Darling Nicky

                                Thurston’s Thoughts

Bless your Itty Bitty little Heart

Darling Nicky

If only you knew but how can you not know? How can you say the things you say? If you truly believe it, you are dangerously naïve or dangerously ignorant. That is the euphemistic part. If not, you are pathologically delusional or euphemistically put pathologically “mistaken”. That is the atrocious part. This is the core reason why this country is so divided. It is because there are those, including yourself, who refuse to acknowledge not only what we all know to be true but cannot be denied. To state otherwise is un-American and blasphemous of the Founding Fathers who many owned slaves. Their public representations and demonstrations clearly and eloquently stated their intentions or at least the 3/5ths of them.

Moreover, they privately for the most part demonstrated it to a greater degree. There can be no ambiguity about their position on what we now term as racism which they termed as normal. They termed it as God’s work and will. They termed it as an economic and entrepreneurial initiative. Hell, they “branded” it as the American Way and legalized it by judicial decree. So, we can forgive your parents lack of acumen about American history being recent immigrants and not yet naturalized at the time of your birth or conception. We might even be able to forgive you do to your “birther” or “little brown girl” status except for your worldly travels and lofty achievements.

I bet you even have “colored friends” who will vouch for you as their vaudeville testament of your transparently pretentious political character. I am sure your parents taught you not to bring shame to their door step by your actions away from “home”, so PLEASE don’t discredit them by dragging them Saddam Hussein style in front of you as human shields. I am also sure you have done much to make them proud as naturalized American citizens, but this is not among them. Is it? I hope not.

My not so darling Nicky, you would undoubtedly be nicked up pretty bad by the staunchest racist, South Carolina KKK, and Founding Father slave owners. Even they don’t deny what is in your heart and mind which you cannot bring yourself to not only admit but stipulate to as existing then or now. America has a “Dark History” but maybe not a “Bright Future” if you and your elk continue to think it is pre-1865 longing for the good ole days. In the good ole days they had different ways of “making you feel welcome” and accustomed to the “ideas” of America.

However, if there is a positive side to your ‘little brown girl minority person of color” experience it is that you won’t have to prove it by a “tree party” for all to attend. If you thought this **** would get you elected, it could certainly be the reason you may not. It is too cowardly, too racist, and too ignorant. That in and of itself is unifying everyone and is not in dispute of your moral unfitness. If for no other reason than you lag far behind in that poll too, plus that position is already taken. It is treasonous to your upbringing to claim to be a victim of racism  while you “equally” claim it not to exist.

My not so darling Nicky here is two history lessons for you. The first is the Founding Father’s public and private papers contradicting or extending beyond the “knowledge” of your ignorance. The second is sometimes it is best to admit I ****ed up or just shut the **** up before you alert everyone who do not know by now that you are unfit to govern yourself, let alone a legion of racist. Apparently, you are at least qualified to pander the very thing you poorly claim to be against which is hate and divisiveness. It may be packaged a little better but still smells like “shut your mouth”, so I won’t say it. But somehow, hopefully,  you get the smell, I mean point.

As an overwhelming case and point, you are exactly what happens when you ban books and forbid historical knowledge especially because you are young enough where it wasn’t forbidden to read by threat of lynching. As big momma them euphemistically use to say when you were developmentally undeveloped “bless your little heart” or in your case bless your itty bitty little heart and mind or where they should be. Maybe you should get that checked out. However, it may just be too late!

Thurston K atlas

Creating a Buzz


Emotional Embezzlement

  Thurston’s Thoughts

More Than a Feeling

Emotional Embezzlement

The term emotional embezzlement indicates feelings have been stolen. However, think of it in terms of emotional speculation which has been betrayed, swindled, or unwisely invested. Any restitution can only be punishment for unrealized future returns while ignoring the memories of past gains. The memories are forever ours but does the projected void devalue our emotional investment or benefit? Is this misappropriation a betrayal of stipulated or projected expectations because the decision to divest was not ours? The instance after the hurt has no ability to change the past, only question our perception of it.

In the vacuum of time, once violated it is forever lost to that capsule of time. The best that can thereafter be restored occupies a different time, space, or emotional state even if in the same period which is an expansion of separation. This larceny is judged by the degree and manner of execution whether the smash and grab or smooth criminal method was employed. Still, the actual loss remains the same, an emotional deficiency. We like to pretend otherwise especially as the perpetrators of the larceny because it somehow makes us feel better in a narcissistic sort of way.

Yet still, who among us has not felt the bitter sting of emotional larceny or hasn’t committed it? The victimization is always defined by the reluctance to accept the realization. Physically nothing is damaged but the psychological devastation can be unbearable to a physically sickening degree. This makes it a fraudulent act against our psychological wellbeing thereby being a damage of thought, feelings, or perspective. Others may trigger it but we surrender it. So we chase someone down the street to resist or recover our victimization eliciting the outrage of everyone who has ever felt the same bitter sting.

Everyone condemns the emotional double cross while we overlook the duality of the triple cross whereby we tricked ourselves or were even tricking them. The emotional triple cross started long before the cake of emotional immaturity or denial hit the floor or the guilty verdict is read. Regardless, a comprehensive emotional audit is mandatory to conduct a systems analysis and ego evaluation of our contribution.

Not because of them but despite ourselves. What about disappointment is so devastating that even revenge will not satisfy the brokenness of a Humpty Dumpty fragility to not express or accept the truth either spoken or demonstrated. The negation of any good or beneficial interaction is replaced by a spectrum hurt which indignation to revenge will not sooth. Inability to accept the truth makes it easier for the truth to be withheld or ignored.

Be careful not to cheat our expectations in the process of protecting someone else’s. That is the issue to be resolved, the balancing of subjective expectations. So is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? Is it better to wallow in oblivious bliss than the fairytale spell to have been broken? Therefore, reality is a cold shower only if you prefer to not shower in reality.

Could it be there are times when what someone does may be a result of what we are doing or refuse to do? Actions may speak loudly even if the words don’t or intended resignations are yet to be rendered.What if what we receive is what we are not doing which negates our complaint of what they are doing? It this a significant influence whereby one would be more accommodating if one were more accommodated.

So, if circumstances don’t allow for the truth why would they allow for a lie? If the lie is unbecoming the truth must be welcomed whether telling it or receiving it. So tell it and receive it. The inability of either is not an emotional embezzlement. It is an emotional bankruptcy of an insolvent understanding where the villain or superhero may be hard to distinguish. Lying is a bad choice but so is refusing the truth whether to yourself or someone else. Invest wisely because it is all speculation.

 Thurston K Atlas

Creating a Buzz

Club No Way

  Thurston’s Thoughts

More Important Issue

Club No Way

By now within a matter of days how could anyone escape the tidal wave of comedy and tragedy engulfing the minds and conversations of over 28 million certified views and counting. A social media bandwagon has sprouted from it. One comic detonated on a social media channel about individuals within an industry from his perch of observation, contempt, and principle. Solacious to say the least as far as the multitude of voyeuristic appetites tickled. Not to judge as true, false, or indifferent but to ponder the phenomenon of what curiosity was activated and how to harness that spark of engagement.

Whether he is viewed as fearless or reckless, the reach and breath cannot be denied or minimized. It is astonishing or as they say viral. My curiosity is not what was accomplished or the mass impact surviving the initial shockwave. Was it just entertainment or a mad comedic scientist who has mastered his craft and was in his bag casting his spell? Genius teeters on madness or is it so close it is hard to tell the difference. Maybe there is no difference except for the outcome. However, if he wanted to give them something to talk about, he most certainly did.

There may be some from the pulpit of profit who rejoice that he came along just in time to deflect from their deflection of the more substantive matters which for the life of Jesus we dare not give the same contemplations. It is no longer strange or sad what garners our attention or energy. Are our circumstances so dire or us so feeble to be consumed by constantly consuming ourselves? I understand his gripe with them but what is ours? I even understand the holy hypocrisy of those we elevate who betray that elevation but when will we learn? They are only human with their own faults and challenges as self-confessed.

So, are we betrayed by them or by our expectations placed outside ourselves? What I would not like to understand is when the smoke clears, who are we attacking so thoroughly and viciously when we don’t have a horse in the race or their violation is only of our expectations. Is it karmic or cosmic injustice or just bad timing? Perhaps it is unpoetic diversions along the path to prophetic realizations of self-deceptions. In other words, self-hypnosis in a waywardly untherapeutic escape of condemnation vicariously surmising what we would do in situations we would unlikely find ourselves.

More pointedly if we did find ourselves, perhaps as a solution we should put ourselves in positions to affect change from these positions. They say those who know don’t say and those who say don’t know. I also submit only those who know can say while those who don’t can only speculate or postulate. Oh how we do enjoy a good talking up under somebody’s clothes or pulling skeletons out of their closet.

It’s cool if it leads to good, if not, not. Not to play the race card, but count the targeted casualties. It was personal to him and he spoke his truth. If it was business to them and their soul or conscious, what was it to us? Me, I have a different concern, more pressing. If only we could galvanize 28 million people’s focus over a couple of days regarding challenges that inversely affect the millions and not the few such as poverty, homelessness, or violence. Maybe we could call it Club No Way.

Thurston K Atlas

Creating a Buzz

One BRICS at a Time

  Thurston’s Thoughts

Dangerous Exchange

One BRICS at a Time

With all this talk about building a wall across the southern border there is a massive wall being built one BRICS at a time. This wall has invisible barriers with observable ramifications. America and its allies of ideology who have long enjoyed prime seats at the helm of the power are experiencing an uncustomary re-seating arrangement. Downgraded from 1st class pass coach and into the cargo area as baggage. The baggage of history is not the problem. The arrogant baggage of political grey poupon has been spread too thin for too long. The palette of geo-political and economic alliances have sandwiched together signaling a menu change.

While America disintegrates from internal political and social conflict, the global community has found a cooperative and conciliatory formula to isolate, depreciate, and decimate America by fiscal devastation. America’s anemic foresight has fattened and hastened BRICS’ influence among the once considered doormats of colonialism and oppression. Globally, BRICS is increasingly comprised of victims and non-participants in colonialism. One need not guess what careless whispers and long memories unite them.

America’s glory days of four touchdowns in peewee league was a long time ago and so was its world dominance. Neither is what America is realistically capable of currently doing. If America cannot unite its population how can it dominate the worlds? The ideology of domination has ran its course whether domestic or foreign and who so ever does not adjust will be consumed by it. Political, racial, and economic supremacy is now the toothpaste out of the tube. With democracy at risk, the destabilization of capitalism via the U.S. dollar default currency status poses a real “terrorist” threat to our national standard of living.

The western hemisphere is being made offers they cannot refuse while America dictates terms we no longer have the clout to enforce. Can America expect loyalty from nations it has rebuked? If BRICS give the same level of credibility to the Monroe Doctrine which eastern Europe has given to NATO in violating treaties, it would be a problem. If BRICS solved America’s immigration problem and in turn required military bases at America’s door, how could America protest or resist? The thirst quenched entices more than the one refused.

Likewise, tentative allies of the Divided States of America will not survive without conceding to the pressures of self-preservation and geo-political treason when faced with similar options. There is not much time or many options at this juncture. As the beast of BRICS swells, so does its capabilities to impact imports and exports vital to American society. It increasingly in effect will become an economic embargo sanctioned by a conglomeration of target to vast and scattered to defend against. Who will come to America’s aid, Canada, Britain, France, Israel, or Ukraine? Several of these countries are dependent on America and others too small to hold the fort.

The answer maybe to build some bridges instead of a wall. A wall is already being built around America. Conversely, maybe it is actually being torn down around us. Half full or half empty, same difference. Just in case, it might not be a bad idea to learn a second or third language or acclimate to a demoted international seating arrangement. Is it better to have part of something or all of nothing? If we don’t make up our mind, it will be made up for us one BRICS at a time.

Thurston K Atlas

Creating a Buzz 

Africa’s Incarcerated Liberation

Sub Heading 4

Generate custom solutions with the possibility to create synergy. Amplify outside the box thinking yet be on brand.

Link 4

Sub Heading 5

Demonstrating sprints in order to innovate. Build innovation to innovate. Drive outside the box thinking and try to think outside the box.

Link 5

Sub Heading 6

Leverage cloud computing but funnel users. Repurposing stakeholder management yet think outside the box. Grow core competencies with a goal to re-target key demographics.

Link 6

Sub Heading 7

Generate custom solutions with the possibility to create synergy. Amplify outside the box thinking yet be on brand.

Link 7

Sub Heading 8

Demonstrating sprints in order to innovate. Build innovation to innovate. Drive outside the box thinking and try to think outside the box.

Link 8

Sub Heading 9

Leverage cloud computing but funnel users. Repurposing stakeholder management yet think outside the box. Grow core competencies with a goal to re-target key demographics.

Link 9

  Thurston’s Thoughts

Economic Captivity

Africa’s Incarcerated Liberation

Africa’s Incarcerated Liberation is provisional freedom under imposed conditions of autocratic approval. The context of current African events, post-transatlantic slave history, and historical geopolitical atrocities of ideologies long ago presumed abolished still flourishes. Attempts to hide its presence and purpose only expose the ideology’s modus operandi aligned with its prime objective.

So, any glare of scrutiny reveals the deformity of imposed arrangements that accomplish the same result but by far more insidiously disguised methods. The circumference of a circle is the radius of all it encompasses. An ideology’s radius is not full circle because, as various methods may have run their course, the philosophy rotates around its axis tethered to its origin.

Therefore, the ideology has only completed a cycle along its radius. The contemporary cosmetic makeover of exploitation and oppression are inheritances of racism. The liberation from imperialism, colonialism, and captivity is once again substituted with delusions of inclusion, blatant exploitation, and indiscriminate subjugation.

The names and locations remain the same while the method and degree of severity are metered to the level of tolerance, vulnerability, or coercively incentivized leverage. The political and economic arm-twisting extortion is an autonomy and resource shakedown of rippling proportions and stagnation.

Many may suspect this is a reference to their location and circumstances. However true that may be, this is a reference to where, for many of us, the larceny all began in Sub-Saharan Africa. Yet, there is no need to regurgitate centuries of slavery’s atrocities. History is often viewed as the past and negligently absent of the radius of current events.

So, let’s focus on global diplomacy, specifically between 1884 and 1960, dictating the current events. This modern enslavement ideology incognito manifesto is either captivity by economic dependency or suffocation by debilitating sanctions. It is not a ghost or a vile resurrection but, despite denials, a sinister sequel for all to see.

The historical colonialist ideology and ominous expression are evident in the many intrusions currently occurring in Africa. These violations are globally and intentionally omitted and reduced by political propaganda, instigated instability, and guided distractions.

Still, nonetheless, briefly suspending the subjectivity of our reality to assess recent rumblings in Africa objectively reveals the supremacy ideology’s naked encroachment. It is a political, economic, and sociological macrocosm of the historical microcosmic racist replication in practice.

These are global incursions from decisions made not so long ago significantly contributing to global and regional conflicts and abuses of today. These incursions are not ancient history or geriatric grievances but modern-day dilemmas and devastation vindicated by antiquated reasonings. The despicable resumes, characters, and motivations of these social architects and their intent are generally unquestioned but not always known.

The current supposedly diplomatic process reflects the lack of diplomacy in its original purpose. This diplomacy of extortion and extraction has endured time and alteration. The current arrangement generates and sustains insatiable foreign interest, stifling African countries and the whole continent. Obviously, fairness is not considered good diplomacy.

Africa’s stipend from the benefits and development of their resources and wealth accumulation are geo-politically regulated as a domino effect of chattel slavery in practice and ideology adjusted for modern times. So, moving swiftly through history, the foundational premise for current consideration is the present geopolitical disorder in Africa.

The current cycle of historical revelations in Africa is inherited from atrocities committed primarily in the 1900s and well within the range of two generations. The precursor was established in about 1883, including Otto Von Bismarck of Prussia and Germany, “the butcher of the Congo” King Leopold II of Belgium, and The Berlin Conference.

They are the ignition for both world wars, the formation of NATO and the UN, Apartheid, and the current model of economic mugging of the Sub-Saharan African continent. It is characterized by developmental strangulation, pilfering fiscal policies, and embezzlement of political sovereignty. This mugging causes and regulates the stagnation of African progress, infrastructure, and self-determination.

This imperialist coalition and mentality of racist geopolitical directives are internationally and openly tolerated. So, by the strict definitions and mechanisms of superiority psychosis, crimes against humanity, and economic asphyxiation, we can properly establish the lingering geopolitical impact creating the present economic and sociological conditions in Africa and beyond.

Conditions of instability and intentional manipulation orchestrate the question to fit the answer. Instability is the smokescreen offering few options. But does the instability cause the need, or is it created to justify it? Ask yourself, whose objectives are realized? The imbalance reveals the answer as an exploitive business and social blueprint.

These flagrant violations are blatantly displayed strutting across the global stage. These fundamental global observations of current world events mirror many of history’s rogue ideologies. The principles of liberation are only remotely reflected in contemporary political and fiscal dealings with countries in Africa. Examine the practice and principle for the method and mandate.

A brief overview of the policies causing the destabilization of the Sahel region can only be by predisposed social and fiscal design. The coincidental subsidies siphoned reveal a shameful narrative of malicious oppression and subversion. This sabotage cultivates a fertile cycle of social hardship, resource depletion, and wealth heist.

What is the accumulated wealth depletion? Under the promises and cloak of democracy, international assistance, regional development, and security support, the price is no longer worth it. Often, the ulterior motives of exploitation are concealed by smiling faces, glad hands, and righteous postures. The economic three-card monte game slithers as a vicious predator amidst a vulnerable reliance of little resort.

Subsequently, history repeats itself as expectations have again proven to be a fleeting friend and dependency a fatal flaw. The geopolitical coalitions formulated then are still definitively shaping the global landscape. So, let’s explore recent history and present implications to analyze the objectives, methods, and consequences critically.

The vast and tangled web of this foundational diagram is the Berlin Conference or Congo Conference in 1884. It established territorial boundaries, regulated the orderly post-colonialization of Africa, and expulsion of fiscal and political autonomy. This is, by all accounts, allegedly post-chattel slavery.

Otto Von Bismarck, who was the seminal inspiration for Adolf Hitler, assembled the conference. Hitler aspired to return Germany to the greatness it possessed under Bismarck and in rebuke to the crippling Treaty of Versailles. Bismarck believed in blood and iron diplomacy as coercive persuasion for German unification and expansion by conquest, as later did Hitler.

Hitler’s racist inclinations and hatred were significantly honed by the twisted Aryan sentiments of Sir William Jones, Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, and Johann Gottlieb Fichte under Bismarck’s shadow. A direct ideological lineage can be connected from them to Germany’s role in both world wars. Bismarck’s temperature was conquered by all means, similar to the Doctrine of Discovery and several Papal Bull decrees of the Church.

The following century plus of global racism and predatory arrangements were influenced accordingly, especially in the southern hemisphere. European imperialism and Aryan proclivities and immoralities of global parasitic psychosis were disguised and deployed once again. History obscures the significance of Bismarck’s ravage on Africa by bolstering his value to Germany and Europe fostered by a cooperative effort to divvy up and occupy Africa.

The Berlin Conference (1884-1885) hosted by Bismarck at the request of Portugal was mostly to referee trade routes and territorial rights of European intruders pursuing imperialistic conquest in Africa. Next, enter Leopold II, who was appointed ruler of this region, ushering in a revitalized level of brutality and exploitation, including genocide, mutilation, and abduction to compel slave labor.

Leopold killed over ten million Africans as well as the dismemberment of children. Remember, this is not over four hundred years ago but a little over one hundred years ago in the early 1900’s. Ironically, a change in geopolitical appetite ended Leopold’s reign of terror in Africa.

The next period in Europe witnessed a scavenging instability the conference sought to rectify. During the 1910s, the feeding frenzy of ambition and consolidation led to WWI (1914-1918). The conclusion of WWI resulted in Germany being liable and gutted by penalty and debt.

This debilitating condition created the perfect political storm for the rise of the Third Reich, ultimately leading to WWII (1939-1945) and the 1938 Time Magazine Man of the Year’s campaign of anarchy. Diplomatically, the combustive period of the 1910s to 1960 experienced global unrest and unabated conquest.

The incidents of sanctioned consolidation blossomed with the Treaty of Versailles (1919), the Monroe Doctrine (1923), the United Nations (1945), Apartheid (1948), NATO (1949), and many more alliances to consolidate global dominance and control by asserting their dogmatic ideology. It is regulated by power, greed, and imperialistic arrogance. 

The lingering ideologies span the preceding beliefs and prevailing interpretations, postulations, and fabrications of Jones, de Gobineau, and Fichte’s entitlements of imperialistic excuses and misconceptions. Consequently, a post-WWII reality exposing the freedom and democracy protecting hooligans reveals the continuation of the same ideology supplanted by a revised explanation.

The global application is directed primarily at former colonies of colonialism, territories of conquest, and long-suffering lands of predatory exploitation despite their so-called liberation. Even after independence, the global colonizers continued to maintain authority and undue influence, similar to Jim Crow.

The ideology is the enslaver, while the act is the blunt instrument of submission such as force, debt, under-development, geopolitics, and many others to subvert liberation. Liberation is mainly granted to a degree of fading adherence or Africa’s inability to wiggle out from under manufactured obstructions and challenges. Liberation has proven elusive and transactional, although dated for reference.

Mali (1960 France), Niger (1960 France), South Africa (1994 Nationalist Party, 1961 Britain), Libya (1951 Britain) Chad (1961 France), Burkina Faso (1960 France), Ghana (1957 Britain), Guinea (1958 France, 1973 Portugal), Senegal (1960 France), Nigeria (1960 Britain), Namibia (1990 South African Apartheid), and Botswana (1966 Britain).

Unfortunately, there are many more countries in Africa and globally whose presumed liberation is reasonably recent or ignored. Furthermore, this formula is applied unilaterally against those not protected by the coalition of power and privilege.

The trajectory of favor produces drastically different narratives. Therefore, some countries’ liberation and sovereignty are embraced while others are summarily dismissed according to the whims of power. But often and coincidentally, by a spectrum of melanin and lineage.

Without the blessings of power, liberation is granted but conditionally recognized. Therefore, the spin cycle of covert oppression is overtly perpetuated, and violations are disregarded not according to statute but to status. Still, many of Africa’s “liberations” between the fifties and the nineties reveal many such arbitrary emancipations.

That is only twenty-nine to seventy-two years ago. Although relatively modern, it’s been plenty of time for liberation to take hold. So, a current analysis substantiates that the de facto bondages, abuses, and exploitations are deliberately continued. Many African countries are currently members of ECOWAS under French patronage.

This voluntary arrangement is enforced by multi-national troops and NATO as international police serving as the foreign interest protecting muscle. The crux of the problem betrays a voluntary arrangement because why is military force threatened if a sovereign liberated nation wants to withdraw?

Are disrupting food, restricting airspace, isolating by embargo, and imposing electricity sanctions a diplomatic response? A humanitarian response? A Geneva Convention response? Likewise, where is the international outrage? Why does French interest supersede Niger’s best interest in Niger?

Apparently, the swindling of African resources is far more welcomed in France than the African. Why do America and others unflinchingly support France in this mugging of Africa? But, heaven forbid a foreign government would interfere with American or French sovereignty. 

Yet, by comparison, European countries and others are conversely supported with billions in aid and weapons. Their sovereignty and liberty are almost unilaterally supported. So, the global defenders of justice, democracy, and liberation must deem these African countries’ autonomy or arrangements differently from Europeans.

The aid, unconditional support, enabling of abuses, selective enforcement of rights, and wavering fairness overwhelmingly indicate a distinct pattern. Many African nations’ plights are interchangeable, while France’s pattern and reputation is as a devoted offender by plunder, oppression, and history.

The specifics are unconscionable but obviously not inconceivable. France is grandfathered into power as a courtesy of their history and geopolitical maneuverings more than their current military prowess. They are a permanent member of the UN Security Council for this reason. 

They are core obstructionist to sanctions unfavorable to their aligned axis of abuses. As a result, France enjoys certain immunities as a curtsey to a global political façade strung out dependent on resources extracted from Africa. Africa literally keeps the lights on in France and contributes significantly to France’s wealth and prestige.

Therefore, France’s stature is mostly a bloated facade of nostalgic political romanticism and self-aggrandizing hypocrisy. As a pseudo-former slave trader craving Africa’s resources more than the chattel of old in an evolving world where African natural resources are so vital to many, France is unscrupulous.

So-called diplomacy and manipulated desperation are the briefcases for being triple-crossed into coerced seductions and reluctant solicitations as the preferred negotiating manner. But, the lurking method is brute force if disruption threatens foreign ulterior motives.

In particular, France, as a former colonizer, becomes the ECOWAS country’s current overseer, straw-bossing these African estate’s prosperity. The problem has become the improbable solution, except the improbable solution has always been the problem. The international hooligans and their transgressions must be judged by today’s standards when their incriminations are now being committed.

These are by fact, history, and current occurrences executed under autocratic rules and an exploitive ideology dressed a little better and more refined. A staunch unity of humanity, race, religion, decency, and consciousness must reject these exploitations and abuses conducted in any name, nationalism, anger, religion, or ignorance.

What is done to the least of us in the name of most of us takes no courage, just an advantage of power and a depraved mentality. But, dare we expand ourselves from our peepholes and illuminate the undeniable shackles of oppression still panoramically hobbling Africa and others? It is an insult to everyone’s humanity and integrity except for those whose self-identifying sadistic palette requires atrocities.

In which case, Bon Appetit, because atrocities abound. By our resolute and vehement condemnation, all must denounce any appetite for subjugation under any banner claiming any level of fairness, justice, integrity, or humanity. Should not inhumanity be inhumanity despite who commits it? 

Many African Nation’s recent declarations of sovereignty are, in reality, liberation from an ideology whose captivity, abuses, and destruction has spanned hundreds of years. So, despite mainstream national and international media disinterest in African geopolitics and exploitation, we must summon the courage to look, listen, investigate, and analyze the facts.

We must express outrage and categorically condemn these breaches of fundamental sovereignty and humanity. They are destined to invite more direct and collateral damage than actual benefit if not stopped. Consider it far less courage than the courage needed to struggle for economic survival, defend political sovereignty, or declare humanity under multi-national threat.

By what legitimate means does the divine right of life absent oppression not extend to all? Genocide by sanctions, pseudo-diplomacy, or briefcase is no different than by brutality except the method but not the consequence or culpability.

So, like many others, the African must continue to summon the nobility of spirit and identity, which is the foundation of courage. The courage to not self-sabotage, submit to adversity, or enticing hallucinations of empty promises of progress. To take courage in hand and chest to stand resolute in unity and not to repeat the actions of tribalism and feuding that led to our ancestral division and enslavement.

Africa must protect Africa as primarily a solidarity of common purpose, not a separation by differences. Standing unified with your neighbors, although you may have internal disputes to be settled amongst yourself. Africans must not rise up against Africans, period, especially for France. 

The legendary Nigerian must stand with its legacy of pride intact, remembering that last time, it didn’t stop until it was everyone. ECOWAS is what you do if you choose to, but AFRICAN is WHO you are. Be extremely careful of the tool of enslavement using you against you while the puppet master pulls the strings. European commanders used Africans to commit atrocities against other Africans for the misguided benefit of the conquerors.

History only repeats itself where it was not learned the previous time. Now ECOWAS is poised to sanction and threaten an attack on other Africans for the insult of France? After all, has France not committed an insult against Africa? Whose insult is greater, liberation or exploitation?

America recently has experienced a series of labor disputes and strikes to force negotiations for better labor conditions. Is this not also a labor dispute to demand negotiations according to profit and contributions? Why would war, military force, or starvation be the counteroffer to a legitimate labor concern?

If a laborer cannot withdraw their time, exertions, or resources for inadequate compensation, are they liberated? Undoubtedly, the democratic world can applaud and support such an inalienable right and rebellion against tyranny inspired by America’s revolution from British oppression centuries ago.

Seemingly, the African/French arrangement is past its cycle, and the rubber must finally hit the road. It is time for African liberation to display the essence and substance of principle and prosperity with the same terms, conditions, and respect as everyone else. Our actions must negotiate our appraisal and our compromise, not obstruct our autonomy.

Unity of purpose is awakened in Alkebulan to end it where it began. France and the bandits that incite Africa’s oppression and instability must encounter Africa’s unified self-reliance and resistance. Presented as a boulder to broker the best probabilities by collective bargaining of resources. The usual cycle of redistribution by war disguised as a fathom threat, political necessity, or humanitarian purpose of last resort must be avoided.

War reallocates wealth, wealth encourages deprivation, deprivation breeds poverty, poverty attracts subjugation, and subjugation erects justification, which triggers mutual resentment. This cycle causes a reset to protect fiscal, political, and ideological advantages, leading to conflict and resistance opposing change to maintain control and promote stagnation.

These spin cycles of socio-economic agendas transcend national accountability and bootstrapping it to the top. Their imposition generates pretexts by historical controls of coalitions and manipulations. The problem can’t become the answer, while the answer becomes the question, allowing liability and obligation to switch polarities.

The bait and switch follows a prescribed pattern of deceit. When the hidden sponsor of chaos is the savior from that chaos, it insulates the sponsor to prolong the chaos. The deception is a savior’s hologram easily manipulated.

Notwithstanding the previous “liberations,” the ECOWAS is the Economic Community of West African States with fifteen members. It is an economic trade council fostering self-sufficiency through member cooperation, which some members also threaten war and destruction on other members seeking autonomy from France.

The ECOWAS states official languages are French, English, and Portuguese. It is ironic how language reveals past conquests and lingering influences or, more precisely, ideological exposures. African economic stability and development rest on eliminating these influences fiscally and ideologically. 

The African must collectively regulate legacy resources such as gold as other nations do oil, as a true coalition of interests intertwined for African development and prosperity. Any great reward at a future time requires current sacrifice. However, curving time to future prosperity must be geared towards a future time of anticipation and innovation. 

Uranium, Lithium, Cobalt, and other resources are essential for the projected future. But they are also the currency and social exchange for immediate self-sufficiency and development. Unity aligned with strategic coalitions to accelerate facilitating development can be leveraged simply by AFRICA’S protection of its resources.

That is now what the marauders seek. The key is figuring out how to keep from being slapped down in the reinvestment of African capital concentrated comprehensively to produce the industry and infrastructure by tactical economic and political calculation.

The invigoration of African progress is society motivation, investment stimulation, and prosperity accumulation. The difference is these African contributions cost less sacrifice than the arrangement with France, which benefits very few Africans. Besides, any African reinvestment venture swells the African pot for African harvest.

France’s current portfolio, resume, and policy regarding the ECOWAS nations in the year 2023 demonstrate strains of colonialist treachery. What does France provide for what it receives? The gold, uranium, and other resources alone are not enough. France also requires the use of French currency, the French central bank, a military presence, their language, culture, educational indoctrination, and defacing of self-identity.

To strip people of their identity is to assign one to them. Economically suppressing a people by deprivation, scarcity, or regulation of necessities solidifies the population’s dependency. The nation’s dependency is achieved by debt and underdevelopment concealed as hope. Therefore, the misconception of assistance is the trap of dependency multiplied by fifteen countries and an entire region.

There has been some progress and benefit, but the arrangement now has been rejected. The routine plight of the ECOWAS nations striving to grasp the prize always held just out of reach along with the fruits of their wealth generation is over. Some ECOWAS nations are among the poorest nations in the world. This poverty exists despite the richness of natural resources, which repeatedly and disproportionately do not benefit them.

By the way, the United States has a military base in Niger and an unconditional full diplomatic support for France. With France, the United States, and others present in Niger for years now, why has terrorist not been neutralized? If terrorists are causing the instability, would increasing the stability depend on decreasing the terrorists? So, the continuing instability justifies the foreign presence.

Likewise, by extenuation, are the terrorists serving a purpose? Without them, another reason for occupation must be contrived. Nevertheless, the web still spirals. The cloak of global domination and power has proven to be too irresistible and problematic a garment to shed. So it continues. Consequently, the chaos of conquest continues unabated but not undetectable.

Evidently, other major global players of dysfunctional concealments, such as the IMF, World Bank, United Nations, and NATO, provide cover, proving justice must truly be blind. Accomplices are the World Courts of Human Rights, economic councils, international courts, and many others by selective outrage, hollow authority, or cowardly apathy. 

Apparently, by observation, their mission statements are selectively applied, willfully ignored, or, worst, illicitly complicit. Authority absolved cannot overlook, facilitate, concede, or commit the very violations they were created to adjudicate, oppose, penalize, or eliminate, even if they don’t enforce them.

They are not part of the solution but protectors of the problem, which now includes them. These co-collaborators weld fiscal, governmental, judicial, or humanitarian malfeasance to administer buddy passes, winks, and nods of acquiescence. These co-collaborators ignore violations or facilitate abuses as guardians shielding the violators and their interests.

IMF’s purpose is monetary stabilization of currencies, growth, and prosperity. Still, it fosters debt and allows policies contrary to its purpose. The World Bank fights poverty through development and capital investment but is plagued by favoritism and curious transactions.

The UN has disappointed miserably in its purpose of international peace and security by forsaking human rights and humanitarian compassion while seemingly oblivious to economic, ethnic, and sovereign violations. International law and fairness are decimated by the collusion of powerful security council nations and some others’ partiality preventing unilateral accountability, sanctions, or actions of remedy by a singular vote of obstruction.

Too often, NATO is the antithesis of crisis management by fostering instability, crisis, and exploitation. Their force is the puppet master’s shield and sword protecting fraudulent interests based on illegitimate geopolitical agendas. Many other international organizations are paper tigers with hollow authority or little fortitude, but must their voice or outrage also be hollow?

The answer is apparently very hollow and discretionary, depending on who the offender or victim may be. This moral corruption discredits and sabotages the integrity of the process and intent by selective enforcement and colonial alliances of imperialistic mentalities. France, Britain, and the United States have stirred the pot of oppression for centuries. 

Not to isolate them from other foreign marauders like Portugal, Spain, Germany, and Belgium by misdeeds but only by current power to orchestrate massive instability, predatory obstructions, and authoritarian directives. ECOWAS nations yield fifty percent of their gold to France’s central bank for the privilege of being exploited by the mandatory use of the French Franc.

Now imagine all these international organizations being unaware of France’s bevy of violations. What can be the only logical answer? Even the clear-cut declarations of the Geneva Convention violations are ignored without a whimper of international outrage. I wonder if the loophole is only if war is declared or not.

To further the discrepancy, a different response and reasoning is applied for the same circumstances committed by a different group. For example, Niger’s coup was against its leader. Still, France swole up offended by a liberated country they have no legitimate proxy over. Yet, rebuking France’s colonialist residue is considered an assault on France.

War is inhumane, but exploitation and inhumanity are a declaration of or an invitation to war, which eventually results in conflict and resistance as the only options. However, a staunch back with courage intact can be the only answer if it is the only solution. The imperialistic exploitation of supremacy ideologies of the early twentieth century cycles out as its grip of global ignorance wanes.

So, consider the impact on France’s fiscal stability, the Olympic Games in France in 2024, the denouncing of colonialist proclivities of greed and exploitation, or the default futility of a piranha-like feeding frenzy of aggression defending the indefensible. France must decide since they left Africa no other choice, but now France’s choices are limited to African decisions.

This is an economic and moral dilemma for France and their dependency on exploiting resources and a fifty percent gold tariff on the ECOWAS. It is time to renegotiate the terms, diplomatically, of course. Ultimately, French etiquette must prevail unconditionally, yielding to African political sovereignty, fiscal resuscitation, and wealth retention.

Otherwise, the emerging projection is a global conflict and regional instability to maintain a century-old imperialistic Bismarck ideology of a world structure and perspective that no longer can exist or should exist. The time has certainly come to weigh the consequences. Time is not in a bottle of old but urgently upon us. Now, the answer to this has become the question.

In whose name can France be defended? Not even Bismarck’s name. Please make no mistake about it, Africa’s incarcerated liberation continues the racist colonialist ideology rooted not only in history but right before our eyes. It is crystal clear for those who would only take a glancing look.

 Are these the kind of policies or actions, regardless of the ethnicity of the victim, we can condone to protect the economic exploitation of a sizable portion of a continent and humanity? This geopolitical slavery is not from long ago or unknown, so all that remains is liberation in practice and observance. 

Liberation is not transactional as a reflection of fiscal, political, or cultural surrender but a declaration of humanity. History will bear witness to us as it has stood against those before us. We must recognize the unilateral sovereignty and humanity of others to ensure ours. The passion is in the persuasion and not the perspective.

It undoubtedly should not be punishment for daring to better African nations with African resources. Everyone else not oppressed is allowed, and now so will Africa, not by permission but by declaration. Today, a clash of history, ethnicity, religion, or ideology must not devolve into a default response of destruction or display of power but cooperation and compromise of persuasion.

The world is trembling from the addiction to inhumanity and exploitation that must address the compulsions of ignorant ideologies promoting inhumane directives. Otherwise, resentment, rebuke, and rebellion are inevitable. Any apprentice of power must know, eventually, that the dignity of rebellion swells the courage to rise up, transcending fear and control.

The courage to resist instead of cowering in the safety of servitude and exploitation is intrinsic when pushed to the brink. We should all be afraid of what or who we will become if we are indifferent to the plight of others either by our hand, on our behalf, or in our view. But equally important, who are they made to become by us? Life and dignity of life must be mutually maintained.

The world is quick and definitive to stand with others. Perhaps it is time for the radius of concern to encompass the African. If not, don’t cry about who does or when ties are severed. That cycle is over. A new cycle has begun. Now, who dares stand with Africa and Justice against atrocities of geopolitical extortion? I do, do you?




Playing your game baby

Tilted Playing Field

In the course of consensual indulgences for mutual benefit, sometimes the balance between expectations and consideration requires a renegotiation by duress if not otherwise forthcoming. For example, suppose you provide a service, and there is an insufficient acknowledgment of the value of that service. In that case, your contribution is dismissed as incidental or unnecessary to the successes or is interchangeable. The “commodity” is the foundation of a product or service.

However, devoid of the benefit of unobstructed advancement on merit, it resonates as capricious gratitude being allowed to partake in the process, not the benefit. This dampens ambition by despair due to lack of opportunity. By evaluating contributions, ambition rises above participation, breaching the levee of limitations for more meaningful recognition and reward for contributing to others’ achievements.

Imagine the “commodity” is human labor and specialized talents or skills honed and proven to be the foundation of the product or service provided, which otherwise could not be offered with the same quality. So the “commodity” and the capital are codependent, with the capital possessing the majority of the power, decision making, and designations. With the missing ingredient being capital or seed money to sustain the liquidity of the operation’s existence, talent is dependent. It is a consensual understanding for a mutual benefit until the arrangement has progressed beyond the original terms or either becomes no longer necessary.

The original terms being firmly at the discretion of the capital providers refusing to mitigate the conditions leaves two options. Express dissatisfaction while bemoaning for change and patiently waiting for redress or removing yourself and your contribution from the scenario. Patiently bemoaning at least provides participation while disassociation invites replacement.

To better understand the options, if the “commodity” is disrupted and irreplaceable, the capital would be more amenable to the changes to preserve their interest and investment. But, on the other hand, if disassociation of talent is tendered, a viable option would have to be available. Perhaps made available by your ingenuity having everything except the capital, but what if you had a succession plan, the resolve, and the capital. Then what?

The enterprising spirit undertaken to create the situation you decided to separate from is the calculated risk needed. It is the same spirit that can propel your ambitions forward. Why can’t you do for yourself what you were doing for someone else? Uncertainty? Of what? Like Heavy D and the Boys rapped, “We got our own thang.” Get up and do your thang.

You can witness a movement, be part of a movement, start a movement, or be the movement. The movement is to increase the residual benefits of actions already undertaken by doing them somewhere else or leveraging the prospect of doing so elsewhere. So, quit pump faking when you can take your shot. Deliver unto yourself what you request in vain and wait indefinitely to be provided. The inducement has been profoundly provoked and repeatedly aggravated. To remain is a choice.

This applies to any situation you may find yourself confronted with, but I have something specific in mind. Everything is irrational when first proposed if the possibility is foreign or uncomfortable, but not to the fearless visionary and cold calculator. Sports are a melding of many facets of life and bonding. It also generates billions of dollars on the collegiate and pro levels, not to mention merchandise and gambling implications.

According to the US Department of Education, there are 107 HBCU’s operating in the United States. Those with D1 athletic programs in football and basketball can upset collegiate athletics by a swing in the “commodity” they attract. For example, the flamboyant visionary mind of Coach Prime with the brazen audacity to think we can compete with the big boys first by recruitment and then by performance has proven the premise.

With the advent of NIL’s and the transfer portals, the landscape of HBCUs resources, valuations, and academic outreach can multiply with two changes. The ability to accommodate the expansion and attract the “commodity.” The “commodity” or student-athletes have an opportunity to affect social justice simply by where they choose to play sports.

If enough talent commits, national recognition and championships will follow the talent. What Black talent provides to most of the largest universities in the country, some with racist and slavery participating histories, they can provide to the institutions created as a refuge combating Black people exclusion from education.   

Furthermore, an accurate portrayal of history would undoubtedly be encouraged and transparency less problematic, not to mention the cultural affirmation. The insidious and exploitive undertones enjoyed by non-HBCUs can be converted to create a legacy of athletics, academics, and resources. Essentially, an irrepressible movement. Black Lives Matter should mean that Black Talent Matters and where that talent is displayed. NIL especially makes this lucrative for individual athletes and HBCUs. 

The resources, sponsorships, amenities, media coverage, merchandise, fame, and more will be flooded upon the athletes of current pioneers like Coach Prime, Rampaging Eddie George, and others who establish this transformative opportunity. The legendary Coach Eddie Robinson comes to mind, among others, as a keeper of the aspiration until the circumstance were ripe as they are now. Time has taken its place and this space and time are unprecedented. However, if some would not support or respect the freedom of choice now prevalent in collegiate sports, we could fill that void by creating solutions to satisfy our needs. 

The rallying cry would certainly be answered by former pros, HOF players, volunteers, business leaders, businesses, academics, and celebrities to pridefully coach and mentor HBCU talent. The response and support can revitalize the surrounding businesses, community, and campuses with the talent concentrated. Entertainment and concerts could be incorporated to generate additional revenue sharing and venue fees. Fundraisers similar to Farm Aid, Telethons, and We are the World can be organized to benefit HBCUs directly. Consider if a musician made a smash fire song and donated the proceeds to HBCUs or if many artists did the same. What about a tour?

There is no limit to the possibilities of concerts, Versus type events such as sponsored by Tim and Beatz, or live streaming prospects. The fashion and culture statement popularizing HBCU gear would leave no doubt about what culture we promote. Make HBCU apparel as popular as Timberland boots or other designer items so coveted and supported by Blacks. The elevation of aspirations requires that we make the fashion instead of just wearing it, becoming producers instead of just consumers. The impact would be directed towards achieving the goal we so willingly protest for but are unwilling to support using our economic muscle. 

The resulting entrepreneurial initiative and investment would ensure a vibrant microcosm of prosperity similar to Black Wallstreet, providing allowances for student subsidies, facility improvements, and overall Black condition. I propose making Juneteenth a fundraising event for HBCUs, giving the date meaning and producing practical gains instead of the current masquerade.

Celebrating Juneteenth by stimulating the economy for all and purchasing t-shirts adds zero meaning or purpose to this hollow holiday. Why not gather resources instead of spending them? Why not embrace a resolution to harvest measurable progress towards real Black freedom? The masses of ordinary people possess the power when moving in unison as a concentrated initiative. 

Supporting HBCUs would expand academic growth, producing more representation in politics, medicine, business, and investments. If the programs are not offered, create them. If they exist, improve them to rival the best offered anywhere. Internships would supplement the educational value with practical guidance and experience.

Talent is the innovation and equalizer when appropriately focused. Self-awareness is knowing where the self ends and being aware of circumstances beyond yourself having an impact on a grand scale. It is not about you but the future of us. Talent and how it is utilized tilts the playing field like nothing else. Look at Nike. The representation of talent is what they really sell. 

Talent can create ownership and distribution percentages shared across the HBCU spectrum to schools other than the D1 participants to dominate the other divisions or benefit from the D1 capital successes. So why is inclusion in someone else’s prosperity more important at the exclusion of your own because they have finally accepted your talent or revenue for their benefit?

To build the social justice sought, protesting in the streets has its limitations. Protest in the pockets, balance sheets, fiscal projections, and boardrooms provides quantitative incentives and deterrents. In addition, HBCUs would be open to whoever chose to enroll there, fully embracing all contributions as valuable to its success.

Those who benefited can tithe a percentage of their prosperity. The investment generating returns, loosely structured, similar to a student loan or donation, would secure the opportunity for those who follow. The Fab Five shook college basketball to its core. Phi Slama Jama 82 to 84 and Georgetown Hoyas from 84 to 91 frightened the NCAA basketball world.

Consider Larry Bird went to Indiana State and singlehandedly put them on the map and himself on the cover of Sports Illustrated. Nothing before or since, just the power of one player. The point is they will find you. Imagine the possibilities at an HBCU with the top talents of today consolidated. We can make Black History and establish legacies at this pivotal moment of change. Think like a boss and become the movement that shapes the future with generational reverberations. 

Likewise, pro football is especially vulnerable. Are you ready for some NFL football, the conversation that is? Let’s talk about creating an Equity Football League, a league where fairness is the standard, not the comparison. Fairness is a standard, while equality is a comparison.

A standard is easier to assess and apply being static, while a comparison is fluid by nature and subject to the changing criteria of evaluation. Impartiality should be oblivious to considerations deprived of fairness and exclude incidental irrelevancies. The Brian Flores lawsuit has pulled back the curtain on what many persons associated with the NFL already knew to be true, ownership bias exists.


To further extend the conversation to the pros, there seems to be an ongoing devaluation of Black’s contribution beyond the “commodity” phase proven by lack of head coaching, management, and ownership representation. The new league ownership could be constituted as a Corp, LLC, Social Club Membership, a service contract and exotic Reit, or hybrid player/public owned with revenue sharing.

Maybe owned and distributed through blockchain or subscription. Games can be played at HBCU stadiums with HBCU bands as paid entertainment or other celebrity entertainment. The players acquired from the college pipeline and free agent NFL players. Coaching and management from the excluded ranks of the NFL and college. 

It is nearly impossible to envision Black ownership in the NFL, likewise a fair percentage of Black management and head coaches where nary an eyebrow is raised either way. However, we don’t have another fifty or sixty years to wait. The Black quarterback has largely silenced the conversation of qualification and opportunity, but ownership still eludes Blacks.

It was once taboo to even imagine a Black quarterback, but now it is common. The Black NFL players and coaches directly contribute to the head coach’s success, only not to be rewarded for their contribution to that success with head coaching opportunities. Compensated but not represented in terms of a fair opportunity at the pinnacle. The compensation is not proportionate with the revenue generated because ownership is forbidden.

Suppose a Black owner was initiated in the NFL. Perhaps the top talent’s gravitation would prefer them as a destination even at a discount but assured by the talent accumulated to dominate the Superbowl and create a dynasty. Not only would it disrupt the league, owner’s valuations, and the gambling industry, it would force the NFL adaptation to remain competitive.

Being refused ownership, the alternative would be to start your own league, draining them of the talent pool they take for granted. With the entertainment value depleted, the revenue would soon follow with waning interest. Then, at the absolute best, a prosperous alternative league would emerge or a merger expanding the NFL to include the Black ownership and players.

With seventy percent of the NFL players of color, what would the NFL value be to compete with a league that gained a sizable percentage of that talent? The NFL would have to pay extreme premiums to retain the talent, further enriching the athletes depleting their monopoly, needing the “commodity” to survive financially, and increasing the number of professional players to fill the void. The goal is to create fairness, ownership participation, and redistribution of wealth, not segregation. 

There is precedent for Blacks creating their own equity and entities to rival any others using leverage and intelligence. Reginald F. Lewis was as respected as any American businessman of the highest degree.  His ownership and entrepreneurial initiative were demonstrated and achieved during a more tumultuous and discriminatory time than now becoming one of the richest Black men in modern America during the 1980s. He was the first Black American to build a billion-dollar company, TLC Beatrice International Holdings Inc. 

Furthermore, there are sports examples where alternative Black enterprises and individuals leveraged talent, intelligence, and dignity to retort exclusion. The Negro League produced teams comparable and superior to MLB and an influx of talent, including Jackie Robinson. The Harlem Globetrotters is another example, including the likes of Wilt Chamberlain. The Living Legend Jim Brown rebuked ownership in his prime to dispel any misconception they controlled his dignity.

We can assemble those with the capital to circumvent the NFL ownership structure by collective endeavor and creative financing. The diversity of this effort would ensure its success. Suppose Black billionaires such as Robert Johnson of BET fame, Robert F. Smith of the investment world, media giants Byron Allen and Oprah Winfrey, Shawn Carter and Beyonce, Rihanna, and Tyler Perry invested capital and knowledge.

Furthermore, if Magic Johnson, Daymond John, Serena Williams, and an endless rollcall of billionaires and millionaires not conflicted by race contributed capital. All recognizing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity bringing a degree of accomplishment, venture capital, public money, and expertise to the table. They represent a diversity of industries able to mobilize their influence and forte in addition to capital. 

Be advised that the burden is not theirs but ours. Black leadership does not relieve us of our responsibility as a grassroots movement complementing them. We cannot rely on others, despite their color, to deliver us without our exertion as a base of engaged solidarity. There is strength in numbers, especially when resolute in objective. This is our duty to be unyielding and unified.

No contribution is too small. The sixties protest was successful for one reason, solidarity of spirit and purpose. We must be willing to risk confrontation of interest to achieve an objective. Fairness is a form of respect and likewise is assured by earning it or taking it. Anything given stands to be taken away by the giver. Thus, the creation of formidable industries demands respect and discourages opposition.    

Any creation of industries as outlets for talent and opportunities fairly distributed rejecting status quo biases provides economic empowerment and social redress. The fourteen plus percent of the Black population is significant enough to send a shiver through the economic landscape.

Utilizing our 1.6 trillion purchasing power no longer scattered promotes social justice and fairness using the language of money. Merchandising, supply chains, cable, and television rights through Black venders would diversify the benefit to Black prosperity and education. So, enter the fray with dollars in hand and resolve on display.

Once done, the challenge to their product, revenue stream, tax base, and lease obligations would humble their restrictions allowing fairness by necessity with their capital no longer needed. But unfortunately, the ongoing impulse to endure unfavorable conditions negates the possibilities of new horizons for those who are visionary and bold.

If they are so fond of a tilted playing field, then accommodate them with a tilted field but in our favor this time. I am sure there will be no hard feelings in a free market society of the fittest. The winds of change are blowing strongly. We should not resist but set our sails with the wind.

Their arrogant taunt and empty promises are if you don’t like it, what can you do about it but complain? That is where they made a colossal miscalculation if our courage to create an alternative league surpasses the frustration of exclusion from their club’s hierarchy. A King rose out of an unlikely challenge when David slew the giant Goliath. The mighty can be brought to heel with a well-placed blow.

The NFL has a very shortsighted vision of their business model or an overwhelming concession to prejudice and exclusion, dismissing the value of fairness to the “commodity.” There are many Goliaths to be slain. Track and field is another area of concentration that HBCUs could benefit from significantly. The rise of or rather suppression of women’s sports by lack of funding is also a social and economic opportunity for women to capitalize while also elevating their craft. 

The spirit of education, ownership, and self-determination manifested the HBCU to counter the exclusion from educational pursuits with no choices before that weren’t rampant with discrimination. By our ancestor’s power and tenacity, HBCUs were founded in the mid-1800s, with the first being Cheyney University of Pennsylvania in 1837.

Knowing the Black struggle, sufferings, and sacrifices to produce the higher learning institutions of the HBCU makes them our original Alma Mater. Therefore, HBCUs are our Alma Mater by vision, if not by attendance. 

We have always been welcome at our own thang, our HBCUs when no other would accept us. Remember that when it is time to pledge your services. Talent consolidation leads to comprehensive self-determination by revenue generation. Given the Black athletic talent and revenue generated, why do HBCUs struggle for sustainability or resources if not forsaken by the very people it was created to empower. The shameful allegiance to and exploitation by these other institutions of Black talent robs HBCUs.

If you want to protest something, protest that, by choosing who cultivated your future before you knew you had one. That is a practical step toward social justice, education, and economic viability using supply, demand, and exclusivity. It is not racial. It is business. It is not segregation. It is self-determination. It is our new business model for redistributing the wealth earned from our labor and talent. Same for the entertainment and music industries.

If the business model resembles what has been historically used against us, I can assure you that it is coincidental and sanctioned by comparison. Otherwise, they should not practice it. So consider it playing their game, their rules, but to our benefit this time. In addition, a tax-deductible donation would direct resources to HBCUs from taxes you would pay otherwise to the IRS.

There is no need to beg for fairness when you can provide yourself justice. Give your product or service the value you have provided theirs, and it will attract resources and customers, especially if marketed correctly, providing residual value to the patrons in addition to yourself. They pay to see the “commodity,” not the owners.

If you build it, they will come but more importantly, make sure you come because we already have our own thang and the talent to stock it. We are not commodities to be traded on the open market or paraded at a combine for white owners to choose from, like a slave auction to enrich themselves by our labor. Support our thang.

Start at the roots, HBCU. Let’s support Black ownership, wealth creation, and HBCUs with Black talent and resources. Talent is our leverage and venture capital to use wisely. Remember, there is no need to beg. But, there is a need to do. Now, what team are you playing for, the beggars or the doers?

Thurston K. Atlas 

Creating A Buzz  


Mistaken Identity

I ain’t cut like that.

This is a personal message of perseverance and carrying the shield of conviction. It is a proclamation to be used as a public service announcement that might sustain and encourage others on their journey as I continue on mine. Only the names and circumstances change if you have been through some things and come out the other side. Not to convene a pity party but a celebration that I will not be broken.

For those who endeavored or rejoiced around the clock for my demise, you have me mistaken for yourself or someone else like you. I am not. I ain’t cut like that, wasn’t raised like that, in fact, was born for that. Ascension from adversity further built my resolve and character, I am the epitome of relentlessness built for survival.

As my witness to your contribution, success will accompany me, triggered by the resolve to unleash my potential unfettered by the concerns or restrictions I allowed to limit my pursuits. Oddly, my liberation came from my restrictions and voluntary suffering as a commitment to walk someone to the pearly gates where I could not enter, but my word and promise entered with them.

So great was my commitment that I was willing to be carried on my shield in its pursuit and almost did several times with a heavy toll being rendered. It was a joint responsibility but a singular journey, having been abandoned to face the demands alone and pay the price extracted.

I am being purposefully vague because the specifics do no good since I already paid in full, but can you read between the lines or substitute your scenario of struggle. The hardship is the point and the blessing earned. When you find yourself on that dark lonely road alone, it is a decision-making time when you realize that the cavalry is not coming.

There is no search party dispatched franticly concerned about your safety. With what choices are you left? If you stay there, you die there or you can find your way back by the tenacity of your character. It takes a tough old bird to weather the storm, but the objective is then to become one, the storm, not the bird.

The spark of tenacity becomes the fire down below that raises to the top illuminating the way. It then becomes the way itself when you really need someone you can depend on when it gets thick. Of course, having someone riding shotgun is a huge bonus, but you only need one person to believe in you that will not forsake you. That is you, what you have always had if you nourished it properly.

Develop a determination that touches down like a hurricane decimating the internal obstacles and restrictions hindering your journey. This natural phenomenon swirls from the eye of your inner character. It is futile to resist thereby reducing external obstacles as mere challenges that will fall either before your presence or in your wake. They are only there to add to your accomplishments and legacy as testaments of your fortitude.

Like dad, the mighty oak, always say everybody loves a winner when the work is done and the victory secured. There is no trouble finding fair-weather people to ride in the cart while you pull it. You’re blinded only seeing the side of them you pay to see, their masquerade. If you ask what kind of people are they? The ones who haven’t been tested.

Despite putting your coat in the mud, they are pump-faking when the shoes get tight. There only for their benefit and exposed by any voluntary suffering for your benefit. Not sacrifice but suffer. Few will emerge or deflect your suffering at their expense, know that. Everybody is not going to go down the road with you or walk you to the gate. Many will jump ship before even the rats abandon. If one emerges, be surprised and eternally grateful for it is no small undertaking or gesture and to be held in high gratitude.  

Rolling your sleeves up and tightening your belt before you expect help replenish your will to move forward knowing that your limits of endurance expand according to your ability not to concede having perseverance as your default reaction to adversity. It creates a calmness or harmony not necessarily to resist the path of adversity but resist surrendering to it.

Being convinced of a victorious outcome even if unsure of the method to achieve it. The method will reveal itself when the persistence leaves no other alternative whereby you don’t win. That is where the calm within the storm resides to remain assured and composed under duress because there is no outcome where you don’t prevail. The wisdom of this adversity has yet to reveal its lesson and improvisation, so your victory is only delayed.

When the student is ready, the teacher appears, but life is often the teacher that enrolls you in the course without your consent. So the lessons begin, and you learn what you need to know. The harder the times, the more you step your game up to weather the storm. That is how you become the storm.

When you can’t make it through today, know that tomorrow will come anyway until it doesn’t. But, before tomorrow comes, know today that you will see it and the day after that, so this too shall pass as surely as the sun rises tomorrow, so will I renewed. This perpetual renewal of the mind and spirit produces your desired reality fueled by any undesirable occurrences and your ingenuity to adapt.

If the world I am accustomed to ended tomorrow, I would have to start over again because I will survive and thrive from an unshakeable spirit that must be overtaken and rust out, not given up or worn out. It is the only control we have over circumstances and life being life. So be content and astute at controlling what you can control.

Whether direct or indirect, we cannot escape life challenges, so we saddle up and ride. We get back on the horse, even if draped across the saddle, making it back from the wilderness. The key to conquering the path is giving yourself a chance, knowing that the test will be conquered, sharpening you for the next task to conquer.

Conquering obstacles become your profession. Without apprehension, you become the storm and the refuge from a storm unsubmitted by hardships. The survivor mentality is akin to the warrior spirit. It is built as a fortress.

A steel mind and iron fortitude shape the warrior spirit to adapt to or bend circumstances for your survival and achievements. Fear not the wild lions nearby, for they bring opportunity, so let them fear that they should avoid you because you are hungry too. Just another obstacle to be confronted and conquered on the way to another day.

Confidence to overcome has its own scent, a recognizable smell of respect. So you see, my past hardships, like your’s are insignificant relative to the mentality to overcome them. They will fall before me as many before and many more to come because I will only succumb to father time. The rest can’t beat you, not even mortality, only your perspective and willingness to surrender. This applies to thoughts, emotions, situations, and people.

Like the Wizard of Oz, the forest and path were fraught with danger and obstacles to overcome en route to the Emerald City, which led to the revelation that the fat man behind the curtain was a scam. The Great Oz behind the curtain was the scam representing your self-imposed limitations, while the real power to manifest and conquer was always within you. The superstition is you are fragile.

The reality is choosing to be unbreakable by the perils along your path. When life hits, hit back and let life know this isn’t a free lunch. It is a tussle. I will resist and will not submit to life’s obstacles but improvise. Strength of character is not forged in good times but by overcoming the test of bad times.

It is challenged by struggles, especially ones of a voluntary nature like standing close to our seniors and elderly during their decline and darkest hours or difficult children needing a little extra patience. Perhaps health and financial challenges in need of a kind gesture paid forward. To yield the balance of your strength or excesses assisting someone of lesser capacity demonstrates the character that will be required when you go through your trials and tribulations.

It is a higher accommodation to know that you could have walked away as others did, but your character and commitment made that not an option but your shield to carry. Maybe regardless of your age, when your knee touches the ground, someone will have the grace to extend themselves to you.

We will all need it at some time, but when not available, the solid backup plan has to be the will to endure knowing the sun shines every day the same, only dulled by obstructions such as clouds or weather.

Focus on the knowledge or blessings beyond your vision or wisdom you can utilize, not the obstructions. Neither fortune, small blessings, nor valuable lessons will escape the diligent. My mantra during my hard times is let them know the King yet lives. The great elephant will return healed from his wounds to which a mortal man would have succumbed.

I am hoisted by my mental fortitude and forged wisdom expanding my limitations. I have been sharpened by adversity to be an elite weapon of resiliency and vision to endure and persevere whatever circumstances presenting themselves for conquer. Only one person needs to believe in me, and that is me. That is more than enough.

Like Samson, the legendary strongman brought to heel when stripped of his strength, his locks. The task was to cut them, but the mistake was letting them grow back longer. So there is no need to look for me at the grinder’s wheel. My metaphoric locks have regrown longer, rendering the temple of adversity in danger.

Rest assured that I am not mistaken about my identity, I am. I am that which I choose to be. Life circumstances forged me in the fire for battle and I can thank those who added wood to the fire before leaving the party early because the celebration is just beginning. The old saying is that when the going gets tough, the tough get going.

So, excuse me, I still have this temple-crumbling business to handle while I retake my throne as the rightful King. Maybe you have your throne to retake and temple to shake. Make no mistake about it, I am cut like that. Are you? You can be, be resilient. Gain the blessings from adversity if you have to endure it anyway. It is better than being weakened by it.

I must add this disclaimer, this is not my rampant ego ran amok but an internal conversation for an empowering affirmation to make all kneel before me that presents itself to submit me. No weapon formed against me shall prevent my prosperity. Self-talk is therapeutic and strengthens the will, aided, of course, by the legendary Temptation walk. Strong is a state of mind. Survival is a state of being. I am is a state of choice. We all choose, I choose I am! Let the celebration begin!


Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz



Censor Yourself First

Termination Restrained

We are witnessing life imitating art. Remember the Terminator sequel, a cyborg destroyer, was sent back in time to protect the catalyst for change in the future by defending the movement from being destroyed in its infancy and development.

So likewise, freedom of speech and open exchange of ideas has become John Connor, the endangered crusader in need of protection with future survival hanging in the balance. Never mind, sticks and stones make break your bones, now freedom of speech, exchange of dissenting ideas, and exercise of liberties will hurt you.

The advancement of HUMANITY has and will always depend on an exchange of ideas and perspectives, with the ability to freely and theoretically discuss them. This dialogue must be expressed, exchanged, or challenged to become validated.

It can not be imposed by fear or censorship; otherwise, it becomes oppressive, suffocating logical reasoning. As a result, the fragility of thoughts has regressed into hearing no evil and thinking no evil, not allowing for the concept of evil to be a moral judgment, not logical reasoning.  Changing the judgment changes the moral code or conclusion and expectations of adherence. It is entirely subjective and prone to fluctuate by interpreter and interpretation.

The fragility to not tolerate voicing our differences of perspectives or the right to choose them most likely violates the circumstances and assertions regarding the process and mechanism used to establish them. The process is the supreme principle of establishing, accepting, and maintaining these concepts and resulting liberties. It is to convince by persuasion, not the denial of expression.

At the initiation of this republic, it was deemed essential that freedom of religion, speech, and the press was the cornerstone and foundational concept reflected in and by the Bill of Rights. So vital that it is the first amendment established.  Notwithstanding its imperfect observation and practice at times, it has repeatedly overcome the fragility of mind and spirit by being a statutory aspiration.

This is the genesis of all distinctions, designations, and categorizations of every demographic of population or integration of acceptance. The accommodation of freedom of speech has led to and will lead to any transformational variations of principle, tolerance,  or thought.

The bitter must sometimes be taken with the sweet with allowances tolerated. Just as it has aided in converting benefits favorable to you, the process must also lend itself to benefits complimentary to another.

Its suppression prevents future progress and undermines past ones. From ancient times philosophers and stoics recognized the importance of free exchange of ideas and philosophies even at the risk of being offended. 

They suggest that the exchange is more important than an insulting delivery. The delivery reflects the deliverer, not the message. The message can be evaluated and separated upon its merit from the messenger’s rudeness.

So the message is of primary importance, not a feeling of insult or indignation. Often these emotional sentiments are more telling on the offended than the offender. It might be a matter of perception or self-image, not of intent. 

There are actual instances of disrespect and insult in the conveyance of a message that should be rebuked. However, devoid of this or an overt affront conveyed, the perspective cannot be offensive because it requires an intellectual evaluation, not an emotional response.

The counterattack to any insult is the same weapon chosen to deliver it, in this case, a verbal response if needed. Surely the sting of a venomous comment can be met with one exceedingly cruel, but this descends into an exchange of insults, not dialogue. 

Is it a battle of wits or insults? None should be taken if no insult was intended, even if the perspective is repugnant when willingly engaged. The ability to absorb, decipher, and navigate conversations and ideas resists the lure of ignorant or emotional engagement.

The prevailing cancel culture to force others to denounce at your insistence or for your sensitivities is counter to freedom of speech and choice. It is further an individual decision even if collectively engaged. It should be by voluntary means of personal sensibilities being offended or supported.

The sum of those offended then constitutes a collective. If force is the instrument of choice, then it should not be the shield as well. These should be simple instances where you are not in agreement and have the discretion not to support or participate while not forcing others’ allegiance.

The cognitive dissonance of the acceptability and dissemination of contrary ideas that reflects inconsistencies defeat their foundational merit by default for lack of continuity and subjective application. It is outrageous to force acceptability of your position on others who may disagree but then bellyache about accepting theirs being forced upon you.

Suppose an exchange or perspective has no constructive control or impending damage. What power does it really possess other than the power you surrender. Why make it more than the musings of a self-declaring fool? 

Conversely, succumbing to them gives the appearance of resemblance and validation. Either you stand on your spot with conviction, entering the fray boldly or wither under the first cloud of dissension. Still, either way, you declare your position, not on your idea but your right to the freedom of it.

Make your freedom of speech something that must be wrestled from you, not surrendered for lack of fortitude. This is the ying and yang of discretion, both using it or suppressing it. Either way, it bears consequences, and you must make a decision which way is preferable. Whining is not allowed for either using it, refusing to use it, or others refusing or using theirs. Whatever benefit or consequences are yours or theirs individually, only becoming collectively by accumulation.

Applying the metaphysical philosophy of Plato, freedom of speech is self-evident beyond questioning but becomes meaningless if restricted and untested. Freedom of expression is paramount to understanding and being understood. It facilitates persuasion as a concept of certitude, revealing its validity beyond emotional or sensory perceptions measured by the quality of its intellectual proposition.

Any emotional meltdown is an admission to an incapacity to function outside your emotions when triggered. A rejection of responding to the message as thought but instead anger or rage facilitates stagnation discouraging resolution.

Imagine being in a relationship where there are severe limitations on the extent of disputed discussions, where silencing of expression is required. The natural inclination would be to wonder why disagreement results in submitting as if confronted by a standard-bearer above reproach and reasoning. It invites more dysfunction than to evaluate it and discard it as insignificant or feeble.

Suppression exaggerates resistance to resolution. Regulation reveals your limitation on your thought process as a governing element to prevent challenge or invalidation. There is a direct correlation between the measure and extent of our emotions and understanding. It not only limits us but gives us expectations of conformity from others because you think or did so, insisting others should too.

The recent controversies of Dave Chappelle, Kyrie Irving, abortion rights, sexual identifications, and violence come to mind. These contemporary issues reflect the dichotomy of freedom of speech, freedom to exercise well-established liberties, restrictions of choices by someone else’s determination, and unfiltered behavioral influences.

Each has its entrenched supporters and detractors, which I will not challenge. However, I will examine the discrepancies of contention pertaining to the restriction of freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and quite frankly sanctioned by humanity.

Let’s start with the premise that everyone has one, not two, not yours and mine, just yours. With that said, I have not seen Dave Chappelle’s special, so I speak from a conceptual application of the freedom of speech. Unfortunately, censure has claimed many a victim of late, and the list continues to grow. As I understand it, he offended the LBGTQ+ community and some who identify outside the traditional realms of gender classification. 

Gender classifications are the symptoms of a different offense restricting the autonomy to self-identify. But, freedom of speech and recognition of liberties have progressed this cause, and changes are enjoyed now despite having more terrain to travel. However, acceptance is growing, and assimilation seems to be the goal now, where these isolating distinctions are no longer considerations.

It should not be taboo to comment on or criticize any segment of society as an exempt group protected because it may have the opposite effect of the intended protections. It may generate resentment and prolonged acceptance. It must be judged by the content and context, not the manner. The content can be rejected, refuted, or evaluated. It is not what you say but how you say it. Likewise often it is not what you do but how you do it that is offensive.

Every segment of society is a member of multiple subgroups that don’t raise condemnation when mentioned. Is it the level of acceptability at play instead of the content or context? Why can’t others outside any subgroup not be allowed to speak as those within it think without offense being taken?

To continue these labels of sexual orientation, race, gender, or other categorizations, perpetuate distinctions and separation. It also psychologically impairs and exaggerates the differences when they should be of no significance. Without these identifiers, what distinctions can be made?

These outrages to references with expectations of exemption keeps it isolated from other subgroups. Why must all Americans have a secondary ethnic classification by ancestry? Even with religion, it helps with the divisions that have no practical bearings but separation or discrimination. 

Not feeling what someone said is the price of freedom of speech since if any of us talk long enough, we are bound to rub someone the wrong way, even if by simply claiming our rights. Ironically, rights that others readily claim. 

Theoretically, denial of others’ freedom of speech diminishes yours by contrast and context. It is bound to restrict some subgroup that applies to you or yours. By context, content, and contrast, how damaging could Chappelle’s words really have been compared to obstacles overcome in the past?

Because he spoke them, does that make them accurate or applicable to you as a group or individual? It would appear that feelings maybe were hurt, but how by someone who doesn’t know you?

Perhaps, his comments relied on you including yourself in the disparage it implied for it to be offensive. Not to justify or make excuses for his words. That’s left up to him. However, his right to say it is protected by his commitment to speak freely under his liberties.

I am sure he also spoke in ways that other subjective groups may have felt some kind of way about, which did not offend you. You may have even found it funny. It was a comedy show, and uncomfortable topics by definition and expectation should be anticipated. Talking about wives may have been offensive to wives, I don’t know. 

Suppose you or your subgroup found whatever comment offensive. In that case, that is fine, but expecting others who were not offended to be a force to uphold your offense is contrary to your goal of acceptance by comparison. However, if some would like to support your position voluntarily, that is fine too. If not, you have to be comfortable with that being your hill to climb. 

The Kyrie Irving situation has a slightly different nuance regarding actions or, more specifically, inaction. Still,  understandably, the temperature runs high when it comes to vaccination. Due to the loss of lives, risk of infection, and fear of contagion, as well as the complications and implications on vulnerable loved ones and family members, the concern is legitimate.

Despite these concerns, we must ask ourselves if our fears supersede his right of choice. Clearly stated is the ramification of his course of inaction. It may be governed by his conviction or even the color of his shirt; nevertheless, it is his choice and his right. He is far from alone in his resistance to the vaccine. He is also notoriously vilified based on the venue since a different location would produce no sanction. 

 If the sentiments against the unvaccinated are so high and crucial, why is it not mandatory or universally applied regardless of location? I doubt if freedom of choice is the reason for voluntary compliance. But seemingly because of politics, for and against, since many other vaccines and requirements are mandatory for the wellbeing of society or for participation.

Denial of participation seems fair to preserve freedom of choice. You absolutely can choose as you please, but that does not transcend the right to participate. Participation is a criterion of eligibility according to the requirements and standards set forth being met.

A driver’s license to drive, a license for certain professions, and so forth operate under the same principle and acknowledgment of requirements to be met. By choosing not to comply, you also select not to participate but still maintain your right of refusal.

The vaccinated exercised our right just as he is exercising his. Still, the opposition is in his choice, which is different from ours. I cannot overstate that I am not an anti-vaxxer, just as I cannot understate that it is his right to choose as he pleases.

What he does for a living, the chance to win a championship, or the money forfeited as the driving persuasion to comply when pressured by others is not freedom of choice but external validation and compulsion by bounty. Yet, others may deem these considerations to be irresistible.

Still, is it not commendable that Irving stands in adversity unwavering against others’ judgment about his right. Many may think it is selfish or foolish, and it may be both, but it’s his consequences to shoulder. So, consider, can another’s disappointment in your choices anoint them the captain of your ship and theirs.

As a contrary examination, what if he were in the majority and you were scorched for getting vaccinated? Would you let others’ opinions sway you to go unvaccinated? Many claimed to have been forced, but you chose to concede unless you were tied and highjacked.

Anger from his failure to surrender where others have been compromised by their own declaration of concession still is not sufficient provocation for him to follow. Besides, you condemn yourself for lack of conviction if you truly oppose the vaccine but relented. 

What other pressures or compliance are you susceptible to when avoiding discomforting consequences before it really gets thick? It seems Irving’s refusal to knuckle under is the underlying issue with echos of how dare he? You chose your consequences of preference, him his.

Now let Irving confront his, least of which is being sidelined. The principled person would rather lose their head than their conviction, according to Socrates and Epictetus. So his dignity remains intact even if he decides to take the vaccine for reasons other than force.

Related to the subject of vaccines and choices is the abortion issue again. I am pro-life but pro-choice, understanding that it is not within my quarry to dictate the decisions regarding another’s body and personal expectations. 

It is absolutely not a deliberation I feel the authority to dictate as a man imposing my restrictions on women. Since a woman is a vessel by which birth is produced by the preponderance of the burden, contrasted by just sperm donation, these decisions should be left among them to decide.

I equate this question to the vaccine dilemma where choosing what you use your body to facilitate is your choice. How can an anti-vaxxer who is opposed to being dictated to what they must subject their body to manage to be anti-choice regarding abortion? 

It is the same question in principle of supreme authority over your body. Weigh the shot against forced childbirth and child-rearing for life and tell me which one is more demanding, restrictive, and uncertain.

If the sanctity of your body is your right, how can theirs not be also? We are still talking about bodies that are capable of making decisions. Since the unborn child can not make the decision, the logic is it must be made to protect them. Protection then becomes the primary. So, should you be vaccinated to protect yourself and others, assuming the primary standard is protection?

The preserving element is choice, not the protection of controlling interest. If vaccinated, you still chose what you do with your body. Your body should be your choice and not others’ selective protection or enforcement of this right, certainly not suppression of it. Furthermore, once these mandates are imposed and the child is born, where is the consistency of commitment.

 What about the lack of adoptions, given the vast anti-abortion elements which could easily practice what they preach? Where is the assistance and relief by those who are comfortable with their situation unconcerned about the struggles forced upon someone else?

Imagine your nonexistent right to infringe and impose your will, then where is your real responsibility after getting your imposition? But, again, I am not advocating abortion, just choice. I am just questioning the discord between mandate, support, imposed determinations, and unintended consequences.

This leads me to intended consequences and unfiltered suggestions regarding sexuality. If anyone’s sexuality is exclusively their business, then why are there so many public declarations and assumptions? If the desire is to make it commonly accepted, then it would seem that these distinctions and proclamations would be counterproductive, your orientation being nothing unusual.

The consensus is that it is immaterial to most except for who you are getting down? Considering the persecuted twentieth century, the relief and celebration welcoming alternative labels are understandable, but the choice is normal. Encouraging personal acceptance of your sexuality exiting the closet of concealment resisting exterior discriminations is the empowerment of courage despite depictions of others’ intolerances.

The movement for acceptance and recognition of same-sex, alternative non-traditional options, and non-binary identifications reflects the progress made and recognition deserved as just as normal as any other identification. These varied influences need to be available for encouragement and bonding with its portrayal to release the taboo of concealment.

This courage can be promoted by not having undue challenges to undermine it. Allowing for the benefit of interpretation to distinguish many choices encourages freedom when making any choice. Whatever the decision, your preference should be supported if the same standard afforded others are used by you. Remember, the standard for choice is the primary element, not the selection.

But, to sincerely be commonplace, the distinction should not be uncommon or unusual, but just another accepted available option. Thus, a new day has dawned where a third rail of acceptance includes self-determining identities and sexualities without discredit. It is important that role models and identifiable reflections of the human spectrum represent a diversity of normalizations and their possibilities. 

Of course, any subgroup of identification and beyond has its critics and unique characteristics. Still, one subgroup’s influence is not more significant to the others, especially if not a member. To be different is not the right to impose on the other subgroups but to have freedom within your own and not be infringed on by others. The opposite must be observed as well.

Objective acceptance is the goal, not subjective compulsion. The freedom to choose from neutral influences of autonomy and acceptance without persecution, not judging or being subjected to judgment. The resistance is to oppose being classified and coerced into an unwanted classification not descriptive of your identity, right, or choice. Just respected, not as a sexual designation but as a human one. 

It is a question of having an identity or actual choice which is unassailable even if outside others’ preferences. Without undue influence or intolerances, unapologetically free to choose or be, having all options an equitable decision respected without criticism. Beyond acceptance, it is a demand for respect, respect for your identity.

Never above, never below, but always equal. I have carefully explained the distinctions of my perspective to contextualize that it is about freedom of expression, not the actual expression.

My point is the sexualization and promotion of all general subgroups of self-identification and sexual orientations seem to direct unfiltered influence on children at inappropriate ages. This portrayal has been traditional and untraditional.

Traditional breeds discrimination while untraditional invites shattering perceptions, but both produce resistance to change. Change is the fear from the expansion of definitions of conformity. It exposes the feat to let be and to be. Within this struggle is the portrayal of influence for survival and acceptance of subjective preferences. This includes music and media content, dress code, suggestive dancing, explicit language, and other reckless indulgences.

The sexuality and sexualization among adults should remain there and not be directed at or exposed to children intentionally or subliminally. Not subjected beyond the demonstration of their awareness or curiosities organically influenced from within themselves. 

The sexualization of cartoons and comic books can be argued they demonstrate and support identity, not encourage particular dispositions. Still, there are residual consequences to that assumption, whose premise is if that should be their focus at such early ages. Age-appropriate behavior and exposure is the overriding concern and influence. I think we can agree that smoking, drinking, or porn is unquestionably inappropriate indulgences for small children and young teens.

However, what exposures are they otherwise permitted that are insidious and cloaked programming but just as harmful as to impressionable young psyches. It reduces the shock and heightens the chances of their involvement at ever-decreasing ages despite the laws and social propagation contrary to this expectation.

The concern is whether it does more good or damage from a child’s perspective. The lesser evil must be chosen, which is not universal as awareness and development vary but generally apply. Remember, most early behavior is imitation and impersonation of exposures. 

The orientation to any explicitly implied sexuality seems like early initiation into participation, trafficking, or exploitation. The same is true of the violence desensitizing mechanisms lessening self-control and making violent responses compelling default reactions without remorse, willful restraint, or consideration but conditioned.

Neuropathways indoctrinated by the constant bombardment of war games and violence-enhancing entertainment evokes responses to reality indistinguishably from games. This brainwashing produces aggressive, destructive tendencies. The hostility in our young people is according to their intentionally programmed code of violence and our historical demonstration. They respond largely as programmed or taught as the default from which other decisions are made.

The inducing proliferation of violent and sexual influences now appears to blur the lines of acceptable behavior by children and towards children. It is a thin line getting thinner whose violation and validation are routinely reinforced.

This can not lead to beneficial developments. Instead, it indicates an unfiltered stimulation of influences encouraging violent impulses, sexual misconceptions and disrespect, and propensity for danger-inducing behavior at younger ages.

The issues mentioned on the surface appear different but, at their core, are identical. These distinctions, designations, and classifications conditioned, coerced, and expressed are remnants of control for the division and quest for hierarchy, manipulation, and validation.

Elimination of these titles and characterizations of subversive origins would lessen the need to champion resistance against them or suppress others. As a result, some expressions or suppressions create exploitation of advantages while others vulnerabilities.

The assault is misdirected, manipulated, and subliminal. It seems the primary intent is the promotion of influences diminishing unregulated individuality, installing replication of perspective by either outrage, indoctrination, or association.

Opposite ends of the same spectrum ensnaring all within its survey producing predictable simulations for narrowing behaviors and socialization. Essentially defining and shrinking the parameters by the illusion of expansion camouflaging salacious inspirations and obstructions reducing liberties.

The flip side is there are acceptable constraints on freedom of speech and expression that should be observed and complied with whose regulations specify the manner and context of each. Don’t yell fire in a crowded theater and other common-sense measures or forbidden outbursts. Thus, observance of general boundaries is recommended.

It should be balanced for the social good, no malicious intent, situationally appropriate, measured for harm, not incite violence or hate as its objective, and permit challenges. Direct and indirect implications must be considered. A dubious manner of delivery and awkward context should be contested but not content or choice. Content invites debate, discovery, understanding, and progress

These questions and perspectives risk offending the restrictive mind refusing to expand by exposure to concepts contrary to embedded perceptions. Similarly, new wine must be placed in a new pouch to accommodate its expansion. New perspectives expand the mind necessitating expanded capacity and tolerance, not to agree but to understand. These freedoms commented on extends vicariously to many other issues and applications of freedom and tolerances.

Protection of freedom of speech without censure, cancelation, or termination is fundamental to progress, acceptance of differences, and equality of diversity. These freedoms of speech, freedom to exercise well-established liberties, freedom from restrictions of choices by someone else’s determination, and monitoring unfiltered influences need to be protected for future generations.

Be careful not to judge someone else’s reality and expression by your own claiming to be just because from their perspective, the opposite may be just. Censor yourself first. What you seek to terminate today may be what protects you tomorrow. So, how about we leave the terminating to the science fiction movies.


Thurston K Atlas
Creating a Buzz




Can I bother you for Change?

Changing Times Changing Minds 

Let’s talk about personal change and relationships. We all have unique and specific traits developed from life experiences that shape our perspectives and desires from a young age. It defines us.

We were forming the basis for a powerful combination of compulsions and expectations reflecting how we act today, accounting for our varying expressions, rationale, or personal accountability.  It also influences the criteria and parameters of our relationships.

In other words, everything we have experienced contributes to some fluctuating degree of how we view life and what we become. Subsequently, it directs our behavior from the beginning of our life’s interactions, whether conscious of this fact or not.

Consequently, we learn by what we were taught or by what we were exposed to etched as accumulating experiences.  Even if these are shared experiences, they can never be perceived or imitated identically. The parts and participants are different. However, the expectations and projections often remain similar to the initial impression.

Our core integrity and identity evolve from our impressions as instructions of emulation. It even prevents us from being free to disengage or be open to change, being hostage to the psychological impressions of unwanted occupying depictions. Instead, we are compelled to imitate or resist replicating these influences as being preferred or not.

Don’t get me wrong; everything is not subject to negotiations or change, either governed by choice or compulsion. But, of course, we have our standards and will defend them because changing sometimes is not an easy task, especially if unaware.

From the restrictive lens in the confines of our “learned knowledge” and “limited experiences” specific to our influences, the standard is established by which we project ourselves as well as judge others.  Thus, the inconsistencies appear when we judge others in a manner that we prefer not to be judged.

Judging not the specific actions but the steadfast adherence to a way of being or insistence that another not be a particular way. We should not be caught being guilty of what we accuse others of, should we? By this standard, insisting on change can only be subjective and internally directed. Yet, it is the only change we have control over, and sometimes not even then.

Time may heal wounds, but it also exposes the truth. It most certainly distorts our core perception to shield examination of our predispositions from questioning.  The prior held compulsions from the period they were developed are distorted by time. But, is it in conflict now not accounting for the changes since that time? The need to conceal or deny them provides the answer, in which change is the solution.

After expanding our knowledge and experience, which initially consisted of significant diaper and potty time, we began to build a social rolodex of emotions. It is understandable if children do childish acts of concealment and lack the proper self-control but less so as you age and certainly not as adults.

The passing of time should enhance relationships and not smother their aspirations and possibilities. When sacrificing expression of your core desires through commitments and routines that build boredom, resentment, or limitations for the fulfillment of others, it does you no favors.

Just as they are free or not to express themselves, so are you and vice versa. The even yoke refers to the compatibility of your sincere freedom of expression manifesting authentically with your mate. But, maybe it should be to yourself. Any pretension or incumbrances indicates dissatisfaction and the need for it or you to change since someone else’s change is outside your domain.  

Conversely, as much as you are committed to your way, why can’t someone else be just as committed to their way? Why are their beliefs not just as certain as your commitment to yours? The key is both must be respected and devoid of infringement and must possess acceptance or at least tolerance if necessary. Tolerance is a parallel option to change.

All things change. It is inevitable. But, as time waits on no one, how much time do you have to wait on someone else’s change before bringing about one in yourself? Time is a valuable limited commodity. The young become old, the body’s flexibility is exchanged for flexibility of thought called maturity.

As things evolve, change is going to happen. So why is depletion or deterioration often necessary before a change occurs? The passion you used to feel, the anticipation, and the intoxicating excitement has been dulled by father time and lessened by your surrender to another’s restrictions.

It required complete surrender to acceptance, comfortability, and familiarity with the thrill being gone. It might not be decision-making time, but at least it is evaluation time. Is it your choice, which is fine, or undetected by time dulling of the senses and expectations? Pleasure is what you define it as for yourself, contentment devoid of dormant desires forsaken for complacency. 

Otherwise, it is a compromise of respect or diversion by dissolution. An agreement is not required because an agreement may not be attainable. It then does not require your consent but your submission. Acceptance may be a tolerable solution under the immunity of honesty.

Under a treaty of honesty, without deception or reprisal, primary is the courage to say it or receive it being said. Persuaded to lay bare the requirements of your satisfaction or willingness to satisfy.

Of course, a person can not be expected to meet all your needs and expectations, just as you cannot theirs. However, there is a tipping point where it is no longer fair exchange but robbery. Honesty would then be preferable to expectations begrudgingly met.

The reward for honesty is trust, and the penalty is acceptance of the honesty, not necessarily the conditions. Under this understanding, we only have to agree that you will respect mine as I will respect yours. It is a manageable compromise based upon what you are willing to give and what you are ready to accept that meets each other’s level of acceptance and satisfaction.

Concealment of your core promotes a response toward a masquerade instead of what would satisfy your needs. So, for example, parts of people you think you know very well are hidden from view and not for display shrouded by secrecy, shame, or deceit. The gift is glimpsing their nature and exposing yours protected from a penalty for doing so.

This hidden core either propels or confines but remains a third or fourth party to the relationship. As a result, most actions will hit the projection but miss the target.

Are you adhering to obsolete and antiquated images that form a projection that comforts you while deceiving others? Or maybe it restricts you while comforting others. Do you cling to that which is familiar but of little benefit, a prisoner of expectations?


Are you still guarding the fox hole when the matter has been determined long ago to be no longer contested as to who and what you are? How much time will you trick off pretending while mostly fooling yourself? Acceptance of you starts with you, the same as accountability and responsibility.

Will it be kept one thousand protecting the smothering masquerade or changed to release the unfulfilled real identity and expectations of yourself? Achieving a compromise or change must be directed toward securing a satisfactory outcome for the real problem or fear, your authenticity. You might have to accept their’s as well since the mirror is a projection and a reflection.

The more concessions you receive, the greater level of satisfaction you have. Consequently, what compromises or accommodations are you willing to give in return to maintain that level? Thus, a balance is created by transferring equitable preferences received in exchange for mutual satisfaction.

It is a give-to-get theory, but it may call for change or a willingness to change. Your actions then become a negotiated understanding by your benefit received.

A mutual understanding of this is the motivation to adhere to an acceptable level of conduct to receive the agreed-upon consideration in return. The cost comes in many forms, and payments are accepted in many more forms. The exchange is transactional for that thing you do.

Do you still expect the exchange without providing the value? Is it a stubbornness of expectations that prevents you from producing an exchange that improves the value of your association with each other?

First, let us examine why things might be the way they are or have been to evaluate if logic guided these responses and behaviors or errant emotions and deceit. We can then assess the changes we have control over.

So let us take it back before it goes wrong. Remember when we were motivated to impress a long time ago. As a result, we improved to be more alluring and the best adaptation of ourselves to attract our expectations. Was the change real or deceitful? This creates the very reasons we do the things we do, the why, and how or with whom we do them. 

Time reinforces distortions that magnify and create most insecurities, leading to a voluntary forbearance of our needs based on anticipated returns. Therefore, it builds dissatisfaction while craving a resolution to satisfy the void, the unfulfilled expectation.

It is human nature to feel a deficiency and have a corresponding emotional disposition. Thus, the feeling of lack is embraced as recognition of a void craving greater satisfaction. Accordingly, a desire to the addiction of expectations surrendered may develop.

It requires expressing our very nature to avoid feeling unable to give or maybe unworthy of receiving by refusal to express or reveal ourselves. It flows freely when given purely and is humbling when overflowingly received. This is the nectar illustrating what once was could be restored for just the tiny concession of change.

We must simply realize that the change in the relationship I am referring to is the one with ourselves. The internal influencing the external. Therefore, the changes are the ones we need to make within ourselves, influencing the change in others. However, their evolution may never come.

If they only would have changed have been adjusted as denial to justify our inaction. This blame perspective does not assert accountability over ourselves as the persuasion for others to recognize our value. If not, we can not blame others for the decisions we refuse to make.

A fresh start is frequently needed for rejuvenation or liberation to unleash our uninhibited expression. It requires breaking free from previous masquerades of restrictive expectations and behaviors. It requires making a choice.

Is it cheaper to keep our situations, projections, and perspectives devoid of the joy and exhilaration of self-expression? The beneficial effect on ourselves, others, and the quality of our relationships and life being hostage to an image, an imposter?

The power, control, and responsibility for our feelings or behavior remain our own. Therefore, in addition to being accountable for what we do or fail to do, we must refuse any obligation to be responsible for someone else’s. Instead, are we giving what we are seeking to receive, making a self-assessment to determine what is desirable, and implementing what it requires.

The change we would want the most is probably the one we need to make the most. So, double the improvement, solving two issues with one change.

First, holding ourselves to a standard of determination and perspective to portray ourselves without misconceptions seeking validation from others for their permission to be us. Secondly, our perspective dictates our mood, consequently controlling our mood controls our behavior.

A willingness to change by improving, evolving, growing, reinventing, pursuing, expressing, challenging, and in other words living without self-restricting doubts or perfection.

Accepting our uniqueness and insecurities as an unfinished work in progress reassures the only person we need to convince, and that is us. As humans, we all have limitations, so accept them but improve them.

Like wearing new clothes that make us feel good, a fresh perspective and self-fulfillment can work wonders, and we can wear them every day. But, initially, a shake-up of old self-defeating unfulfilling restrictions has to occur. Much like outdated gear, that has to go, especially if it is a loose fit or, worst, way too restricting.

Be sure not to become the very thing you despise the most and bring dissatisfaction upon yourself by refusing to change. Your level of contentment rests with your adaptability to your environment to attract your desired preferences that reflect your expectations.

Don’t flatter yourself. What is not attractive in others is no more somehow attractive in you. It is a difference between a classic antique and just plain outdated.

Start by eliminating excuses and becoming what you want to be by sacrificing the required effort to become self-fulfilling and authentic. That will be the best relationship you have ever had.

Do not be that person where it is said behind your back, of course, that you are no bed of roses. No matter what, don’t be the biggest problem in your life because you cannot change. Keeping those negative attributes is never cheaper to keep em when you add them up. Bothering to change is much better.

Keep in mind this is not gender-oriented but people-specific, where one size fits all changes. 


Thurston K. Atlas
Creating A Buzz


Hocus Pocus- Election 2020

Lesson Learned,  Strategy Applied

Hocus Pocus is a catchy phrase that is associated with magic tricks. It is a concept that captivates your attention without any detection of its sly execution. But, in practice, it is meaningless talk or activity specifically designed to draw attention away from, deceive, or disguise what is secretly happening in front of you.

It magically enchants or charms you using a series of words and actions directing your thoughts towards a diversion. While at the same time conducting the deception. It has already brought about some sort of magical distortion by undetected sleight of hand or mind when spoken. The hocus pocus is the diversion that exploits perception with the pretense of magic. Thus it is called a trick for this reason because you are indeed tricked by deception.

The 2020 election has been the magic act, while the protest, civil unrest, and political shenanigans have been the hocus pocus diversion exploiting our perception against our objectives. We must realize the right to and the purpose for protest is not questioned or diminished by examining its objective and effectiveness but redefined and improved.

Is the goal of protest in and of itself for emotional release or to achieve a beneficial objective? Removing emotions must be replaced with the resilient decree of logical substantive resolutions. Furthermore, the ensuing political circus has been a well-orchestrated misdirection concealing an even more sinister plan, stroking fear to solidify power fueling re-election. 

My commentary is not a political statement and is devoid of politics or concern for who won the election because this has nothing to do with who won. It is more about the tactics of how the election was almost lost ideologically. Nevertheless, the need for adaptation in the premises and implementation of opposing strategy is brought in context by the support for Trumpism, which cannot be easily dismissed as just racist.

It is therefore prudent to develop counterintelligence from the ideologies that oppose our interests and learn from them. We must identify, know, and understand the instruments of repression used against our progress. 

Foremost, people align themselves with their interests more so than being opposed to someone else’s when they are not mutually exclusive or diametrically opposed intrusions. Thus, social justice can occur without threatening to upend society but promising to improve it if done strategically.

What does threaten to upend society is the fear of senseless violence and random destruction. This path has been traveled repeatedly and has not accomplished social justice but more alienation, ours. But, on the other hand, the contortion of Democracy and suppression of mechanisms of change continue as obstacles to be challenged and transformed.  

Regardless of any other section of society’s condition, we must concern ourselves with our condition. Comparatively, our grievances are legitimate, but we must maximize the actions within our power to affect our change. We must consider what has aided different segments of society to exceed and excel while we remain relatively stagnant. 

Complaining, making excuses, and finger-pointing relies on the offender relenting and granting us some degree of redress at their discretion.  Recognition of limitations beyond an empowering point produces weakness and is demoralizing, leaving us begging. There are more significant dynamics at play within our control and the development of effective ideological initiatives. 

What is within our control is, in fact, our power, and utilizing power needs no permission. Therefore, a structured demographical, tactical, psychological, economic, and political crusade using a calculated, disciplined, and focused application is required to create and expand our ideological initiative. Initially, we must be brutally honest in identifying our condition, counterproductive influences, and course of correction.

We must also assess our human resources, level of resilient commitment, best deployment options, and methods of quantitative accountability. Finally, any strengths and weaknesses of our resolve must be accurately assessed to formulate discipline to a resolution.

Supporting pointless actions must not become engrained or flourish within our objective. Once a blueprint is devised, identifying activities that jeopardize or damage that blueprint must be isolated, neutralized, or discontinued. It is minimizing or eradicating self-inflicted harm eroding our collective objective. The more focused and comprehensive the commitment, the more effective the plan is, expanding the considerations for implementation. 

Those who oppose this objective should not be able to infiltrate, associate, or instigate under the cloak of the collective objective. This infiltration of provocateur’s detrimental behavior is then wrongly associated with our protest and purpose when allowed or tolerated.

The method used to isolate and eliminate this infiltration is accomplished by adjusting our methods and directives of objection. Denouncing these actions as unrelated Operandi of an antagonist intention in opposition to our goals. This is not to endorse cowardly behavior or spinelessly tolerate repercussions but to advocate for logical and tactical outmaneuvering of opposing ideologies.

When in conflict, the allocations of the adversary must not be contributed to or enhanced but lessened or eliminated. As part of our resistance, it is foolish that we would provide the incentive, justification, sustenance, division, or discord to be used against us. If it does, then that policy is fortifying the opposition, feeding their interest against our objective. It simply cannot be allowed to nourish their starving resistance.

When building our formidable resistance, the dimension and composition of the participants is the primary determination, utilizing them as a cohesively focused demographic unit. We must use the right tools for the job, remembering that selected suitability varies according to purpose by capabilities. Some who could not or would not protest in the streets are eager to contribute otherwise. They can also contribute by other values and associations.

With only 14.7 % of the U.S. population identifying as black, we cannot underestimate our need for alliances with other demographics to accomplish our objectives. We need to project shared interests and avoid unnecessary alienation that does not promote our intent. Thus, promoting mutual effort by mutual gain emphasizing their benefit by coalition with a shared principle or common aspiration. There is no need to create opposition where none exists.      

Bullhorns and rhymes have their limitations. Old practices should be scrutinized and avoided if they create too many negative implications with minimal practical benefit. Resources and volunteers must have a mission, be purposefully mobilized, and be preserved from harm by design.

For example, where demographics are strong on local municipal levels, we can dictate our fate in the areas where we reside and work, then expand outward and upward. Considerations and accommodations in our concentrated demographic regions can provide a favorable safe haven or bubble where our circumstances are protected and expanded by legislative means. 

There must be recognition and proactive countermeasures enacted to prevent the games being played. Mauling voting rights is the emerging contention by voter suppression and redistricting to circumvent the antidotal counter to defend against the hocus pocus. 

We cannot proudly remain exclusive from others when we so desperately can use their help. There is strength in numbers, and mathematically these coalitions make it easier twofold by creating support and removing resistance. Furthermore, we need to reasonably identify our strategic advantages and partners, what resources and techniques are required, and methodically strengthen and apply them. 




Tactically, new creative methods of protest that rely less on physical presence, raging emotion, or confrontation are the most compelling, effective way to gain a powerful advantage. It is not hiding; it is stick and move, strike without being struck. Accomplishment is the goal, not posturing or grandstanding.

Additionally, conservative and religious forces need to be favorably engaged in extracting adherence to their stated core beliefs, aligning and consolidating them with our social justice goals. The incentive would be to embrace support for the freedoms they enjoy or claim to represent. 

Make them an offer that their belief cannot refuse or further expose and identify the basis for their hypocrisy, thereby being specified as part of the remedy or a fraud. Psychological actions imaginatively applied using proven, but unconventional applications are also less likely to be proactively neutralized or resisted. There would be no proven recourse for this fresh approach and its nuances.

Educational persuasion repetitiously applied in a targeted manner to a youthful perspective would be enormously influential and effective. Time is a tool for the progress of perspectives using generational change and leverage. Also, economic and political support or their withdrawal are significant motivations for attention to our social change demands.

Support withdrawn should be reminiscent of the sixties bus strike, where withdrawal of consent and economic patronage was transformational declarations of resistance. Withdrawal of support has always been a compelling motivator where our participation is needed, or our money is wanted.

Our consolidated demographic should encourage different economic and political choices to coordinate a more concerted effort and stimulate cooperation. Under these circumstances, more will align themselves with our interests instead of against them using our support.

Our economic platforms can directly inspire and enrich our people by diluting adverse power and influences. We must not beg for what they created from us or need us to sustain. We must prioritize our social justice and cultural needs to reflect our participation redirecting our actions to promote self-actuation instead of dependency.

Numerically, we must lead the way and carry our burden collectively, not overly relying on the rich and famous among us.  It is more of us who are less affluent and prominent than who are famous. The number one priority is our self-evaluation to better ourselves and our condition. We need to be aware of others’ interpretations of the images and actions that we project that harm and obstruct us. We must be accountable and responsible for our conduct and presentation.

How this projection harms us and restricts our progress needs to be considered more than the context of the implications received from this election. Our projections must be examined in a historical context just as they were created in one. What do we stubbornly cling to and justify? Is it just as damaging to ourselves as what anyone else may do to us? 

If others deem our objectives to be anti “law and order,”  should we examine what behavior we exhibited is legitly associated with eliciting this claim by not regulating our behavior, particularly towards each other. Thus, there are two sides to the coin of accountability, theirs and ours.

Have we become conditioned or disillusioned to exist or remain an injured people?  We must now claim our place without reservation or limitation to the equality that others enjoy. For example, does other’s financial interest oppose ours because we do not generally participate in the knowledge and profits of these investments and the resulting prosperity, or are we forbidden?

Is it only to the extent of our exclusion from opportunity, or is it a lack of choosing participation? It starts with our thoughts giving way to our actions, becoming our habits establishing our reality leading to our prosperity. But, first culturally, we must determine what we want to project, be associated with, or profit from generationally.

Realizing we are at liberty to choose or create the communities, education, and economy we want to live in, patronize, and stimulate. Elevating our spending habits, actions, self-education, education of self, discipline, and sacrifices will be required. Any success unique to our advancement can quickly elevate our condition, but only if we control and maintain the supply, demand, and quality.

Whatever division exists outside our interest, we cannot deny the need for more solidarity within to promote our prosperity. Consequently, whatever our outrage should be more reflective in our steadfast commitment to refrain from or institute actions according to our expectations. 

Expectations are similar to planting an apple tree. To bear fruit, it must mature, and it must ripen before harvest. It is an exercise in time, cultivation, and patience. The path can be long, but then so may the yield when expectations are realized.

The intel derived from the election totals for Trumpism, widely considered questionable political regard or disregard for our concerns and condition, is a better barometer of what may lessen opposition or assertions that harm us. 

Just because they are wrong, sometimes we might not be right. Of course, two wrongs do not make a right, but we need to get at least even. All considerations must be on the table for reevaluation. At the very least, we must not harm our interests by our actions toward ourselves or others.

Winning the battle or skirmish but losing the war causes collateral damage that will eventually be restored at our expense. So considering, despite civil unrest, the status quo was only interrupted for a penalty imposed upon our interest, but with limited substantive change achieved.

Instead, evaporating support and selective change have been arbitrarily metered with the diminishing sustainability of outrage and protest.  Rage burns like fuel. It will eventually extinguish itself when exhausted, and it is unsustainable at elevated levels. At the very least, it suggests that it needs supplementing or replacing with something more effective and sustainable.

Hocus pocus, sleight of hand, and our indignation was used to validate their fear, weaponizing voting their fears against our methods used to address social justice initiatives. It is a lesson that rage and fear are opposite sides of the same perspective and must be skillfully and situationally utilized for maximum effectiveness.

This fear-based sleight of hand and the delusions created by social distractions nearly disguised a sinister election plan to highjack Democracy, which was narrowly averted. They were attempting to achieve their comprehensive political control, thereby suffocating our fractional objective. Our objective remains encompassed and restricted within their agenda, making it a fraction within the whole.

The election was advertised as a runaway condemnation of Trumpism but shockingly was closely contested. Our objectives and objections must employ the tactics of chess and not checkers to logically repel the nonsense and diversions which undermine our interest. 

We must heed the lessons learned from this election to adjust our crusade avoiding the hocus pocus but producing some real magic. Working smart will create the magical results needed without succumbing to delusion.

The blueprint for agendas on diverse objectives, conditions, and cultures does not deviate too far from these tactical fluidities of perspective. It is interchangeable parts and transferable skills utilized with purpose.

It requires committing to the cause of self-determining your preferred condition. Remember, roses are beautiful but fragile devoid of nourishment. Plant apple trees, though taking longer to cultivate, provides a nourishing sustainable harvest.


Thurston K. Atlas
Creating A Buzz