Democratic Apartheid

Affirmative Action

Democratic Apartheid

Apartheid is generally defined as a policy or system of segregation or discrimination of a supposedly “minority” or “inferior” group based on race. Apartheid more deeply explored is actually the principles and ideologies architected for exploitation and abuses securing power, control, and narcissistic stature. Still, what are the doctrines of apartheid when the barriers are just as impenetrable as they are sustained by other ideologies camouflaging the intent by the method or justification? The ends often are justification for the means and the elasticity of morality allowing humanitarian abuses.

Although the brutally violent assaults on ethnicity are now usually the last resort, the subtle initiates of its replacements achieve the same results. It is not only a period in African history ending in 1994 but an act throughout American history expressed as an affirmative action of policy, society, and practice reflecting the subjugated delineation of a people to be dominated without violation of the perpetrator’s consciousness, religion, or morality. It requires a declassification of others humanity below the pedestal of a self-aggrandizing self-image of superiority or larceny of opportunity and resources.

This counterfeit social status is a construct of a narrative so propagandized to replicate the delusion as an entitlement associated with a biased concession by oppressive division. It prognosticates the separation of opportunity or rights enjoyed above those rendered. This very act of identity isolation is an allocation of humanity subsidizing the restrictions and tolerance metered out to maintain dominance by exclusion. The racially rationalized advantage of apartheid to the benefactors is now a discrimination against them when it is no longer the modus operandi of societal norms.

So, in essence any measures taken to offset the ill-gotten advantage is unfair to their continued abuses. Consequently, theoretically speaking by this logic any exclusion of a group based on expanded access or a “set aside” for another group is unfair despite the historical context or remedies sought thereof. Therefore, would not military service be such a “set aside” of unfairness to those who did not serve? There are many such “set asides’ such as job seniority, union membership, family legacy, senior citizens, adulthood, and virtually every societal absolution fits the exclusionary definition.

The only difference is not the act of recognition but the criteria of selection based upon a determinate such as the word “race” which makes it unfair. In the context of “race” it is not selective but corrective. If one child eats all the cake from the other child, would it not be fair to the child who has consumed more than their fair share to be curtailed from excluding the other’s consumption as a measure of DEI? The concept of DEI has its faults but not as many as the history or policies it seeks to remedy. Actions to perpetuate  social, economic, and political underclasses appeases a serenity of privilege but agitates the capitulation to injustice.

Injustice by coercion eventually is unsustainable and does not invite tranquility of society but instead sustainable resentment to subjugation. Ethnicity, gender, economics, and opportunity are measures of segregation restricting fairness but in all distorted fairness is promoted as having no disadvantage beyond the advantages not received. There are those hindered by the oppressions which others cavalierly dismiss as non-existent or discontinued. However, the advantage survives the gap created from its presence. The ideological virus of segregationist policies and practices infects the ascension of humanity by stifling contributions as an affirmative action to promoting confirmation of its unfair privilege.

The accusation goes from woke to radical left to Christian conservative values instead of subjective strongarming of ideologies beneficial to a biased agenda. So, affirmative is a conformation. Action is an activity taken. Democratic is a consensus. Apartheid is an abomination of humanity’s sovereignty. Combined they are a confirmation of activities agreed upon to execute an abomination against the sovereignty of a segment of humanity. When the moral check is due from the feast of oppression, the bloated diner cannot skip out on the bill or complain about its payment for a meal they consumed and thoroughly enjoyed.

It is not unreasonable and certainly expected that the provider is entitled to be compensated for the services they provided. There is no dispensation of self-determined nonpayment to avoid settlement or criminal culpability. By the way, it is also customary and expected that a tip accompany the payment. Absent reparations surely affirmative action, DEI, or other corrective measures to discrimination are a smaller domestic cost or social escrow than the billions sent abroad for foreign wars. What about an affirmative action towards funding the domestic war on the historical racial exploitations of America’s democratic apartheid of biblical proportions?


Exonerated Injustice

Vindicated Outrage

Exonerated Injustice

Justice is a term which most have a concept of its definition and perception of its application but few can describe the unspecified fluidity of the circumstances submitted for a determination of if justice was served. The concept is elusive but the perception is evident as the circumstantial understanding has neither form nor presentation committing to a firm unwavering objectivity. So all can surmise but none can declare its description but only its applied characterizations. Arguably the primary element is integrity unbiasedly applied lending legitimacy to the determination appearing as a degree of fairness.

So justice is not fairness, justice is a result of fairness applied properly. Justice is the byproduct of the process produced by a fair conclusion. Therefore, justice is always on trial applied to the circumstances which must be judged or decided. The consensus of penalty or restitution regulates the level of satisfaction if justice has been served. Any deviation or assault on the anticipated recourse of compensatory or punitive consequences scrutinizes the estimation of justice rendered.

If deficient, injustice has been acquitted and pardoned by the double jeopardy of seldom is a second chance afforded a first impression. Justice is indeed blind when forfeitures of its integrity is allowed to circumvent reasoning of the factual analysis. The puppets of exploitation and duplicity fraudulently exercise their manipulations under the guise of authority protected by the veil of justice thus receiving a vicarious immunity of presumptive objectivity. The rules of impartiality is a crime fighter that should fight it equally wherever it finds it and whoever is committing it.

The degrees of potential damage or impact should prioritize the urgency of its concentration or discourse. The absconding of policy and practice makes justice a fugitive especially in a system built on a bill of inalienable principles definitive of its identity. The flag of justice must never wallow in the mud of impropriety to be respected above the tarnishing reproach of being compromised. A pattern of legal exemptions, selective indifference, or neglected allegations KO’s justice before it can enter the ring to throw a fair one. This is the political fight fixing we all have ringside seats to witness where the event is staged with the outcome rigged before the contest has started.

The unfolding experience is an  episode with the illusion of a current development but is actually a delayed exhibition of a prior determination yet to happen reconciling the event to the predetermination. For example, hypothetically speaking if a prosecutor in a very high profile case is accused of personal misconduct via a romantic liaison posing a conflict of interest. The illicit relationship would have no bearing on the defendants actions which occurred years before which are not in question or denial.

Furthermore, the sneaky link would not seem to be of material intent for prosecuting but instead on a parallel course of personal convenience or indiscretion. Nevertheless, in the high stakes world of law and politics it is undeniably an unforced turnover, an error of judgement giving them something to talk about. Still, stipulating to the concerns generated from this debacle of distractions and distortion is a panoramic application of justice if justice is the purpose.

No judicial or government body saw fit to pursue accountability although many have the authority but not the fearlessness to topple the allegation but vehemently pursue the prosecutor who did. It appears to be obstructionist tactics to protect the fixed agenda which initiated the inquest. That is not the height of the hypocrisy which should vindicate outrage but the extenuating allegations of breaches of justice or public trust and conflicts of interest based on the same principles but to a magnified degree regarding damage or impact.

A certain presidential crime family allegations fall into this same category. Fine, if a determination has been made that a credible or significant allegation exist an investigation of fact finding inquiry is logical. Protection should not be afforded these claims while in pursuit of the American public’s interest, unless the public’s interest is not the objective. Conflict of interest, unfairness, and public interest are the reasons put forward. But what about other obvious collateral concerns of monumental ramifications.

Political gerrymandering of voting districts which have been ruled unconstitutional have repeatedly defied court orders to rectify them. It is blatant election interference which if it had no impact why would it be unconstitutionally committed. It is a way to circumvent voting rights aside from the various blatant party politics subverting opposing votes to sequester policy and power. For example, the confiscation of protocol, policy, and practice when specifically directed results in a Supreme Court ideology controlling society for twenty to thirty years.

The repeal of abortion, affirmative action, and voting rights are a direct result of the same actions complained about except for who the perpetrator may be. Who is committing it seems to be the deciding element instead of if it is being committed. Financial affiliations with foreign governments is perhaps the most glaring omission and selective exclusion of appearances of impropriety representing a bowling ball under the rug concealment. A purported non-administration member of a political family has foreign dealings resulting in a congressional hearing.

Fine, except for these accusations of foreign profiteering are peanuts compared to the multi-billion dollar infidelity of a different actual member of the White House nucleus directly flirting with many conflicts including of interest in an area associated with his then official scope of duties. Not to mention a quid pro quo suspicion of a weapons deal brokered or return to office retainer. If returned to the same position would that also be move along folks there is nothing here to see. No dalliance of forbidden fiscal flirtations or policy nepotism to see here despite the billions personally secured in the balance.

Furthermore, for the future of politics and democracy to merge at such a critical time, how could Supreme Court Justices despite professional courtesy not be scrutinized when their actions do not recluse them from suspect affiliations and activities. If felons cannot cohort with other felons is it a sound practice for high court judges to maintain dubious associations and rogue gratuities? While on the subject, does not a Supreme Justice’s spouse in the same household with open and active participation in a chapter of American shame not draw concern?

Of course if not by marriage or their actions then by excited utterances of those involved in the Capital assault declarations stating that they had an inside person on the court if they could get it before them. There appears to be sufficient probable cause evidence to support this claim. However, if this does not incriminate this judge, it perhaps does another judge which would conceivably rabbit hole the extent of these assertions of a fix. Point is why wouldn’t these other incidents of conflict, malfeasance, or criminality at least meet the threshold of inquiry as the prosecutor’s romantic conflict case given their national and international ramifications.

Injustice is a strong recruitment for further injustice to careen off accountability like a roller derby bully catapulting past the legalities established to protect against just such actions. None of the mentions in this article are clandestine operations of the most subtle nature insidiously infiltrating our society, politics, and government. Instead, they are blatant exonerations of injustice discharging the continuity of accountability in exchange for unethical or borderline seditious power grabs by hook or crook.

Where justice is absent vindicated outrage should be present. Like momma them use to say, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. This is especially true for equal application of the law properly and indiscriminately applied to be the byproduct of the process producing a fair conclusion by an equal application. They say justice is blind but I am more inclined to believe justice must be blind and stupid not to see this or think we don’t see the thumb of injustice on its scales.

P.S. This is the same ideological argument regarding systemic racism, unbiased fairness equally applied.


Is it a Crime

                           Thurston’s Thoughts

Is it a Crime

Who is Committing It

The statute of limitations for most crimes began not when the crime is committed but when it is discovered. Likewise, parties to a contract must be released from the obligation of the terms or are in breach of its anticipated stipulations. The commonality is an awareness of the violation or a voluntary release from accountability of its breach or default. During Black History Month we can’t help but be drawn to time statues and breaches of agreed upon considerations. Sorting through time many promises have been made and obligations have failed to be met. However, despite essentially a summary judgement, how can our expectations continue to defy their demonstration? 

History examined unflinchingly betrays the rhetoric of convenience used to sugarcoat the facts of the past. American History is such a ball of confusion and misrepresentation of material facts, malicious intent, and deceitful motivations to render it corrupted and almost historically worthless. We all know the company lines, manipulations, and revisionist masquerades because it is presented as educational fact. Spanning the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Founding Fathers, Christian values, Civil War, Confederacy, the North’s abolitionist posture, Emancipation Proclamation, Juneteenth, and Reconstruction they are all propagandist contortions which a forensic examination would prove more fiction than fact.

Since the Civil War, if Field Marshall Order 15 was to be honored as agreed upon, there has been many opportunities including the current multi-billion dollar expenditures to Ukraine, Israel, and immigrants. Congress has had over a century and a half to authorize reparations but only need weeks to subsidize war and instability. As a principle of business, if settlement has not occurred in nearly four score and seven years times two, the check probably is not in the mail. Accordingly, the priority of restitution has been rejected as evidenced by the repeal of affirmative action. It would seem if we are always last in line for the promise of America, why are we not when our pledge of allegiance is needed?

The many accumulative oppressions of racism has produced a cultural psychosis of normalizations ignoring the covert demonstrations of its dysfunction, exclusions, and expectations. By now is should be painfully obvious that we can’t trust that. Through the spectacles of brutal honesty the plague of our people, culture, and conditions are in our power to activate our liberation from the psychological captivity of this socially engineered relegation. These obstacles of stagnation have been centuries old in ideology and systemic execution. The subversion was a regimented categorization restricting education, opportunity, and resource accumulation as the normal social, political, and economic model. 

Although these are receding social conditions, they still sustain the ramifications of its occurrence, intent, and presence. However, for us to remain psychologically impaired is an expression of conditioned victimhood and despair. Begging, patiently waiting, and praying  only invites pity, permission, or charity but seldom results. However, we have been treated that way without the dignity of our persistent resistance. We have splurged on complacencies which have diverted our resolve and divided our solidarity of purpose. Our current social tribulations are of lesser impositions than faced by our ancestors. It is our obligation to navigate a course and the necessary sacrifices to combat the residue of captivity by lessening the ongoing affect from it.

We are not what they say we are , we are what WE demonstrate we are. Our family dynamic, incarceration rate, us-on-us crime, substance dependency, mental health, educational deficits, economic discrepancies, health concerns, and wealth depletions are direct results of targeted agendas and policy implementations. They are designed to define us as a subjugated classification, especially if by our behavior we resemble or succumb to that. We must recognize, practice, and promote therapeutic resolutions. So, a designated holiday or month of pacification does not relieve us of our daily obligation to carry ourselves daily with the dignity of celebratory ambitions and behaviors.

Is it better to confront the implications of current racism than the history of it? The current form is easier to prevent or reduce than the denials of the past which don’t necessarily confront the present. The past gashes the present while the present can heal the future. To keep it ruthlessly real time moves in one direction, forward, and our methods of leverage and persuasion must evolve as the targets, demands, or avenues change in the present to remedy the future. So, just as rank has its privileges, it also has its burdens and priorities have their order. The present and the future are amendable, the past is not.

A commitment to the current goals must endure the paths to achieve them. We must engage with the courage to be carried on our shield if our demands are to be honored by us and undeniable to others. We must demand urgency and expedited delivery of our provisions prioritized as others’ have been. Still, our primary ambition must be our internal recalibration that depends on us individually and collectively acquiring or possessing the tools to personally achieve our objective. The most skillful or proficient display of acumen in any field possesses the competitive edge to not only meet the standard but create the standard or pierce the barrier. 

In addition, zero tolerance for disregard or disparaging portrayals whether ours or others formulating stereotypical subjugations. Can you imagine a Presidential candidate openly to our face hurling insults like scraps to be gathered and gratefully consumed by stating that the Black vote could be garnered by selling a sneaker and being under indictment. So sneakers and criminal indictments are synonymous with us and the most attractive way to gain Black votes while having a symbol of your white benevolence standing closely by grinning like its Juneteenth. That’s what some think of us to our face only to imagine it would surely be more colorfully expressed behind our backs. 

The point is certain behaviors produce certain perceptions and degrading behaviors invites disrespect and disregard. The things that secure respect will also secure the other things we have been historically denied or discounted. A fortified edge leaves no room for disrespect, disregard, or malicious mockery without peril. Social justice is the plight of the diligent warrior to secure ground now to be built upon later. What our children see they become, so what we show them should be what we what to see in them, free of the shackles of subjugation but instead based on the content of their character, presentation, and power.

The seemingly automatic assumptions and funky depictions are displayed or conveyed by a minority which is cast upon the majority both by Blacks and Whites. Some battles are along racial lines, others economic, and still others social but in reality they are all internal and individual to either represent the problem or the solution. So is the real crime what someone does to us or what we allow them to do to us. Only the victim mentality will be drag to the gallows while a warrior’s spirit is met at the gallows unbroken.

Victimhood is nourishment for the weak just as adversity is porridge for the determined. Given the statue of limitations are still running and the breach has not been dissolved, the debt remains unpaid. My question is by who, them to us or us to ourselves? The easy way out is to say both but which one is more likely to be settled. The next question, is it a crime for us to patiently wait instead of charging the summit of our demands? Our future plight depends on the answers despite others’ breaches and promises made or broken to us. The crime of default is theirs’s but the crime of resolution is becoming increasingly ours.


Can’t Find the Reasons


                                          Thurston’s Thoughts

Can’t Find the Reasons

Prohibited Knowledge

Are we defined by our knowledge or our lack of it? Our thoughts create a predisposition forming our perception which partitions our perspective to accept beliefs as truth despite contrary evidence as being observable and provisionally true. These ordained falsehoods or reflections of mysterious declarations are anesthesia to ignorance compelling rituals of conformity. Still, the hype is real promoting a reality of distorted dependencies habitually spread as fact. We adapt to our knowledge it does not adapt to us. Competing proposals can not only reveal proof but also disproof where clashes of facts collide.

Belief cannot supplant questions of fundamental disputes where assertions rely on the disputed contradiction with mostly our belief as the main validation. Lack of deduction induces conditioned assumptions from a selective criteria leading to the mass mania of fanatical conviction even if not strict adherence. A desperation to believe or sculptured explanation precedes the belief’s indoctrination. Psychosomatic experiences and social reinforcements confirms the psychological and emotional attachment further validating the belief. Extreme fear, panic, and anxiety historically are used to motivate irrational occurrences such as witch trials, McCarthyism of the 50’s, racism, economic forecast of doom, homophobia, religious extremism, partisan politics, and any square peg of fear in a circle of coercion or ignorance. 

These apprehensions are social distortions widely embraced to instill fear, obstruct change, or stimulate psychological innuendo. The expectation is worse than the reality because our minds has an unlimited ability to conjure up catastrophes of our fearful imaginations. Situational justifications accompany the irrational conformations necessary to suspend our moral sensibilities thus fueling our subjective agendas. This is how crusades, atrocities, and persecutions are pursued in a frenzy of rationalizations whereby the resulting actions are inconceivable and despicable. The concealment of such degeneracy generates a vehement denial to preserve dignity and separation from the evil done.

So the inconceivable which is undeniable becomes the unspeakable and oblivious revisionist minimalizations of regret. Time is not stagnant nor is change but our resistance to both are ghost of futility proving repeatedly that change occurs with us, around us, or without us but rarely by the compass of our permission. The circle of acceptance eventually increases according to expanded evidence beyond our belief to embrace an unquestionable truth. The mass hysteria is a panicked reaction to ideologies which challenge or alter our comfort or prestige creating uncertainty and a perceived anticipation of decline thereby rejecting truth and change while safely clinging to belief. 

Primitive instincts of fight or flight and self-preservation overwhelms our sensibilities into a raging crescendo of uncharacteristic hostilities as an outlet for rampant anxieties and insecurities. The unrelenting consequence of this is not only regretful actions but also distractions of negligence to pursue solutions. Change is a redistribution of circumstances and familiarity causing uneasiness and adaptation. The delay or prevention of change prolongs the benefit to those seeking to hoard power or privilege. Therefore, the crux of change is the balance of benefit sequestered and insulated by the status quo of established methods. Accordingly, any major change is usually by force or utter necessity against the gate keepers of authority and influence to reject prior beliefs and practices.

Discovery and exploration tethered to ancient and primitive ideologies and mass hysteria sabotages social progress. From days of old information was forbidden to the common folk as being too ignorant to comprehend. Thus, sacred knowledge required that belief was the only validation for inaccessible information fostering a dependent subjugation by illiteracy. Development of universal humanity suffered from the resulting caste systems of knowledge, wealth, and prestige. However, the contemporary equalizer is information is now abundantly available to most at our finger tips. So, as the questions continue, how much longer can we ignore the answers? A footnote of any civilization is its progress and knowledge.

Civilizations and their proclivities crumble over time when signs are ignored past a tipping point. The tipping point is upon us as our apathy and arrogance of entitlement will be the vanity of our failure. To preserve survival evolution must occur. If information and education erases the deficits of ignorance, deceit, and psychological control can ritual beliefs and indoctrinations continue to forbid progression? So, if it is available what is preventing our access except for our pursuit? If we can’t find the reason to thrive, we will have no reason to complain or for things to change.

If divided we stand, united we will fall when the excuses outweighs the reasons. The past contorts the future when the present is mired in obstructions to intellectual and social progression. How can we entertain a multitude of distractions but can’t find the reasons to avoid the implosion of society? Knowledge has always been power and possessing Knowledge always will be the advantage of those who know to rule those who don’t. The incentives are self-evident and the reasons are motivational persuasion to secure advantages beyond those subdued by ignorance. Arm yourself with knowledge and information as an antidote to ignorance and deceit or behold the liabilities with no good reason why.


A Question of Perspective- Dinosaurs

 Did Dinosaurs exist?

What religion in the world accounts for dinosaurs in the 6,000 years old history of the world? Furthermore, is it more likely the earth’s archeology is incorrect or the narratives of religion are? But, heaven forbid we challenge inconsistent narratives. Global conflicts has arisen from these narratives and will continue until the masses research their beliefs and align themselves with their validation and not anyone’s indoctrination.

Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- Table of Contents


Dark History, Bright Future-Anthem of Evolution by Thurston K. Atlas

Dark History Bright Future   Anthem of Evolution 

  Introduction to Thurston’s Thoughts


A-  The Historical View                                               Part B-  Interpretation                      

A- Theory of Critical Race 20                       B- Distorted History  35                       

A- Absolute Certainty  50                              B- Most CeArtainly Did 62                     

A- To Tell the Truth 71                                  B- Pulling the Curtain 93.                    

A- Overdrawn Account 107                         B- The Big Payback 125                         

A- Twisted Reality 147                                  B- Madness to the Method 168         

A- Happy Emancipation  185                      B- Regifting Freedom Again  197      

A- Disturbing Display 220                          B- Hustling Backwards  237                

A- No N-word Allowed 259                         B- Speak no Evil, Do no Harm 270.   

A- Tactical Protest 293                                  B- Power to the Purpose 312.               

 Don’t Say It if We Don’t Mean It  346

 Hard Hat and a Lunch Pail  434

 Mindlessly Tethered  576

 Conclusion 587

 Appendix  601



Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- Introduction

Dark History, Bright Future-Anthem of Evolution by Thurston K. Atlas

Dark History Bright Future  Anthem of Evolution


Every so often, there is a seismic shift in circumstances brought about by a demand for change. Those who benefit most from change position themselves to capitalize upon that change. They then endeavor to maintain their advantage to sustain their benefit. But, the same is even more true for those adhering to the existing circumstances anticipating changes unfavorable to their concerns. It is the short-sighted cycle of selfish accumulation and consolidation without considering long-term implications or progress.

In an ironic twist, this hedonistic short-sightedness, selfish exploitation, and immediate gratification usually initiate the resulting demand for change. Figuratively milking the cow dry. The cycle feeds upon itself, continuing to circulate cleverly disguised with different variances of the same dynamic and sequence of results benefiting the usual suspects. Therefore, we must change the operational dynamics to alter the cycle and change the outcome.

The current process is constructed whereby there is no scenario where we, as Black people, collectively win. The odds are partly because our effort to shape the dynamic lacks definition and unity while facing staunch opposition. Speaking to power is vastly different from having authority. Speaking to power is more or less a formal complaint, while authority only exists to the extent it is recognized or exercised.

The objective is well defined in these terms on what shapes the narrative or dynamic. It is having power and speaking with authority. We need our power recognized to configure methods asserting authority to regulate our desired outcome. Primarily, the plight of our race is what is understood must not only be spoken but, to a more significant degree, demonstrated. The demonstration is not in organized protest or rioting but psychology and sociology. Let us systematically break down our constraints with brutal honesty, good, bad, or indifferent.

We must navigate a progressive path to acknowledge our power despite the history of slavery and any arising inferiority insinuations. The historical narrative has predominately focused on the dredges of slavery while ignoring or embezzling Black people’s achievements and contributions before, during, and after slavery. That narrative propagates inferiority to fill the void created by deception furthering the ignorance of white superiority and their insistence on Black subservience.

We should take an analytical approach to detect, identify, isolate, infiltrate, and dismantle our challenges regarding racism. So before any other considerations, it must first be determined what is the objective. Next, what are the strengths and vulnerabilities of the challenge? Then, how can the challenge be divided and overcome? Followed by what portion of the challenge must be prioritized and focused upon for maximum or strategic neutralization? Then finally, what will be installed in its place, and how will it be implemented to further achieve our objective?

The process will then come full circle, returning to the initial intent and evaluating it from its beginning to the acquisition of our objective. The subsequent actions are the steps needed to create any power-wielding authority or influence quantified by practical results. So, the starting point is to build power they cannot ignore. The goal in building it is a strong horizontal foundation. That is the strategic phase, but there is also the practical logistics of having the unity, personnel, and preparedness to accomplish the task.

Any movement starts in silence and thought, building a presence where the efforts cannot be snuffed out in its development or execution. Consequently, preparation creates resistance to collapse,  countering an anticipated condition or a predictable response based on contingency and method of implementation. A lesser power can withstand a more significant power when properly positioned to diminish the options and possibilities of opposition. Any concepts deployed must be applied using psychology and translated into sociological, political, and economic strategies.

Amazon Excerpts



Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- Book Description

Dark History Bright Future  Anthem of Evolution

Book Description 

Thurston presents a candid examination of the sociology of racism, modern social systems, primitive rituals, and religious manipulations cloaked in conformities of ignorance. This is a casual forensic inquiry of history, methodologies, ideologies, and consequences of racism, religion, and economics to formulate narratives leading to our modern challenges of divisiveness and conflict. The sanctity of ignorance must be individually and intellectually dissected for suggestive solutions and future perspectives to identify historical traps of distraction, dehumanization, and deceit.

The book’s goal is to stir discovery, self-evaluation, discussion, and the rejection of counter-productive ideologies, behaviors, and conformities designed for subjugation. Among the evaluations are suggestions for solutions understanding the context of time, genetic migration, economic motives, political influence, military conquest, spiritual corruption, and psychological captivity.

 Not surprisingly, these transcend race to maintain exploitation through servitude as essential to a ruling class heavily reliant upon etymological illiteracy. This anthem of evolution is a call to shed the mental shackles of forbidden curiosities and rational impossibilities. Dare to explore your beliefs as the iceberg of deception melts under factual scrutiny. This must have book is an expansive journey into the tip of this deception and ignorance binding us. Free your mind, un-shield your eyes, and hear clearly this resounding message.



Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- “African American”

Dark History, Bright Future-Anthem of Evolution by Thurston K. Atlas

Dark History Bright Future  Anthem of Evolution

Excerpts regarding the term “African  American” 

Page 176

Otherwise, there is a distinction such as African American or minority, not of lesser numbers, but as disadvantaged. Never just American. The Olympics is the only time we are simply American. No other race or nationality are referenced by a land many of them never visited and ties dating back over four hundred years. They at least have a country instead of just a continent of origin. However, many have populated this country to have the interim title removed from their designation, simply being called Americans.

Undoubtedly, the ability to Americanize one’s image for easier assimilation diverts attention from themselves, especially by ostracizing others, particularly Black people. Those who arrived by immigration now bemoan immigrants while concealing apparent hints of their immigrant origins.  White and light complexion immigrants easily assimilate into the white culture or middle class and are excluded from adverse comparisons and discrimination. Once incorporated, they quickly develop no allowances for a diversity of perspectives or cultures not rejected by their new identity and cultural spectacles.

Their culture is surrendered in exchange for a new identity welcoming them to the Americanized white subgroup. Not having their identity stolen but surrendered, they fail to see the damage and trauma caused by never feeling or escaping the prolonged ostracization our people have faced. Regarding the “African American” plight, they don’t know the half of it. The sting of the whip or the noose around the neck of it. They instead become members of the system by white association. The system and the integration become indistinguishable.

People are molded to be inflexible and dismissive, while systems are designed rigidly but fickle. Taking the country back for conservative values is maintaining the violation of church and state for religious values to mandate legislative foundations supplementing sociological biases. These customary biases and identities are preferred as normal behavior well entrenched, while any deviation is abnormal or fearfully anticipated. The imbalance that produces their comfort disregards the aggrieved party’s demand for consideration, essentially minimizing and dismissing claims with indignant outrage.

The way it has been is prone to narcissistic impositions by rejecting the evolution of intolerance and discontent to instead embracing inclusion. The majority inclination has shifted from the majority ideology of controlling minority populations. Yet, the now racist minority ideology resists the changing times seeking to rule the majority. The ignorance of the past attempts to paralyze the present and remains opposed and fearful of future possibilities and expectations. Redefining the constructs of society, self-identity, and equality is deemed a threat.

Marginalized society is no longer happy with whatever scraps procured, instead wanting whatever possibilities and considerations advantaged white’s receives. Wanting equilibrium of opportunity and social treatment impartially available and applied. The contempt and discontent are prevalent and pervasive on many levels regarding a biased irrelevant and suppressive application or standard.

However, a stark difference exists, whether it is gender inequality, pay inequality, religious discrimination, educational gaps, healthcare deficiencies, lifestyle orientation, and many others, not just racial profiling and social injustices. Moreover, many deep traumas have been directed towards all subgroups not representative of the dominant controlling group despite being members of other dominant subgroups such as educated, male, or the double whammy, Black and female. Every subgroup has a learned behavior with defining expectations and benefits and is subjected to judgment from other subgroups’ prejudices.

However, the problem arises when it minimizes or infringes on another subgroup to be defined by the standards beneficial to the dominant subgroup. Thus preferences are common to all humans or specific taxon, but the exercise of dominance and privilege where none exist based upon a manipulated interpretation or advantage violates humanity. Continued practice of this violation is not a deterrent for change, it invites it by unfairness. On the contrary, it dictates perseverance because to concede is to assure the imbalance of identity, perspective, and privilege continues.

Page 389

I have a theory, maybe a wacky theory but follow me. Suppose we travel back far enough to the origin of life in Africa. Wouldn’t that make everyone walking the earth African and all Americans African American? Suppose all bi-racial people claim their presumably socially dominant racial identity instead of the lowest relegation of their racial identity. Wouldn’t that make them white if they so choose?

Sort of the reverse one-drop rule where one drop of white blood would make you white or whatever race contributed to your identity. If Canaan was made Black by Noah to curse his father, Ham, then can’t all Blacks claim to be White being descendants of the pure seed of Ham directly from Noah or Canaan when he was white? What about as a descendant of Adam? Genealogy allows for claims of many variations of race or identity.

Furthermore, if people can choose to be non-binary, a singular person can identify as plural, and anyone can be white then why can’t Blacks claim to be any race, even white or no race, as a matter of self-identity, even for government purposes? Why not if it is based on self-identification or ancient history? So what is African American? Is it a color, a lineage, or a classification that secretly segregates us as a distinction other than American?

Look at any government form; under white, it does not have any distinction outside the collective family of white, none indicating origins or lineage. Maybe, everyone’s identity should be an x on forms to eliminate race as a consideration. Makes me wonder if race or gender is even needed since it is questionable what benefits the distinction brings. Arguably, it is more used for discrimination. This could indicate that some re-evaluating needs to occur when these terms have or should have no bearing on determinations or qualifications. But let’s go to the deep waters.

Case in point, to some the greatest President of all times, 45, who claims the confederate heritage and an all-American persona grandfather and grandmother was born in Kallstadt. But he claims white, not German or European. It goes unquestioned and is acceptable because, quietly, most designations of white fall in the immigrant category of impersonating a legacy of American heritage.

My grandmothers and grandfathers were born in Mississippi and Georgia, but I need to claim African American. Their parents and grandparents were born in America. It is a sly segregationist distinction where Black and brown people are further diluted as people of color. These distinctions are misleading, ambiguous, or flat-out lies. We are relegated to a continent or hemisphere, while other races belong to a country, province, city, or culture.

Whites can be of any nationality to claim white. All dark complexion people are not directly from Africa, although all humanity is from Africa, so how far back are we going? If that make all Americans African American by ancestry, whereas a naturalized African would be what? African Americans too, regardless of color. If born in Africa and naturalized in America, that seems to make you African American more than Black. But what that would make you is knowing your natural heritage, which we cannot claim. Still, their struggle is not removed from ours, our reference point is simply different.

Therefore African American signifies unknown origins and lost heritage. How many claim America as their homeland and heritage to take back America? But their roots don’t go back as far as ours in America? They will claim the country but not the atrocities. That would make America ours before it was theirs by way of their immigrant legacy. We have been the N-word, coons, coloreds, negroes, blacks, people of color, and African Americans in the ever-shifting saga of our assigned identity. I claim Black with pride just as others claim their distinction, even confederate, but they refuse to claim squatter.

Black is a legacy American whose ancestors were subjected to slavery, reminding me of my obligation to not defile their sacrifices and tribulations. The analogy is often inconsistent when attempting to retrofit an identity or association. By that metric, is there such thing as Confederate American or Immigrant American according to their heritage and ancestry? Most whites are of immigrant origins compared to descendants of slaves, but they also arrived on a boat, most after us. African American is furthering an insidious distinction that undermines the concept of equality. Minority applies to everyone from Black people to gender, disability, religion, and soon-to-be white in approximately thirty years.

Race is a delusion of numbers and classifications by disproportionate criteria. The technical distinctions defy logic while casually applied. By designation, the census and office of OMB consider African Americans to be anyone whose ancestors’ origins are traced back to the lower regions of Africa, below the northern portion or sub-Saharan. I would imagine even indirectly from another land. So realistically, African American is a polite way to say slave descendant. Everyone else on the globe can be considered white, even if from Africa.

By definition, it is firmly consistent a dark complexion person or so-called Black from the northern part of Africa is white by geography. So with the geographical origins set by that criteria, how does anyone else become classified as African American if not by color? The spectrum of color variations in all lands further extracts light complexion appeal as the overwhelming and overriding criteria simulating whiteness but not by geography. So by geographical designation as evidence, it reveals in general not where they hijacked us from but a dark skin aversion.

By the same curiosity, what slave trade or immigration globally have others undergone in four hundred and fifty years? Does it reflect their geographical origins for direct comparison to ours during the same period? That changes many things in the world, but many it doesn’t change. Globally connect the systems, ideological cultivations, and echoing beliefs throughout that time for an accurate portrait of comparison. From origin to evolution, follow the continuity of repetition over time. The repetition of time cast its shadow as truth without breath possessing only time with more assumed than spoken.

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This brings it back full circle to the descendant from slavery labeling disguised as African American. Maybe they need to know to exclude us rather than ensure we are included. White includes every light complexion nationality without further distinction whereby they are incorporated by deceptive but established means regardless of time or history in America. Skin tone grants automatic membership and privileges from day one. This is also true for other darker complexion nationalities so long as they are not Black.

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It would then seem culture not colorism is at play. It also confirms white is more of a social status of inclusion not a race. With African American meaning the descendant of slaves and white meaning everyone else, including descendants of slave owners, it also denotes us not being accepted as belonging on or from this land. White exclaim they need to take their country back, but it was inhabited when they arrived, but no mention of returning it and definitely not vacating it. But, we are welcome to return by boat to Africa when we have been here before almost everyone saying we don’t belong.

Relocated by slavery, our designation is the closest estimation of commonality, Africa, even if over four hundred years ago or more. But, African American also denotes being of unknown origins or lineage from a miscellaneous bin of humanity. It gets confusing because white is miscellaneously composed and defined only by what has not been included, Black people, ignoring genealogy. African American is an oxymoron. Africans suggest we don’t belong here, and American likewise suggest we don’t belong there. Yet, we are tolerated in America as orphans with no specific nationality or ancestral identity.

Dark History Bright Future Anthem of Evolution- Preface


Dark History, Bright Future-Anthem of Evolution by Thurston K. Atlas Dark History Bright Future  Anthem of Evolution


Thurston K. Atlas started a blog entitled “When Playtime is Over” to express his point of view on relevant topics and present an alternative voice. Thurston K. Atlas’s diverse life experiences and challenges provide a basis for his perspective he felt compelled to express. The author hopes that the perspectives and ideologies offered are used for motivation, contemplation, and progression. Thurston K. Atlas’ primary objective is to generate introspective thought, facilitate candid conversation, and arouse free-thinking perspectives.

This book is presented in a series of observations and commentary of perspectives intended to editorialize and illustrate the surface ramifications of underlying racial principles and ideologies. It further explores and challenges some long-accepted fundamental socializations and the consequences of adhering to these thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. The goal is conveying a deeper understanding. Part A is the conventional or historical perspective, while Part B is a companion article offering a more specific interpretation applying causation and intent, hopefully leading to awareness and solutions.

The articles in Part A illustrate factual experiences, while Part B stirs the sediment of its implementation and impact. The psychological and sociological dynamics causing and promoting racial discrimination also produce many other biases affecting various socially marginalized subgroups targeted by discriminatory treatment. These dynamics transcend racism and geography, but many of the solutions are similar since many of the root causes are comparable.

The primary goal is for you to include these ideas and considerations in your family and subgroup discussions, making the exchange a philosophical family affair. Finally, part C is a series of questions intended to encourage conversation to preemptively address issues clarifying possible actions, responses, and perspectives applied to real-world situations. Whatever your perspective, it should be factually and logically defensible but certainly withstand debate.

The discussion within the Black family is crucial as a rite of passage, survival, and recognition to avoid the distractions and traps that deplete our aspirations and progression. We must place the narrative in our hands, emancipated from the residue of slavery and focused on future prosperity. It is only a generation away if the proper approaches are applied. Applying enhanced knowledge, altered perception, and practical actions for those sufficiently determined and disciplined are the treasures that will summon fortune, astutely changing the Black condition.

The advantages of aggressive pursuit are undeniable, while the complacency of the past is inadequate. The absence of change prolongs assured damages, while the sluggishness of progress stalls optimism and is insufficient to execute solutions. We are all familiar with the old methods the same old results. Time to change the channel to visually, emotionally, and intellectually recalibrate our psychology, sociology, and methodology.

Hopefully, we will reconsider what we validate and from what we seek validation. We must visualize our objectives directing our actions toward achieving them. So, welcome to when playtime is over, where our goal is to stimulate thought and conversation, not to convert your perspective. Any persuasion is solely at your discretion and deliberation. So, let the discussions and transformations begin.

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