when deadly force is appropriate and required lends itself to a tendency to erroneously use deadly force based solely on fear, not the threat. Sometimes law enforcement being unaccustomed to high risk or confronted with unfamiliar situations, can react with certainty but erroneously or prematurely from fear or anger, not the threat. Force must be reasonable and unavoidable, and prudent in its exercise where your actions did not create or escalate the threat.

When deadly force is used, the standard for reasonableness, even when justified, requires it must remain within that which is not excessive. The standard applied by law for both civilian and law enforcement is to use the minimal force necessary to neutralize a threat based upon the known or reasonably perceived circumstances at that time but not to your level of fear.

Your perception is formed by the actual events or circumstances existing at that time and the threat’s ability to carry them out, resulting in serious bodily harm to you. According to the law, it is explicitly forbidden to use deadly force to protect property regardless of the value of that property. Deadly force is only supported as a counter to serious bodily harm.

The subjective factors that influence deadly force use are age, size, gender, physical limitations, specific previous victimization, etc. The list is long, but the actual justification must be supported and based on specific factors justifying the action to be warranted and always from a defensive perspective.

These many considerations are supporting factors of articulation but not justification for deadly force. The harmful threatening act is the only primary justification that can be legally considered. The rest is just supporting elements of that action or threat. The perception of a serious bodily harm threat must also be of the nature to be carried out at the time of your reaction.

You must have the fundamental knowledge of what perceptions of a threat you were responding to, why you reacted that way, and whether you can legally respond that way with a force that will likely cause serious physical harm or death. It must be a reaction to their actions supported by a reasonable response to a specific pending or imminent articulated threat.

Being in fear should not be the emotional state you are in; instead, the apprehensive projection of the threat if allowed to progress to a reasonable conclusion. You cannot instigate or agitate a confrontation and claim to be in fear of the situation you created. It would be best if you remained near blameless in your contribution to the circumstances causing the conflict.

For example, a vehicle moves forward and backward, not sideways. If law enforcement knows this places themselves in the forward or reverse path of a vehicle without escape options, they have essentially created their own danger. Therefore, deadly force should not be used. Instead, better judgment should.

Everything articulated should be their actions and your response. You must only do what someone’s actions force you to do. Reacting for your safety must be warranted and justified by your right not to submit yourself to the discretion of whatever misfortune, harm, or criminal intent that may be forced upon you.

If placing yourself in harm’s way and then the assumed harm is attempted, then by default, you ultimately initiated that attempt. If it was expected to possibly occur, knowing the risk and danger, you actually allowed it to happen by your actions.

Deadly force must always be reactionary to a threat unforeseen or unavoidable. Knowing the standards under which you will be judged, feeling confident in your response, and committing yourself to restraint as necessary increases your advantage of legally responding to a deadly threat with little hesitation and minimal scrutiny.

Understand that fear is where your concerns and insecurities overcome your confidence and commitment. What may weaken your resolve to resist or survive is strictly subjective to your fear of inadequacy and not a response to the actual threat. Reacting to the actual threat is responding to the resolution of the threat and not the resolution of your fear. Under this perspective, fear has no place in the equation for consideration of your actions.

There is a distinct difference between a response for your life or being scared and frightened. Fear is from within; it is something that you choose to accept and project. Fear is closely related to your level of preparation, familiarity, comfortability, and any unfavorable circumstances present. When these levels are low, your anxiety is high, so fear is more of a reflection of your personal state of mind than the threat confronted with, even when lethal action is necessary and unavoidable.

Anger is fear projected outwardly, and fear is anger projected inwardly upon yourself. No one can account for your or another’s fear, biases, or insecurities. No one should have to account for why you or anyone is afraid of the dark or an impending danger that does not exist outside your mind.

Fear is often a stereotypical or conjured projection causing an irrational override of reality. So, fear must be removed as the primary criterion for using deadly force. Fear is an admission and display of irrational behavior and most likely an indictment of your confidence.

Legal justification is the principal standard and level of responsibility that anyone carrying a firearm consent to by carrying that firearm and definitely by using deadly force. Insinuated by implication and association are also all bullets fired being accountable to the shooter. It has nothing to do with the shooter. Instead, the person getting shot to provoke and justify that action of being shot.

What did they do to get shot that was a reaction to and material reflection of their behavior? From the shooter’s perspective, they did this, and I reacted as such. Not, I did this due to my fear of unwarranted anticipation of an unobserved action or being absent of any overt indication of danger. Much like chess, only one move is made then the opponent must make a move until checkmated. Your move is executed only after the opponent has made their move which you then counter or prevent.

When deadly force is used, there is a legal responsibility to stop when it is no longer necessary, even if initially justified. As the threat level changes, force adjustments must change, adhering to minimal force necessary to discontinue the threat. Excessive force occurs when the adjustment is not made or justified in the beginning. That standard applies to less than deadly force as well. Passive resistance is not a justification for deadly force.

The standard criteria already legally established for deadly force should be firmly applied and enforced with violations fully prosecuted to discourage the motivation and occurrences of its violation by civilians and law enforcement. Law enforcement and vigilantism must especially be scrutinized to diminish violations of publicly accepted legal expectations and legally established statutes.

Even cowboys recognized in the wild west that shooting someone in the back or from behind was inherently wrong because it was cowardly and suspect of the threat they posed with their back towards you or running away.

Multiple gunshots to the back should be assumed murder absent some extraordinary circumstances and articulation to justify the nearly indefensible. Possessing a gun that is not in a position to be used most certainly falls under the same reprehensible cowardly actions since it is legal in most places to possess a firearm.

In the use of deadly force, there needs to be fully transparent investigations and personal accountability according to the governing state and federal laws, police department general police orders of operation, the departmental expectation of conduct and tactics, and civilian or officer-initiated encounters. In addition, civilians should be vigorously held to the same factually based reactions rejecting their reckless behavior, frivolous encounters, and fear of situations they created or had no legal standing to enforce instead of an imaginary justification of fear.

Being comfortable in situations requires mental preparation to visualize likely scenarios prior to encountering them. Lack of knowledge and preparation manifests itself in panic and fear, which is prone to overreaction. Memory retention and muscle memory are then trained by conditioning them where your only concern is logically and methodically dealing with the threat or circumstances without panic.

Proficiency in your craft, whatever it is, breeds confidence, even if it is baking a cake. Target acquisition is the next issue of paramount importance. You must be sure before firing what you are shooting at, why you are shooting at it, with what you are using to shoot at it, can you strike the intended target, and how many times is reasonable to fire to eliminate the threat but not necessarily the person.

You should not just unload on someone out of fear without articulating why it was necessary. At this point, it becomes suppressive fire without a confirmed target or justified circumstances. Controlling your anxiety avoids reckless behavior and unreasonable actions which are regrettable or debatable.

Recent news examples that illustrate the lack of these principles are the Breonna Taylor, Jacob Black, and Duante Wright shootings. In the Taylor case, the lack of target acquisition and discipline under stress laying down suppressive fire. The Black case poor tactics and poor suspect control to prevent him from moving contrary to risk aversion.

Mainly seven shots to the back being excessive to repel the perceived knife threat, which had not yet become direct. The Wright case where panic and overreaction mentally short-circuited the motor skills and muscle memory familiarity to perform an act your body knew was wrong but that your mind overruled to grab the wrong weapon.

You can train for stress, but only stress simulates stress and fear is always present with the uncertain where you feel unprepared, even taking an exam or a critical event. Still, fear must be processed and redirected to heighten the ability not to immobilize it. The first consideration is always to minimize risk to yourself by your tactics to maneuver to minimize danger.

You must be proactive to predict, eliminate, prevent, or minimize the risk, escalation, or damage you must do to someone by limiting their opportunity to harm you before deadly force has to be used. You cannot account for other’s actions but are responsible for your tactics and actions, so control what you can control, yourself.

Excessive force and deadly force must be responsive to the deafening outrage and continued advancement of transparency and accountability regardless of who the violators are. The public now demands it, and the law requires it to be applied equally without prejudice or reservation, thereby minimizing the fear that others have for their life in these encounters.

The police must now also police themselves to raise their shared duty of accountability to these known standards and restore public trust to the previous levels enjoyed and beyond. Ongoing training should reflect this, and violations should be exposed to protect the integrity of the uniform and profession to establish a law enforcement culture in line with the changing times and respect for life. Civilians must adhere to a standard of conduct that does not initiate or invite deadly force to stay out of the gray zone subjecting themselves to fear.

Remember to eliminate fear; you can practice until you don’t make a mistake but can also practice until you can’t make a mistake to be genuinely proficient and eliminate fear. It is about taking life seriously to invest the time and resources into training yourself lessening fear and promoting better judgment when carrying a firearm.

Taken from my forthcoming book, the Pointman.

Thurston K. Atlas
Creating A Buzz

The Theory of Critical Race

Why the past matters for the future.

If history suddenly doesn’t matter now, why would telling it accurately and truthfully matter, and why is it so crucial for you to sugar coat it? Critical race theory has been a hotbed issue of late and not because it is divisive or misunderstood but because it is both liberating and accusatory by history’s revelations. As the Big Tuna once said regarding football, “you are what your record says you are.”

Racism is no longer a barrier to success but a burden to success with the subjective suppositions, expectations, and connotations as a standard others are not subjected to. Discrimination is when a unilateral standard is not applied whether you overcome it or not. It is like running a race with extra distance only for you.

Increased perseverance to compensate for diminished objectivity is not burdensome unless it is you that are impositioned. It may not prevent you from being what you can but it may dictate what it takes and where you can be that. So CRT does not promote black victimization or white condemnation, racism does. Systemic obstructions often reflect the sentiment of the persons involved execution of their duties. These personal sentiments manifest themselves in the system.  

These systems then become extensions and reflections of the perspective and biases of the people who comprise and operate them. They are consequently calibrated to that persuasion despite whatever the stated letter of the law. Despite the scope of operation, there is a discretionary or selective aspect that can be applied biasly creating preferential or prejudicial determinations.

So the systemic discrimination and racism are a by-product of the routine practices of the individuals within the system to restrict or deny fair and equal accommodations contrary to legal expectations thereby violating equality. It is technically irrelevant if you overcome it because you should not have to, others don’t.

 The persistent reason for this condition is rooted in historical perspectives that insidiously avoid detection and offer plausible deniability of protections. It then becomes accepted and commonplace as to not be viewed as a violation normalizing it. Once normalized it becomes invisible to all who it does not affect.

Here are ten queries of the foundation for critical race theory that may clarify any misconceptions regarding the basis of its purpose or intent for you to ponder. It is not to assign oppressed or oppressor status to anyone but to either accurately tell the history or discontinue the deceptions regarding the historically known facts affecting systematic injustices.

One. Who has more to gain or lose by the truth being exposed? Is it the victims of the racial atrocities and prey of crimes against humanity that are not exclusive to the Black or Native American experience? Could it be the Caucasian/British Colonial Anglo-Saxon European transgressor’s modern-day descendant’s image that is at risk? After what was done for centuries, what do you have to gain now which has not already been gained?

The transgressors stand to lose their societal masquerade as superior, privileged, religious, honorable, and so on. Can this be the real reason to oppose the truth of critical race theory teachings as being irrelevant to history? If the truth is irrelevant, how could the manipulation of it passed as the truth be more acceptable when we know it to be a lie? 

Two. Supposing the Confederate heritage is so great and endearing, why not reveal its totality for all to see in all of its infinite glory and brutal deeds, to arrive at the point where it is today portrayed as the apex of conservative values and southern civility? Why would there be shame and division associated with the actual unadulterated history of America or the experiences of any race here in America, including yours? There is plenty of shame to go around yours and ours.

Three. How much longer do you think these original sins can be concealed from your children as they are being vomited forth, revealing the degree of depravity that this country and your ancestors committed?

Since it is not your crimes, actions, brutality, or inhumanity committed long ago, why hide now?. Does it not become yours when you embrace, conceal, or support its heritage and perpetuation by deceit and privilege today? Would it not be more devastating for your children to learn that the truth was withheld from them, that they were purposely deceived by the ones they trust the most, you? 

Four. If your actions were not divisive and destructive, how can the revelations of them be divisive or detrimental to the self-image of yourself or your children? Why would there be any shame attached to them if they were noble in cause or actions? CRT is not to promote inferiority or superiority but truth and a factual depiction of America.

Five. Some would protest CRT as indoctrinating their children with the truthful history of this country. Where is their concern for historically and criminally brainwashing other races and nationalities’ children with lies about America?

Then what you complain about would be the very thing that you have committed against others and refuse to acknowledge or discontinue but yet resist subjecting your children to the truth? What manner of nonsense is readily taught in schools today with the truth being concealed?

Should we start with the genocidal thief Christopher Columbus or the first President of the United States of America, slave owner and friend to slavery George Washington? Andrew Jackson, another President, did more than any other person in the United States history to exterminate the Native Americans, so should that also be put on the twenty-dollar bill to honor his accomplishments?  

Six. Do we need to look any further than a former daytime talk show host who would proudly state that “everyone knows Jesus and Santa Claus are white” as evidence that factual and cultural brainwashing is real?

Is this blasphemous against the Christ to be compared to a fictional commercialized character? Is this blasphemous against the bible to depict Jesus in any likeness, especially one where the rest of him is a different color than his bronze feet?

What is the purpose of a blue-eyed blond hair white Jesus if not propaganda and the perpetuation of a lie? Would CRT violate your religious covenant to persecute, exploit, and exterminate races you deem inferior using the bible as justification?

 Would CRT prove these races not to have been inferior but instead exploited? How many casual deceptions are embraced as truth known to be false? ? This is the danger of growing old and being blinded to the truth but guided by the lie. Why lie when the truth would be sufficient, or would it?

Seven. Are there any accomplishments in this country that Black people were not here for and participated in achieving? Beginning with Crispus Attucks, who was the first to die in the liberation of this country from British rule or the Industrial Revolution, and the cotton gin whose idea was a slave named Sam.

Automation is what really so-called “ended slavery” and gave America a competitive economic edge better than slaves. Every war this country has ever had involved Black participation in winning, such as The Tuskegee Airmen contribution!

Eight. Every perceived measure of negative human endeavor in America reflects the image attributed to or associated with blacks from lack of education, lack of wealth, a natural tendency for criminal conduct, drug addiction, scattered family tree, other negative stereotypes, and so on except for the pervasive image of racial injustices committed against blacks?

We can’t mention that part because it makes you look and feel bad. Imagine how bad we feel and look being on the receiving end. Bet you wouldn’t trade feelings and switch places, would you?

So everyone’s record is their record except for yours? If the past should not be levied against you, why do you levy against those whose crimes and atrocities are less than the injustices you committed? Shall we now indiscriminately do away with your accountability but not others? If we can not tell your history, are we also forbidden to tell ours? Is it not a shared history of experience and one of occurrence?  

Can the Confederate Heritage be a source of pride but the Confederate deed a source of shame? What separates them from being the same? Is not slavery the defining element of contention for the Confederate resistance? Should the truth of slave atrocities be ignored but the stain of the Confederacy tolerated? If you are so proud of the Confederacy, surely your children can not be ashamed of its history, can they? 

Nine. Why deny CRT? Is it necessary to stroke fear and deceit while in the annals of history and the recesses of your mind, it can’t be concealed without history shamefully betraying the truth? Is it your obsession with race or history from the intellectual pursuit of accuracy you fear being exposed?




The factual pursuit of history could not be racist unless the history itself were racist at its core and the immoral practice standard. CRT represents a ledger of advantages and disadvantages from the volumes of history. If racial advantages and disadvantages still exist, can there be parity while you still enjoy concessions that no one else enjoys but you?

Ten. Why do your American dream and core conservative values have to be a discriminatory nightmare for so many? As your demographic advantage shrinks, it would seem wise to balance the ideology and racial equilibrium associated with your diluting subgroup despite the historical blemishes of your morality.

If racism was a major part of building this country then it would stand to reason that it has to be a major part of what was built. It has to be deconstructed with the structural and systematic remnants of racism identified and addressed.  While the oppression of racism has diminished it still is a reality. The obstacles are not insurmountable but they do exist where they don’t for non-blacks.  

Lingering resentment dismissed by denying but perpetuating the sin only fosters the continuation of it remaining an issue that should have long ago been put to rest. Denying the hurt will not make the pain or damage go away.

Since you will not feel other’s pain, do you see it can only bring yours? No longer do all others have to beg and submit themselves to your graces and permission or denounce their identity to assimilate with you. So, the grasp of your grip is slipping while losing control to exploit or convert others. Has the curtain finally been pulled too far?

You have nothing to fear but yourself as your most significant threat to yourself by insisting on a weak adaptation of a stolen Nazi ideology and slogan to make America great again. Hitler was able to rise on make Germany great again propaganda, America has risen from the same doctrine regarding slavery and racism. Variations of this ideology sully your fragile self-image exposing your moral inferiority insistent upon hiding the truth. 

This concept at its core eliminates not only certain races but religious freedoms, sexual identifications, economic viabilities and marginalizes everyone except the white prototypes. Your denial and refusal to deal with the historical truth through CRT or any other substantial means of truth only exacerbates the problem and prolongs its relevance.

If we should get over having it done to us, how much easier should it be for you to get over having done it to us? Your feelings and self-images cannot take precedence over truth. What damage could the facts do to your history that it has not done to ours? So let’s be reasonable and forthright that we need education and correction, not continued concealment and oblivious posturing, to make for a sustainable society. 

We cannot live in the past, but a discriminatory past should not thrive in the present and into the future. Therefore, it is unreasonable and unwise to reject viable solutions when projecting the harmful effects of your continued opposition moving forward.

The first step is an admission of historical fact as a beginning to a solution for these actions. They are too enormous to simply forget or cover-up. Secondly, solutions are problematic when you deny and promote the mentality of injustice as fair. Thirdly, it is not so much the act as the mentality and tolerance of the justifications without remorse or accountability. Finally, it is the utter impunity in which it is done.

When will it be time to teach the historical accuracy of the truth since silence and pretending will no longer cover this deeply a national wound? This is a wound that infects all directly or indirectly and globally.

Has the time come to tell the truth as a reflection of history, not race, guilt, or blame but fact? Contaminated soil can only produce a poison tree. The foundation of truth and education changes the mentality on all sides, re-aligning the future.

Critical race theory is incidental to race but essential to history progressing through to the future. More important than the race factor is the historical manipulation, minimization, and ignoring of the intentional occurrences that formed this country. Race only matters in identifying the victims and perpetrators because the facts speak for themselves just as the identity of any group’s participation. Also, you prefer race doesn’t matter when it exposes you and casts contempt on your actions but race is the only thing that matters regarding discrimination.

Does your unconditional love for America include its blemishes? If history and heritage are so important, shouldn’t it be essential to depicting its factually blemishes included? The past should be of contrast to improvements made over time. Otherwise, the albatross continues hanging from the indignity of this country. 

With humanity seemingly on the brink of another evolution through science, technology, biology, quantum physics, medicine, space exploration, and yes, maybe self-destruction, can we afford to adhere to politics and policies which are antiquated or detrimental to the expansion of our societal evolution? 

We can surmise that change, nature, science, and universal forces do not care or respond to what we think or want but to their own harmonic circadian rhythm according to physics and evolution without our consent. Time will only move forward even if we remain stagnant or resist. Change is inevitable, and the desired change is just a matter of time as a function of evolution.

Anything without the flexibility to bend is snapped or broken. The past matters as a lesson for adaptation and evolution to survive into the future. We already know there are powers beyond our denial or resistance, such as time, history, and change. We cannot change history or avoid change but can affect the future. 

The theoretic mission statement and tenants of this country’s founding need to finally ring true from sea to shining sea for all who occupy it or collapse will follow. Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it same as the insanity of those who refuse to change, seeking a different result when the current condition is unsustainable.

Are we all that naïve to believe that the white race or any other race on this earth is superior to the entirety of all universes and dimensions that exist? Or, for that matter, any race on this earth inferior except for opportunities denied? Are we to sacrifice the future living a historical lie that breeds dissatisfaction against the equality of creation?

History is not a condemnation of anyone or their children, be it accusatory of the oppressed or oppressor. Still, the liberation from the ignorance of its past over time absolves all of its control. Facing the truth of the past rids us of our collective shame, but only if we veer from the same mistakes in the future.

The division, shame, and embarrassment claimed and sought to be avoided by concealment is no affirmation against the truth. It is your historic skin tone distinctions that have made it a problem. You can not condemn complaints of racism while still practicing racism.

That would effectively promote its silent furtherance preserving your image’s fallacy instead of correcting it. You then, by default, would not be condemning racism but the exposure and discontinuation of it.

If knowing racial atrocities and injustices might damage your children, what effect of having been subjected have on our children? If not knowing would make your children love themselves, the Flag, and America; what does knowing make our children feel or love, certainly not discrimination?

If your children are not taught the evil of racism, how can they know it is evil or not perpetuate it. Is it not your obligation to not lead them astray with evil but away from evil? If expecting Blacks to demonstrate love for symbols of oppression, does your behavior demonstrate condemnation of oppression and racism or disregard?

How does the doer of wrong not be attributed the shame of that wrong? Repentance and remorse belong to the wrongdoer. Restitution and anger belong to those who have been wronged. Is not the criminal justice system built on punishing the doer of crime and not the victim of such crimes? Your redress to ignore is subjective to your benefit.

What is not good for the goose can not be good for the gander. So how does the wronged become vilified for acts committed against them becoming known? It only makes sense if the wrongdoer wants to continue the wrong. Should you continue preserving your image and injustices at our expense? How can we allow it?

It will not just magically go away. That is where the shame lies for your children and you to continue it on your watch. Your children know what is shown and taught them. Changing both would solve both of our racial problems moving forward. The past always instructs the future if lessons learned are applied wisely.

Otherwise, it is just a sprint, a senseless race to the finish line of implosion. Now, how is that for a critical race theory or the theory of a critical race?

Thurston K Atlas

Creating A Buzz

Pharaoh’s Temple

Red Sea Catastrophe

Time passes seemingly at varying speeds, with good times lasting not long enough and bad times that seem like they will never end, but the stagnant times might be the worst. Though time passes forwardly, ticking away methodically, no matter how much time has passed, it always seems to repeat itself.

Times lessons are often ignored and suffered again when time has expired on something and change is unavoidable. The powers that rule fight to maintain their favor or return to a time that has passed. Time is an illusion, and the past has proven to be a ghost.

Many years ago, and so many civilizations have crumbled since then, stood a mighty empire in what is commonly termed ancient Egypt ruled by Pharaohs. One Pharaoh seemed eerily to have reach forward with a lesson in time that is currently repeating itself before our oblivious eyes in a cautionary tale of ruin.

Pharaohs were worshipped as deities above humanity possessing pure bloodlines or a divinity to be revered and exercise rule over the common subjects, being God on earth. Ordinary peasants were just along for the ride, submissive to their ruler to facilitate the rulers’ glory and commands. Decisions were made from the top concerning the transfer of power and the behavior of the masses, similarly to this ex-President towards the public.

Very little room was at the top for giving orders but plenty of space at the bottom to receive orders. Pharaohs were gods on earth destined and ordained to use the people for their own glorification, often despite the ever-increasing toll on their servants. This Pharaoh’s ego and deification were the only considerations.

Egypt had an established structure and recognized hierarchy with the Pharaoh, his bloodline, his chosen elite, army, laborers or merchants, subjects, slaves, or disenfranchised was the pecking order. Everyone and everything served at the Pharaoh’s discretion. Freedom was an abstract reality that, in practice and practicality, did not exist beyond what was sanctioned by the Pharaoh.

The Ten Commandments, a traditional Easter favorite, told of Moses’ journey and a people he was destined to lead to the promised land against the mighty Pharaoh Ramses II. Worship and loyalty to the Pharaoh were demanded under harsh penalty or death. The ruling method was with an iron fist, even if it was sometimes inserted in a velvet glove.

Ramses II is translated to mean “born of Ra or son of God” and worshiped as such, a god himself. In ancient Egypt, Ra was believed to be the “sun god” creator of all that existed, much like the God of today. Ramses II representing his heritage and Ra’s hand, his God, guiding him, opposing Moses.

The two opposing parties competing for the same undisputed title for their God. The battle for supremacy of their Gods’ power over the others’ God was what played out in the movie. Despite several warnings from Moses to Ramses II and displays that his God was to be taken seriously, Ramses II stood on his spot and dismissed all deterrents as fake magic, including a deadly plague. Reminds you of a foolish President, proclamations of fake news, and the Covid-19 virus of modern times.

After several, I can show you better than I can tell you moments, Ramses II knuckled under to Moses’ demand to let his people go. Once Moses headed out with his people Ramses II decided he couldn’t leave it at that, so he gathered his chariots in pursuit. His ego and entitlement bolstered by his thirst and belief in his own power emboldened by his cronies enraged him to strike out where he had relented before.

So, he vigorously pursued Moses and his people until cornering his pain and humiliation against the Red Sea. While no military man would be caught with no escape route having his back against a sea of water, Moses, as it turned out, had a final trap to prove the power of his God.

By the power invested in him by his God, Moses parted the Red Sea leading his people on faith to safety. This is where it gets interesting because a normal person would have seen this parting of a massive sea as something beyond their pay grade. I can understand Ramses II commitment because he was blinded by his ego and propaganda to maintain power at all cost.

Ramses II nor Ra had demonstrated such an impressive feat as this (like in the one Batman movie where the Joker says, “where does he get all these wonderful toys”). Nevertheless, Ramses II gave that dreadful order for his chariots to pursue through the parted sea. At the same time, he majestically poses safely on top of his chariot upon a rock watching, the equivalent of retreating to the White House while they stormed the Capitol.

Okay, how can the power of one man’s ego send an army of gullible followers on a delusional rampage to placate him and most certainly to their own demise, basically to drown in his ambition? Maybe blind obedience to an oppressive symbol ingrained in their DNA overruled any logic or morality suppressing their instincts for survival? His actions and their obedience to them essentially led the kingdom to collapse and ruin.

Favored servants pledging allegiance and resigned to their fate in the face of being confronted with extraordinary circumstances of death were needed. No power to resist being ordered to your detriment to satisfy a sycophant leading to a Red sea calamity.

It seems like it would have occurred to them that this doesn’t seem like a good idea, realizing that destruction would eventually be cast upon them. A coward dies a thousand death but a fool many more. Fear of righteous reprisal should be more critical than any foolish allegiance to a man that swallows his own credibility and dignity while sacrificing yours.

As we continue with our cautionary journey, we find Moses and his people at rest near the mountain’s base, having escaped Pharaoh. Finally, Moses takes a stroll of enlightenment when met by a burning bush followed by the BIG GUY himself for further direction of the people and their order for prosperity in accepting the new land.

Now wouldn’t you know it while Moses was aging and taking care of business on high, you had some nonsense brewing at the base. Some easily persuaded, and some who were never convinced just masquerading were now being led astray by their desires. It is always one primary agitator, Dathan, played by the legendary Edward G, reputedly questioning sarcastically, “where is your Moses now?” to get the party started right. A Mitch McConnell or Lyndsey Graham-type rebel rousing.

The crowd is whipped into a frenzy; in comes the golden calf to really turn it up. Now it is on and cooking, the crowd is hyped, but some stayed true to the game. Some remained faithfully loyal without supervision, but in the end, all were judged to suffer the same fate by association.

Once Moses descended and was greeted by his greatest disappointment, he knew they had blown it and had earned a judgment upon them all. They wandered around in the wilderness deprived of the promise that could have been, that should have been, but could never be by their member’s own device and corrupted spirit.

This should be a tale about being so close to having it all and blowing it by self-destructive behavior preventing your deliverance to the promised land, but that would be too easy, would it not? Maybe the tale that has revisited us is the lesson of how unchallenged lies and questionable deeds committed by great egos awry invites self-humiliation and divisiveness, if unrestricted, will lead to mass destruction.

The dastardly deeds, irrational obsessions, and excessive efforts executed to maintain power is the very thing that leads your ego to the errors that deprive you of the power you were seeking to preserve. Maybe the more damaging penalty was for Pharaoh, who lost everything by his arrogance. Moses, whose people were delayed suffered the delay. Eventually, after those with the old way of thinking had perished, they were gifted what was promised.

It’s funny how the few, along with their supporting cast of enablers, have always controlled the many. The choices are often binary, either this or that, good or evil, Ramses II or Moses, Democrats or Republicans, Red or Blue, you get the point. Either way, the choices are made for us mainly on a traditional basis leaving us with a selection among those choices giving us the delusion of choice when it was in essence chosen for us.

Reward and atonement are always balanced to compel us in a desired position or decision based on a subjective optimism managed and manipulated by Pharaoh. This resonates throughout time and history, even to this very day. In needy time the equivalent of a crumb of bread or a morsel of grain to sustain yourself can either be granted or denied by Pharaoh.

Meanwhile, you build Pharaoh luxurious chambers, kingdoms, legacies, and monuments of wealth and ego. They call it stimulus or unemployment benefits today granted or rescinded by their determination of what is best for you that secures their best interest, not relieve your suffering.

The factory known as workers who toil in the mud and straw is unknown and irrelevant in these astounding building accomplishments for the glory of Pharaoh, which seems like the one percent trickle-up economics sort of, doesn’t it? Flow from the bottom up on the backs of the little people, much like under Ramses II, whose thirst for power and wealth by any means necessary would risk self-destruction to destroy the Kingdom and lose everything to hold onto power.

Regarding the former Presidency, the old adage, if I can’t have you America, nobody can seem to apply. Just like in the Ten Commandments, the question can be asked, are you a master builder or a master butcher by ideology who doesn’t realize that blood makes poor mortar and blind ambition knows no father? Remember, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Pharaoh back together again, meaning Moses may be desperately needed now to lead the people out of political, psychological, and economic bondage.

This may not come as some surprise but, Cleopatra, whom it is said had a face that could launch a thousand battleships, and Hatshepsut, who dressed like a man, was the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. They had prosperous reigns then and could probably at least be Vice-Pharaohs today in the 2020 election. We can only hope that Moses can once again lead us to the promised land despite Pharaoh’s objections.

Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz

Lack of knowledge

The price of not knowing.

I wholeheartedly believe that the greatest gift someone can give you is knowledge. The more quality and comprehensive the knowledge, the more valuable to be utilized, pursued, or possessed. Knowledge is the game-changer that launches better opportunities in life and the expectation that some specific comprehensions and reasonings are valued to accomplish more in life using that knowledge.

First, let us examine the primary stated definition and purpose for education to better frame what we have been conditionally exposed to with the currently accepted educational system and criteria of academic standards. What is the substance, and what determines the ideology or method of educational delivery but not knowledge? How do we determine what is really taught along with how and why?

According to Wikipedia definition, education facilitates learning or acquiring knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Horace Mann, the former Massachusetts Secretary of Education, is primarily regarded as the father of education in the United States. He initiated a system of professional teachers to teach an organized curriculum of basic content.

A basic level of literacy and inculcation of common public ideas and beliefs deemed standard was the goal. In other words, to develop the mind with a specific intent to meet the standards set forth and standardization of conformity. Education originally was for boys, along with bible study to tame their spirits.

Etymology is the study of words as they have changed over time with a primary focus on their roots or origin as they were derived from words that conveyed their true initial meaning. For example, the etymology of education is “Educare,” which can be translated to bring up or raise as well as in animals it refers to training them.

The etymology of inculcation can further be broken down but essentially means to “force upon, insist, stamp in, impress, tread down, trample on, tread on, or heel.” Inculcation is achieved by using persistent and repeated information to implant, instill, or even admonish or punish if needed. This enforces any ideas, theories, or behavior for indoctrination for acceptance of it.

To further this intent, homework was initially given as a punishment to break resistance to enhance adherence and not enhance learning. Next, to assist in assessing or “grading” to measure your predictability to assimilate to norms and meet expected standards.

Consider the source words and stated intent compared to the stated definition of brainwash which is defined as to make someone adopt radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible pressure. It is the human mind being altered or controlled by specific psychological techniques. Let us not forget that corporal punishment in the form of paddling or swats was encouraged for compliance as well.

The use of developmental psychology at the earliest ages increases the efficiency and acceptance of this intent and influence. It would be fair to say that this initiation takes place at the earliest age for maximum impact and efficiency, for example, preschool and kindergarten. This method of educational conditioning is passed down from generation to generation, influencing the surrendered blank slate (the child) for inscription according to the prevailing thoughts and conditions at the time chosen to be tolerated and conformed to.

It becomes traditionally accepted control and training to bend someone’s independence to a desired group’s agenda, determination, and many times personal opinions which are being imposed. Hence, a good percentage of a youth’s time is spent not under the direct line of supervision or teachings of their parents but being entrusted to a societal design that appoints a surrogate who is directly or indirectly forming a child’s reality and capabilities under the trust that you invested in the surrogate, the teacher.

This trust is then by virtue transferred to the child and reinforced by siblings, peers, status, and society. To further that educational goal, social norms as cultural learnings are taught through structural socialization and allegiances. An ideology of a perceived consensus that is not self-determined but assigned primarily through opportunities presented or opportunities denied.

The reasoning and judgment associated with this thought pattern create a root default behavior creating the assigned programed perspective of achievement or limitations. Well, maybe your limitations are greatly influenced outside yourself and predetermined by these outer influences by design. Accordingly, the thought must be put on the table for consideration and probability.

You become what you hear repeatedly and sometimes the loudest from the earliest ages while you are highly impressionable before thoughts really form. That is why it is better to place it there instead of removing thoughts initially embedded. Instead of replacing it with theirs, just putting theirs there first is the objective.

Education began as a social experiment and, on some not so coincidental levels, the belief that education is meant to be a regimen. The age of initiation gets younger as time passes and starts from daycare, preschool, and kindergarten. Nevertheless, the focused processes implant the expectations of an established social standard by specific conformity.

Excelling at achieving distinguished personal absorption of that social standard is the calibration within the educational and social structure on which achievement and personal accumulation are based. Standardized testing was not designed to include but to discourage and exclude in theory and practice. Training or conditioning people for continuity of compliance enforcing the core acceptance in their mind.

That creates conditioning tradition seemingly forever adhered to and defended instead of serious re-examination, adaptation, or overhaul periodically. Standardizing establishes the standard that restricts you from consideration or participation for the less knowledgeable and most disadvantaged. This assures the efficiency of the social structure and the manual or menial task labor force supply and demand.

The swindle of opportunities missed is unknown, but if standardized testing is the tide that raises all boats, then certainly the criteria and historical accuracy of educational teachings should yield the benefits that reflect this. But, unfortunately, the academic teachings often contradict historical accuracy at worst and are suspect at best.

The focus on these inaccuracies is a distraction from the much-needed practical exposure to the knowledge needed for post-schooling preparedness. Acquisition of this knowledge should not be secondary. Instead, the criteria should reflect preparedness for decisions regarding things that are generally learned later in life after making some of the mistakes of not knowing.

Teach the tools that sustain you in life, such as investments, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, etc., to reflect their importance in life more closely. For example, suppose you have 12 years of seven or eight hours a day, eight months a year. In that case, the time available and resources devoted should reflect a more knowledgeable labor force according to the claims of what the educational system represents itself to be.

So, you see, knowledge apparently is not the priority but conformity to even undesirable standards and enough “educational” training to create a functional labor force but not a knowledgeable labor force. Hence, the poverty of opportunity is assured with your consent to lack of knowledge but “educational” breeding. Schooling plants the seeds to become a producer or a consumer, a laborer or a manager always cognizant that it takes more laborers than managers.

The resolution to diminishing returns lies in the overall structure, content, and criteria analyzed and modernized. An educational pause and shift have occurred where the unheard of has happened. Now would be an opportune time to weigh the balances of sticking with the current education system after evaluating the observations of its effectiveness and results.

The harsh reality is there for all to see by how the lowest-paid worker just so happens to be the most essential, especially at this heightened time of danger. Powerless against decisions made that affect you and put you in jeopardy of being penalized for any resistance. Underemployment and economic exploitation is the whip that drives this mule, as evidenced by some politicians deciding to remove unemployment payments to force you back into the system. They remain on the public draw while determining that you must return to being exploited for their special interest enrichment.

The current situation exposes many societal acceptances that cannot be hidden behind the commonly accepted purposes and intent given, extending to collegiate education and college athletics. Thus, those needed for labor are conditioned to offer no resistance, are often knowledge deficient, and without influence, power, or support.

Often rewarded by some conditional incentive or dependency-filled void is what the educational system is structured to produce to promote societal perspectives that invite exploitation and automatic compliance.

Knowledge and education are not interchangeable and are with entirely different meanings and implications. Knowledge expands your known possibilities and wisdom, while education measures your level of absorption and compliance. The freedom of choice and randomness of fate is many times an illusion when the options and opportunities that have already been chosen for you to select from are made available. The choices are limited and controlled while usually being survival-driven.

So now we can rethink our educational system based on real purpose aware of the deceptions or step right up, next in line. Expecting a different outcome may be unrealistic unless we maximize our knowledge to increase our ability to recognize, create, or benefit from the opportunity.

Opportunity depends on awareness, awareness is based on knowledge, and accumulated knowledge is wisdom. Basically, you pay for what you don’t know and find yourself at the mercy of predators, and that is the price of not knowing. Many things may attempt to stop you, but do not let the lack of knowledge of not learning to be one of them.

Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz

Elephant restrained by a peg

 Unparalleled Strength.

The elephant is majestic and revered across many lands, cultures, and over time. The elephant is the largest land mammal globally, with species that grow up to 13,000 pounds in weight. It symbolizes wisdom, loyalty, reliability, power, and good luck with an incredible memory and observable traits and behavior that contradicts its colossal size and raw strength.

The elephant knows no bounds in the wild, but it is taught limitations that ensure its control and ignorance of self in captivity. It is controlled by the only means capable, itself, by being subjected to psychological conditioning to ensure its own psychological bondage. That is why a small cord or twine can tether a fully grown 13,000-pound elephant to a small peg knocked only inches into the ground.

It is imprisoned not by physical force but by confinement of its mind. It is manipulated into complicity by limiting the processes of the mind that would enable it to recognize and use its great strength against the bondage of a feeble restraint. It is conditioned to remain restricted and accept a power other than itself, believing it is hopelessly outside its grasp to attempt resistance.

The initiation is started much like kindergarten, where this must be embedded before a level of confident resistance can be exhibited; it must be extinguished early. The elephant must be trained at an early age to accept tethering calmly. This is done by tying one front leg to a peg and then the opposite diagonal rear leg to a different peg, thereby restraining the “baby beast.

This technique alone cannot restrain a baby elephant, so the deterrent or restraint must be stronger than the elephant’s young strength at that time to reinforce that there is no escape or resistance against the force that binds it against its will. Chains will do just fine for this. It will continuously and repeatedly test the chains imposed upon it until it learns that its size and strength are futile against the constraints that hold it physically.

No matter how hard or how long its effort to resist is, it becomes useless. Once its determination is broken, and the elephant “realizes” this uselessness, it gives up any further or future attempts believing that it is powerless against that which controls it for its entire life. The physical chains then become the psychological chains that bind the beast even into adulthood.

Confinement of the mind once achieved will be self-imposed in most instances, with only minimal reminders needed. The elephant’s determination is then replaced by calm compliance. It becomes no longer necessary for strong restraints that surpass the elephant’s young strength or its two legs to be restrained because now it is adequately conditioned. Sounds familiar?

The limitations of the mind work on all animals (even human animals too) when once conditioned and with the supporting reminders as constant behavioral reinforcement to maintain a reality that is believed by most to really be your actual limitations. It is a clever and sinister trick long used before Pavlov Theory.

Using the opposite of Pavlov, a penalty can be avoided by compliance. The absence of stimulus to elicit a response instead of anticipating a reward. The old go along to get along or else is still in full effect.

Even with elephants, peer pressure is used as a continuous reminder of how to behave, like crabs in a barrel to keep you confined with them. However, older conditioned elephants demonstrate their compliance instilling a level of acceptance that soothes the young elephants into accepting that’s just how it is, no questions about it.

The use of that which is most impressionable to someone is a highly effective tool of implementing behavior and beliefs because it comes from a trusted and relied upon source. So once the “baby beast” becomes fully grown and the chains and diagonal leg restraints are no match for their tremendous strength, they are still chained psychologically to their old circumstances.

The old circumstances were when much younger their resistance was useless had in reality long ago changed, but their mind had not changed, making it indeed their current reality with no longer a good reason why. Their size and strength had long ago multiplied to overcome their constraints, but their desire and mentality remained confined conditioned by a small rope and a faulty belief.

The young elephant knew no different but was taught this with no examples or allowances to suggest otherwise. Captivity of a generational herd mentality naïve of self and the unquestioned acceptance that clings to a vastly different fate from the reality of its true power and destiny. This is the taming of spirit and dousing of determination where no right to do so existed. Justified by the need and ability to do so but to no benefit to the elephant, only its exploitation.

Let’s change the subject name from elephants to people, human beings, not races. The name changes, but the game stays the same if you choose to stare at the truth and not flinch. Maybe you have been made into the very thing you despise the most by being trusting and naïve. Unaware of the reality thrust upon you that is not at all what you believe it to be, much like the elephant.

What peg restrains and controls your mind? Regrettably, you got it the same way the elephant did, unknowingly and without an understanding of your strength or how. As the elephant grew, it still held onto outdated beliefs embedded early on when it could have easily freed itself from captivity. If only it realized that it had the power not only to resist its restraints but to overpower it and choose its fate.

The will is what sustains you when the road gets tough but only when you prevent it from being compromised and allow it to expand untethered by the limitations of others regulating influences. Those who poorly regulate themselves would seek to regulate others by their word but not by their deed, indicating if you are clever, what is good for the goose may not be so good for the gander.

By what right is this recognized as being above your sovereignty, only for the comfort and amusement of another? Consider another’s gain you contribute to without fair compensation? Is it a reflection of your true importance to their elevation and accumulation? This power is not negotiated but given away and, in many cases, squandered or, much worst, not recognized or exercised.

Absent of lies and deceptions, power over oneself is the only authority a person has that does not involve consent and cooperation. If you want to lead, then be an example and possess that which others would be willing to follow that does not demand a subordination of them to your will against their good.

Time brings about a change one way or another, so everything must change and will change constantly, but the idea for change is the catalyst. We see as the captive elephant’s circumstances changed over time, he remained stagnant. As time passes, we should evolve to not invade others’ personal boundaries and human rights to conform to foreign beliefs that are not of their choosing or benefit. Persuasion is the proper tool, not suppression. Mutual benefit, not exploitation.

The techniques used to control the masses are driven down in your mind like a peg tethered by faulty socialization, now using more advanced processes than physical abuse. This may be shocking, but it is just not the “undesirables” of color that are the victims.

Like piranhas, the elite feeding frenzy has turned on their very own as if cannibals to ensure their elite survival. The middle class is eaten along with the lower class regardless of color. Fear, scarcity, and divisiveness are frequently employed to generate the ignorance of crash dummies to camouflage how you, too, have been programmed with lies and social engineering. They then conceal their influence and have you turn on each other in a futile attempt chasing your tails while they prosper.

Like Pavlov’s theory, when the bell rings, you salivate on cue without substance, having been socially conditioned but never realizing the basis for your slobbering. Petty distractions abound, motivations fabricated, and conditioning regulated by design to keep us preoccupied against each other instead of the pegs that bind us.

The elite has always tipped the scales for themselves since antiquity. Advancing the lies and flat-out misrepresentation of facts and history in America about America. It has created a narrative to bolster the image and perception of the accomplishments of a colonial populist Anglo-Saxon protestant society. It has concealed the degenerate deeds and wealth heist greater than the war criminals of ill repute held in the highest contempt.

This cannot persist as an elitist entitled privilege in this day and age where knowledge cannot be hidden so easily. For example, the likes of a homicidal genocidal Christopher Columbus are widely celebrated with a holiday.

Likewise, a scientific fraud and racist such as Charles Darwin is not exposed for his detrimental impact on society, honoring his absurd debunked biases of sexism and eugenics. These are two of many things that tether the masses to traditional nonsense.

This is not to expose matters of racism that are obviously practiced today due to this nonsense but the tethering of minds on both sides of the equation, whether beneficial or detrimental to your existence.

This goes on around the world where an endless number of people and circumstances can be substituted or exposed for the propaganda of nonsense presented to tether, condition, and control their people against the people’s greater good while exploiting this brand of social engineering for their own gain.

The general public or we the people have always been subject to exploitation going back to the beginning of time. Now worldwide, the realization and the awakening of oppressed people everywhere are challenging the status quo. Power only exists when recognized as such, but fear and cajolery can only control the masses for so long.

I almost forgot, the tethered elephant routinely breaks its binds when suddenly aroused by fear or agitation despite its psychological conditioning displaying the power to uproot large trees or remove obstructions.

Fear evoking action and resistance. A child has the strength to rip one piece of paper, but enough paper bound together even a strong man cannot tear apart. The strength of unity is a strength not to be disputed or squandered.

Limitations are, on average, learned and reinforced behaviors systematically imposed for the good of a hierarchy. Mental control is the most effective manner of control when it is voluntary. You think and feel it is your choice or, even worst, that you have no choice. You always have a choice but are you willing to pay the price for that choice. The conditioning kicks in as fear of reprisal instead of the satisfaction of a reward, contrary to Pavlov.

This was engineered in you to feel better about yourself if you can hold someone else down beneath you. So, instead of restricting someone, release yourself from this mindset of tethering whether it is others or yourself. Square yourself away first from the social programming that you believe to be a reality, and that will make at least one less purveyor of ignorance in the world based on these deceptions.

Supersede your constraints and promote honesty, knowledge, and compassion to strive for the vastness of your possibilities while recognizing and enhancing the radius of your understanding. Escaping the psychological bondage, we the people individually and collectively untethered expanding beyond limitations and conflict. That is why there is a need for tethering deceptions and division as a peg to control our minds. The size and strength of the elephant are unparalleled but the mind of a person is without bounds. Free your mind from the voluntary bondage that confines and restricts it as only you can.

Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz