Dr. Frankenstein, I presume.

Whose monster is it?

We all remember how scary the story of the monster Frankenstein was with his weirdo look, limited motor skills, and infantile mentality. He produced mass fear and hysteria, particularly when he rampaged the villagers. But, let’s face it, his inability to understand and to decipher much resulted in his outbursts of anger and frustration, which made him more frightening.

There is no Frankenstein monster without there being a Dr. Frankenstein, the creator to construct the monster. The monster’s creator pieced together a composite of body parts, effectively building the physical monster devoid of humanistic traits. Although noble in his quest, Dr. Frankenstein knew not the ramifications of his proclamation “It is Alive,” 

When you piece together a person using body parts, physical inventory accounts for the physical parts needed. However, how do you account for the parts unseen without a physical component identifying their presence? Perhaps this is where Dr. Frankenstein went astray in his construction, the intrinsic qualities.

Due to extraordinary advances, you can now secure a better unit with all the physical characteristics desired by Dr. Frankenstein in his work. A starter kit, if you will, intrinsic qualities are still not included.

You must provide the fundamental moral qualities and training for your unit. Providing compassion, morality, and the like. However, your unit is highly observant and extremely impressionable, often mimicking your thoughts, attitudes, and behavior. Your unit comes in your image with striking similarities to yourself. Wonderful, what could possibly go wrong?

To set up your unit, there are no definitive instructions, just loose guidelines. This unit requires guidance to function properly. It is not a self-sufficient unit. It requires extensive setup for initial functionality, and from time to time, will exhibit a random selection of free will. The unit’s functionality increases as time pass to require less from you to function independently.

Wait, this mad scientist business is starting to get a little tedious. OK, but you still have a unit to maintain with expected sacrifices. Furthermore, the test is not only of your unit to receive instructions but you to instruct. So avoid saddling it with your unresolved burdens, always remembering the essence of what this unit becomes is guided by you.

  You can damage it from being a properly functioning demonstration by insufficient effort or weak commitment. You can refuse to make sacrifices for the benefit of your unit. Finally, you can ruin the unit’s future by your lack of discipline and resolve to nurture your unit.

You can instill outdated rules of conformity and acceptance of beliefs and actions long determined before the existence of your unit. The unit can be restricted by your past and learned tendencies. For your unit to function properly, use only your absolute best efforts. After all, you don’t want your unit to become a monster. It is not like you’re Dr. Frankenstein, right?

The intrinsic qualities are utterly necessary to the unit’s programming. Select the correct software for programming this unique unit. Your unit holds you in very high esteem with the ultimate trust submitting to your guidance, influence, and authority. Programming is the difference between producing a monster or a masterpiece. Your unit will most likely reflect your efforts, integrity, and character, otherwise termed programming.

As time passes, your unit will exercise its very own judgments, unique displays of expression, and intelligence. Its achievements become your pride to be credited or your shame to be blamed. Of course, there are random external factors at play, but your influence is the earliest and most constant. It is presumably disproportionately persuasive in the unit’s core construction and programming.

Now let us switch gears by keeping the same perspective but redefining the context to which we examine historically long-held practices or programming of questionable significance.

Imagine you are still the creator, but we redefine the unit as anyone you have authority over, responsibility for, or have accepted as dependent upon you. For example, someone significantly impacted by your decisions, like maybe your children. So, for the sake of argument, let us define the unit as your child.

The child enters this world with a clean slate totally dependent upon you for survival and guidance. The world the child enters is pre-determined by the circumstances and standards in which you live and provide. What that standard of living happens to be and the opportunities and expectations begin to influence the child’s programming from birth, even if inadvertently done.

Now you cannot underestimate the influence of geographical location of birth on cultural and philosophical systems of adherence, practice, and perspectives. Even within the same demographics, there is a vast difference of specific beliefs. Often those who share the same core beliefs differ among themselves on many things even within that belief.

Aside from the physical necessities required, you also have a responsibility to cultivate, not indoctrinate, your child. Rather incorporate within a child the analytical veracity to determine what is factual or conditioned belief.

It would be best if you gauge the suitability of the programming, knowing the origins, purpose, and current practical application of the knowledge. Recognizing the current relevance and value of the cultivation, not familiar irrelevant conditioning. The passing of time suggests that a conditioned response’s consistent application might be impractical now when not in the past.





 The very reason and purpose may have shifted over time, requiring a more current analysis with a current resolution, a sorely needed update. Reevaluating your perspectives should strengthen the teachings. This provides an audit to scrutinize them as impractical teaching or not.

Thus, unsaddled by past assumptions, the conveyance of knowledge is tested and accepted as factual free from past bias. Otherwise, your unit is unprepared for the present and future having outdated software.

The objective is life skills in preparation for the future, not an application for the past. Resistance to adaptation by conformity is a hidden cost of sorts. It maintains widely held assumption that often perpetuates and permeates society with an opposing purpose other than their stated intent. Therefore, it must present a clear benefit and comparable value supported by the frequency of its usefulness as a determining factor.

To further give a prime example of such a purpose, look at the trust and belief associated with the material’s content now presented as education. Which is more valuable, the stated purpose of knowledge or the intent of conditioning? Furthermore, within the quality of education, the frequency of its knowledgeable application throughout a lifetime impacts the pursuit of money and quality of life.

The benefits of incorporating currency, financial systems and business structures, abstract and analytical thinking, investments, and real estate could provide a comprehensive foundation of literacy and understanding for advancement throughout their life of how these systems actually work. Unfortunately, though critical to adult life, these topics seem relegated to insignificance compared to other topics presented as essential education that are not as useful in adult life.

That is where you, the mad scientist, come in to supplement and make sure that the knowledge of these things, which makes a massive difference in the trajectory of your child’s life and possibly generations after, is not left to randomness but are essential required learning. You do not have to know it. You have to make sure that they know it, the best-updated programming.

The presentation leads to consumption, which leads to the implementation. But, you must first plant the seed for it to grow. Education, curiosity, creativity, and personality must never be stifled and consistently encouraged in the child.

Please beware of the dismissive manner in which we discipline and discourage children. It profoundly influences their development, belief system, and ability to absorb a positive self-image. Avoid reckless negative reinforcements, don’t douse the fire of ambition, curiosity, accomplishment.

Your limits should not become your child’s limits, especially if they are generationally afflicted limitations. Yelling and demeaning children reinforce their acceptance of this behavior from someone else later in their life disguised as love.

Since they love you so dearly, they are conditioned to confuse it with acceptable behavior. It becomes familiar from someone else they so dearly love as just part of an expression of love. It creates a cycle of self-defamation of spirit encouraged by a loved and trusted source, you.

Why do they have to pay for conditions they had no hand in creating within you? Don’t let your inability to deal with your monster take away their chance not to become one.

Take no satisfaction in poisoning someone else because you were poisoned and healing has eluded you. Your unit can be your healing. Give them a chance, even if someone hindered your prospects, the child didn’t do it. Sort of ethical rules of engagement for a player to avoid soft innocent targets.

Set the standard and enforce it upon yourself, demanding accountability of yourself to refrain from projecting our deficiencies and lack of knowledge as examples for the child to believe and duplicate. Resist the refusal to accept change and initiate change because it is contrary to your conditioned reality. Where does the cycle end so an improved one can begin? Programmers use to say garbage in garbage out.

Without recognizing faulty programming in you that recycles in them, forms an extremely limited projection continuing the mistake of Dr. Frankenstien. Furthermore, it disregards the intrinsic value of new programming and information that benefits your child.

It might be too late for some of us, but not them. We need to pledge. I will endeavor to present the best demonstration and presentation of myself to be an example for those who would hold me in such esteem.

I further endeavor to offer encouragement to rise above my limitations and shortcomings. That their accomplishments will reflect their abilities and not my faults as a testament to my contribution. Otherwise, the villagers will let you know because they will metaphorically march on your castle with torches seeking the monster and its creator.

The full impact and understanding of the impressions we generate should not be recklessly transmitted messages of damaging programming. Instead, give the child a chance you did not have or declined to accept so that their life is not derailed or carry the regrets you have.

You are enough, even if you can only be an example of what not to do but celebrate their possibilities. The world does not need any more monsters or Dr. Frankensteins, I presume.


Thurston K. Atlas

Creating a Buzz


Grand Jury Proposal

The Totality of the Facts

The entire Breonna Taylor case from the beginning has been cloaked in secrecy with limited information disseminated. I believe that this has not been done by accident. While the Grand Jury proceedings have shed some light on the incidents of that night, it has also cast much doubt on the grand jury.

Unfortunately, full disclosure and complete access to the facts may never be obtained, but there should be a release of information that satisfies the many unanswered questions that exist. It should also cover questions about the grand jury process that manipulated the outcome.

You must ask the right questions for a correct answer to create transparency and shed the appropriate insight into the case. These questions and answers should then be presented to another Grand Jury in their entirety so that an unbiased informed decision can be made for possible charges and indictments, if any. Thus, following the trail of truth wherever it leads and whomever it implicates.

The Grand Jury proceedings by law are kept secret, as well as the identity of the Grand Jurors. These are the first two flaws of the proceedings, notwithstanding the constitutional traditions which permit manipulation of abuses and loopholes. The criteria of member selection can influence the decision by a predisposition of perspectives slanted toward a particular outcome affecting the decision maker’s interpretation of the evidence.

Members should maintain anonymity redacted from the public record and view, but member protocol needs adjusting under these exceptional circumstances. The criteria for member selection may very well be questionable when these exceptional circumstances arise. Maybe random selection, maybe not, but the point is there is no transparency conducive to understanding the process.

Secondly, if the person alleged in the proceedings is a public servant of public record acting in a public capacity, why are their proceedings private in contrast to their public service. It would stand to reason that secrecy is their right if operating privately but not in a public capacity. It is a determination relative to their public actions, not a private capacity occurrence.

It is a mixture of public and private concerns governed by strictly private rights as a citizen when the actions were not of a private citizen nature but a public employee. Standards for public employees distinguish acts committed as an employee or elected official as violations of public expectations. If the offense is public, should the determination not also be public to promote transparency and fairness?

Make the presentation of evidence public but not in its entirety, only satisfying the level of charges sought. Another alternative to protecting the integrity of the secrecy of the proceedings is to have opposing interests present or ensure that an impartial conveyance of the facts is conducted. The proceedings could then remain private but balanced in their presentation.

Whatever alteration must ensure the totality of the facts and possible charges be presented to avoid steering or to restrict the grand jury process. The saying goes, a grand jury will indict a ham sandwich meaning the outcome can be manipulated beyond reason, but the opposite is also true. It can be restricted beyond reason by the limitations of the information or charges submitted. This phase is where the abuses and loopholes exist.

It has the overwhelming potential to distort the purpose and outcome by tampering with the intent necessitating transparency. Nevertheless, transparency is required under these extraordinary circumstances of mistrust, and the skepticism created even sometimes among the members of the Grand Jury themselves. The demand for procedural disclosure has raised suspicions about the credibility of the process, evidence, and charges presented.

The Grand Jury is tasked with a no bill or true bill determination but can only consider the charges put before them. Meaning an indictment is either denied or upheld considering only the evidence and the suggested changes presented to them. They have no power to suggest charges or have any knowledgeable requirements of the nuances of the law.

They rely on the prosecutor’s presentation of the facts and the changes suggested. They cannot consider charges that have not been presented to them. Facts unknown to the Grand Jury, in essence, restrict their considerations to only the choices available to them. So, the facts not presented have probably more impact on the decision to indict or not than what is presented.

With that said, to avoid any impropriety and maintain impartiality, all evidence and witnesses should be presented to the Grand Jury. Then the culmination of that information made public or arbitrated as an Amicus Brief with only the names of the individuals redacted for their protection and anonymity if they are not public servants.

This will preserve the transparent disclosure of the facts and the value of the evidence presented without significantly impacting the integrity and procedures of the Grand Jury.

To highlight these procedural principles or lack of, altering a judicial determination while claiming impartiality in submitting the complete facts warranting no charges, consider their practical impact. With an understanding of the possible methods used, it becomes evident where and how undue influence and tacit persuasions can go undetected.

A city settlement had been reached in the Taylor case prior to the grand jury proceedings revealing some level of acceptance, if not an admission of guilt or liability. The settlement alone indicates that the city’s position was much more fragile and dubious than errant shots into an adjacent apartment which caused no bodily harm. To prevent the facts from being vigorously pursued, establishing uncontestable culpability, this is the first maneuver.

The settlement agreement has probably restricted some of the family’s rights to legally implement key principles such as duces tecum or discovery to reveal elements pertinent to the events of that night. Thus, surmising it would behoove the city to enter into a settlement before the legal wrangling began, only if it admitted no guilt, regulated disclosure, and restricted recourse.

The settlement would certainly restrict any recourse or some of the family’s further exercise of legal rights about the case. The optics and practicality appear peculiar, and the settlement obscured the State Attorney General’s obligation for full disclosure to address the family’s interest.

Public outrage was then the only recourse remaining for accountability considering the facts not presented to the grand jury. The outrage has subsided as they knew it would despite no full disclosure or honoring of legal request for evidence still not released a year later.

Furthermore, a settlement was not negotiated with the victims of the grand jury indicted action signifying undisputable criminal negligence against an innocent family in the adjacent dwelling. Conversely, the family of Breonna Taylor, where no indictment was returned in connection with her death, was given a settlement.

It seems strange that a so-called totally justifiable shooting would warrant a twelve-million-dollar settlement, and the victims of the unquestionable reckless endangerment would not result in settlement of any known dollar amount thus far.

That said, to further examine the events of that night, much more remains to be scrutinized using deductive reasoning of the evidence parameters not presented to the grand jury before they could reach a decision.

Presenting the evidence with the spectrum of charges applicable and letting the grand jury make a legal determination on what does or does not support an indictment would secure an objective assessment. After all, convening the grand jury to provide an objective assessment and factual determination was the objective.

To make an objective assessment, it cannot be a limited or subjective presentation of the facts. The totality of evidence to be fully presented and considered should include the search warrant process and probable cause, the execution of the search warrant and critical incident review, and all witness testimony or statements taken, including fellow officers.

In particular, the swat team personnel criticized the shots fired into the apartment, striking Taylor as an unconfirmed target and suppressive fire.

Further consideration must include a comprehensive review of all evidence, any incriminatory or exculpatory indiscretions of significance, and any revelations from subsequent investigations.

In addition, they must be reviewed for any impact on impartiality or transparency on Grand Jury revelations for any reasonable charges as a procedural matter. Thus, as a projection of consequences since material facts were misrepresented, which would have prevented obtaining a search warrant, all actions resulting are attributed to that lie.

Consequently, no search warrant would or should have been granted or sought. No search warrant, no murder since there was no legal right to be there. Since a lie leads to the critical incident, why would not the liar be held criminally accountable for every action the lie set in motion?

Similar to a getaway driver, planner, or lookout for a criminal act. This principle is applied to civilians universally, then why not the police, especially when a murder was the result. It was not presented to the grand jury, but the city fired him for it.

Undeniably, in addition to the State Attorney General (AG) or prosecutor suggesting charges, there needs to be an agreed-upon individual acting in the capacity of Amicus Curiae to assure an impartial and fair interpretation of the evidence presented and application of the law. That would ensure that all interests are equally represented fairly and objectively to satisfy any accusations of impropriety or coverup.

To ignore the impact of the crime committed by lying under oath as the affiant securing the search warrant, which resulted in the firing but not prosecution for the lie or murder, is reprehensible. Don’t look any further for a colossal abuse of the grand jury process by omitting facts and evidence. It was known at the time before the grand jury was seated.

The complete and thorough examination of the evidence should be of paramount interest to all parties for a just resolution. Therefore, when assessing actions of that night, any police action relying on pertinent information must be known before or at the time of the occurrence or incident in real-time, not after the fact. The lie was known.

Subsequent information ascertained by further investigation or implication only frames the structure for support or rebuttal by which the circumstances of that night can be evaluated.

It is not sufficient to cite traditional grand jury protocol protections when the AG has been exposed to have practiced deceit by commission and omission. Instead, the process must be presented and released for objective examination and understanding since exposing the previous secretive process as a farce and wholly inadequate.

The process cannot be suborned to conceal, deny, or mislead accountability for malfeasance or misfeasance. The integrity of the Grand Jury system must supersede and resist the impulses to disguise the guilt of law enforcement with equal enthusiasm as it applies to imposing it on others.

The purpose of an exhaustive probe is not to create doubt but to establish clarity and transparency of application and interpretation of the facts. There is a fiduciary duty to present the facts in their entirety. Total satisfaction for all is not realistic or attainable, but fairness, complete presentation, and honest determination should be.

Conceding that some partialities are not factually based and governed by the emotions of opposing beliefs, no matter the outcome, there will remain a contention of disputing opinions.

However, when proceedings are properly conducted in full consideration of the facts conveyed unbiasedly and transparently, a greater level of satisfaction is obtained whomever the outcome disappoints. The total and indisputable facts must be revealed and judged accordingly, letting blame fall where it may.

The Taylor case illustrated some methods of abuse when manipulating the system, but there are other methods involving circumvention by avoiding the process. Any homicide should be presented to the grand jury even if an arrest is not made.

This provides transparency and clearance of wrongdoing. The circumstances should be submitted as a matter of facts, not presentation, then the charges resulting from the actions can be determined fairly. The Ahmaud Aubrey case best illustrates the circumvention of the law by not submitting the facts to a grand jury.

Several refusals occurred before exposure of the facts necessitated multiple arrests and indictments for his murder. Federal charges were also brought. So how could there be several determinations that there was no crime unless it was to conceal the facts and the participant’s guilt?

The mere submission of the facts to a grand jury was the difference between injustice and justice. This cast doubt on the motive and judgment of the prosecutor and law enforcement, who initially refused to arrest or indict, remiss in honoring the facts. The errant determination rested in their hands, resulting in a coverup.

This is a common occurrence to pretend no law was broken and no crime was committed. Thus, the appearance of impartiality masqueraded as a thorough investigation while biasedly corrupted. It amounts to a dereliction of duty exceeding bad judgment and should be examined for any criminality.

If these decisions are unduly influenced, that would be a crime. However, if this crime was in furtherance of concealment of another’s crime, they should share their fate since they decided to share their concealment.

To not present the case to the grand jury at the minimum is either law enforcement misconduct or prosecutorial misconduct, if not both. An expanded system of review or panel of review would remedy these biases of judgment and injustice.

It should also trigger a personnel review when the misjudgment is this blatant. If criminal intent is not proven, it most certainly sustains disciplinary actions. The system must have deterrents and enforcement of violations to assure its integrity.

Those entrusted to uphold the integrity and intent of the law violate this by deceptive means or concealment of material facts. In that case, they should be exposed and judged harshly, perhaps by having their facts presented to a grand jury.

These grand jury proposals will address some abuses, loopholes, and circumventions to no longer be allowed to be exploited under the pretense of justice. Corrupting the process is corrupting justice and promoting violations. Grand jury reform for public employees should reflect their capacity as a servant to the public, not a private citizen. Furthermore, automatic grand jury review of instances similar to the Aubrey case has to be mandatory. 


Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz


Happy Black Emancipation Day


When the truth is a Lie

Rejoice! Hallelujah! Free at Last! Happy Jubilee! Juneteenth is now a holiday. Finally, a day our ancestors never thought would come or perhaps a day they only dreamed about but could it be a day they had already seen. A day full of promises.

Could it be a day that other than symbolically we have yet to have seen? Civil Rights, the Voting Act, Black History Month, and Martin Luther King Jr. Day brought some of the exact lofty expectations and exaltations. Please make no mistake about it; it is progress. We will take it as part of an ensemble while questionable as acknowledgment or satisfaction of meaningful change.

Let history in the future look back and be the judge if June 19th being declared a national holiday is the beginning or just another layover on the way. From this point, history looking back reveals some very curious methods of demonstrating the freedom and emancipation of Blacks in America since that initial day of liberation in 1863.

First, many have diligently and heartfeltly worked to bring about the recognition of this holiday. Second, there are many, many more who rejoice in the celebration of the symbolism of this day. Third, the swell of pride can barely be contained within the satisfaction of its recognition.

A day that is symbolic and celebratory. By no means do I want to diminish or criticize the meaning of its importance, impact, or impression for those feeling the accomplishment or validation of its achievement. However, I wonder if the degree of pride celebrated is really a source of pride symbolically or otherwise comparatively. It has to be contemplated forgoing the reality of its subsequent impact; what is the meat on the bone?

At its core, governed by the reality of its intent, purpose, application, and legislation, what was really “given,” promised, or protected by the notification of freedom. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation changed the practice but not the perception or acceptance of slavery regarding legislative integrity, only the procedure but not the context.

A quasi end to slavery and its overt methods giving way to the begging of equality and the beginning of pseudo freedom. Is Juneteenth a memorial to the atrocity or a celebration of relief from it? Quantify and contextualize the reprieve against the covert and sinister practices that have limited its impact.

If this is a celebration of relief, why are we still subjected to the injustices of discrimination rooted in slavery? Its implications both seen and unseen are effectively both overtly and covertly practiced in principle and purpose. Should it be a day of mourning the indignities suffered and the struggle to shake the remnants of its ideology?

The two-edge sword cuts efficiently on both edges, but the handle is safe from its wounding damage. The handle controls the blade, but who is holding the handle? Whoever controls the handle guides the cut. So, was what was given really received on this day? Was it not granted over two and a half years before and the notification amounted to permission to know.

The question of the delay of freedom’s notification to finally reach the outer regions granting freedom makes me wonder if it was the beginning of liberty or the end of slavery. They appear to be two different things at closer inspection in practice and law but did we fully get either?

Then it would follow that why would you celebrate the delay of the information or change above the day it was enacted into law, January 1st, 1863? Not much had essentially changed except now everyone knew about it. What about those who had already known or where it had already taken effect?

When and where it did take effect was it more in word or prominent by deed? Slavery was followed by Jim Crow and its many variations of systemic racism and injustices. Coloreds only water fountains and lunch counters existed after the Juneteenth notification. Ask Claudette Colvin or Rosa Parks about freedom to ride the bus without being required to give up your seat for a white person.

How easily are we now deceived or pacified by our need for acceptance and validation? We now have the audacity to celebrate a day that did not deliver on what our expectation and interpretation of its intent was. Have we forgotten what was promised? It did technically mostly deliver on not being a physical slave, it did not deliver on freedom from not being treated as a slave or inhumane, but then it never promised that did it?

Forced labor became coerced labor in many cases, and no education became limited or scripted education tilted towards discouragement. In many ways, there is no definitive way to deal with slavery other than to do what it takes to put it behind us by meaningful change of substance.

For example, removing qualified immunity for law enforcement, changing the economic barriers to the equal probability of a possibility of fairness, quality healthcare, education not designed for social engineering, fair taxation, loan and banking reform, criminal justice system reform, and many other reforms or proclamations would have far more reaching substantive benefits than a holiday celebrating something that in principle has yet to happen.

For a bonus, these changes would not be racially biased and would have universal benefits ensuring universal acceptance. Generally, it would be better for the Black condition if certain things were discontinued instead of a hollow holiday celebrated.

As a free nation, do we not, as everyday citizens have the right to celebrate any day we would like without that day being a national holiday, for example, your birthday? Then why do you need the government’s permission to celebrate any day of collective importance to you? You know they sell ribs, beer, and fireworks for celebrations other than government-sanctioned holidays.

For that matter, we have Kwanza, which is largely ignored. At the same time, Christmas is widely celebrated as a government-sanctioned holiday, and credit is given to a white myth, I mean Santa Claus. Thus, it could be misconstrued that we need government approval and validation to determine our cultural celebrations.

Lack of a holiday has never damaged the Black condition. Still, many other societal and institutional injustices have, so why not address them because our grievances won’t disappear with a holiday, but they might with stipulations that address inequities.

We need reciprocity to get what we have contributed to others receiving, what they have been given in equal value, context, and quantity to be reflected in the principles of our Freedom. Freedom can now be defined as the Freedom from discrimination and systemic obstructions to our unhindered participation in the American dream.

Freedom where any racial context is inconsequential to the veracity of our skill and ambition as the only factors, no more or no less than anyone else’s. That should be the interpretation and understanding attached to Juneteenth, not pacifying anyone’s guilt or outrage.

Juneteenth is a participation trophy where nothing was won or given of value. A holiday can’t be given to instill pride and validation to a race of people because, at its essence, it shares the same psychological bondages as slavery to permit you something that should be within your power and dignity to grant yourself.

It is facetious to celebrate something within you because someone permitted you to have the courage to do so. It is, however, an indictment of how far we need to progress psychologically. To claim our pride, identity, and self-acceptance fortifying our strength of self-determination.



Our validation is a singular individual journey that gives rise to our collective accumulation of ascension by removing ourselves from being part of the problem and demonstrating a statistical representation of the solution. To be counted in our progress.

Like in the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy was told she always had the power just needed to summon it up. Juneteenth, in many ways, was a promise unfulfilled. It has yet to be realized because slavery was transformed into discrimination. It has operated ever since the notification of Freedom reached the far regions of geography but has yet to fully reach the distant regions of modern time.

Time has carried the water of this ideology while bailing water only to have some refilling the vessel of hate. Therefore, celebrating this holiday does very little beyond giving you another reason to fire up the grill and not have to work.

When the celebration ends and the congratulations are done, there will still be more pressing issues that await us. So when we have to get back to the work of substantial practical progress, remain diligent not to let the celebration douse our commitment and resolve needed later to focus on the task at hand.

Any solution upholding Juneteenth purpose and intent lays between the ears of both those who champion or oppose its essence. That is where the problem started and hides. The mind conceals or reveals the perspective whereby the solution rest.

But for now, let us celebrate this day as creating temporary possibilities to pacify a truce of interests and acknowledgment of slavery but not its ills. Recognizing its ending but blinded to its revival in a different form. If this seems cynical or ungrateful, I ask, should I be celebrating Freedom or the end of slavery?

Freedom from the chains implied the condiments of Freedom from discrimination and suppression. Freedom in its essence could not have been given if after a century and almost three score long fight still not received by now. Again, slavery ends but Freedom does not begin. So there goes that delay again.

As the handler of the sword, the wielder is impervious from the damage of the blade. While those who are cut continue to cry out, where is the relief, the Freedom from damages? Should not the one injured be the judge of the injury? Truth is a lie when it is proven false and can’t survive scrutiny, or when it is brutally honest but so truthful it is repulsive and rejected as a falsehood to preserve ignorance. Which is this? The biggest lie ever told is the truth when you do not want to accept it. The lie begins where the truth ends. Where Freedom from discrimination never began.

Warning! Straight no chaser. 

Truth is similar to quicksand. The more you struggle, it engulfs you. So. there can be no opposition where there is no resistance. Likewise, there can be no resistance where there is no opposition. It’s a silly notion that the last day we were notified of our Freedom made transgressions evaporate to become free. They only lessened. Only the coercion, free labor not fair labor, and physical restraint diminished while other ramifications increased. Therefore, are we free from the ramifications of being free?  

We were not promised or given Freedom. They stopped robbing us of it. It was not theirs to take, so how could they give it? Now no longer a slave, are there those who do not know this still? Do we still not fully enjoy our rights despite slavery or freedom from it? The appearance of Freedom without conviction is the problem.

Consequently, being free but unaware until notified gave us a mental perspective devoid only of physical suppression. The question is, what was that perspective? Were better techniques used to accomplish the same effect? Do other’s actions promote we still are not free or do ours that we don’t know we are free? Capitulation is surrender, and submission is by defeat, both primarily of a weakened spirit. Protect yourself at all times from both.

The options are either resistance of the status quo or the system submits you regardless of race, especially if you are black, narrowing the objective and defining the rules. There is no mystery often regarding the rules, but so what, to smell success overcome them because you ARE Black. The motivation is for the smell of it. 

Boasting of the obstacles overcome smells better than crying over obstacles that overcame you. Mental toughness and an analytical resolve supply your mind with the tools needed to overcome barriers. Any breach has been allowed to penetrate your mental perimeter to weaken your spirit. Be careful what is served that you devour; consider the menu and motive before consuming.

This celebration is diluted because the holiday benefits everyone whether they want it or not. Our experience paid for this day, so where are specific concessions for us with practical solutions to our Black condition. We are hustling backward for what we already grind for with everyone else now along for the feast. For transgressions against Blacks, it’s reasonable to assume any concessions would be specifically directed toward a black redress without exceptions.

Many issues linger despite the late notification or holiday for us to be patronized away from essential changes. A benefit analysis reveals the sum impact of the holiday probably is not a substantial change. Its practical benefit is not much more than if it had not been declared a holiday. It is devoid of any meat on the bone. Granted, the holiday is an absolutely appreciated acknowledgment if you accept payment in holidays, not practicalities.

Freedom is a concept manifested more in what is not taken than what is given. It is the availability of choices unhindered. Freedom gives you more options and a better selection, but not what is available to choose from, instead only what you can choose from. How available and accessible are these choices? Freedom restricts what you can not do while defining what you are allowed to do.

Freedom taken and is unable to be returned, dignity tarnished but cannot be restored, and permission still by your notification indicates the facade of Freedom yet to be realized. Unable to take or grant either now leaves only the lingering phycological afflicting bondage of spirit and mind to be shaken. We freely control that unless we relinquish it. Stand on it, stand in it, but don’t loiter around it. Loitering is a sign of hesitation. Claim it, not be told it.

Therefore, you are always free, but your options are always regulated. The mind evaluates what it is told, distinguishing whether you are notified, already knew, or believe. So it was not the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, or the last notification made on June 19, 1865, that freed the slave it was being told.

You must know your self-worth within your mind without being told or having to ask. A strong will and a knowledgeable mind are formidable opponents when the mind becomes an elite intellectual weapon. A weapon always at the ready, rendering you unable to be disarmed. Our mind is the final frontier of contention to be conquered by us to guarantee our Freedom by our permission. Like Dorothy, we always had the power.

Knowledge is the currency of prosperity, and that is why it is always forbidden. Knowledge is Freedom. Know that, practice that, and become that. We must master our minds. You must be made to remain ignorant to remain a slave, obedient, or perpetuate a slave mentality. Ignorant of knowledge but mostly of ourselves and our possibilities. A piece of paper signed or late word spread is no longer sufficient control to restrain our minds or liberties. Our lack of discipline and determination is.

As Ten Bears said, no four corners of a paper can hold the iron. The iron is in the tongue when you speak, and in the actions you take. And if I might add, the iron is in the mind’s thoughts and heart’s determination to defeat any obstacle placed before you. 

We must know by now!

Happy Juneteenth to all.

Enjoy your Freedom and holiday.


Thurston K. Atlas

Creating a Buzz


Conforming to Freedom

The Choice is Yours?

FREEDOM. Freedom is the right to choose, speak, do, think, live, feel, and worship as you please without being subject to the restraint of being run roughshod over while exercising your civil rights. It is a liberty to be set aside from government restrictions or influences against your will and consent.

Give you liberty or give you death. Good old freedom, just like the old Smith and Wesson, will have to be pried from your cold dead hand but not while you are alive and still have breath in your body. Sounds good but rhetoric or reality? This is still America, home of the free and the land of the brave. I am sure you would be damn if you will let someone tell you what to do or scare you into doing something you don’t want to do.

You have every right to exercise your right to freedom and individuality. To do as you dam well please or not do as you dam well, please. It is called freedom, and it is our civil liberty to protect and exercise. Has there ever been a time when we were without it, no aside from that time?

A noble illusion of fundamental proportions. Freedom is an abstract concept manifested in reality. An illusionist performs tricks that usually influence the mind to distort reality by deceiving the senses to perceive or incorrectly interpret something. The most common illusion is the optical illusion, where the brain is tricked into accepting stimuli which it misinterprets or perceives as its creation when it is actually being manufactured.

One of the most incredible illusions is love because you cannot touch it, but it is undoubtedly felt and experienced; however, it only exists in a non-physical realm. The physical realm is lust or an expression of love’s biological needs. Love is expressed in a physical realm which makes it real, but it is really an illusion of the mind that manifests in the metaphorical heart.

It is the brain’s perception and the release of endorphins associated with a person, place, or feeling that creates blissfulness. Ever wonder how you can be so in love with someone and then later despise their very existence?

The shattering of the illusion where the spell was broken completely alters your perception of who they were to you, thus a broken heart that no surgery can repair. No physical damage can be detected, but it sure as hell is felt, and no one can tell you any different.

The same is true of hate and, yes, freedom too. Feelings are illusions and perceptions of reality, and feelings can’t be wrong, just inappropriate, misguided, or unwarranted. But this is not a love discussion, but it discusses the love of the illusion of freedom.

This optical illusion of freedom and how it impacts one’s perspective makes everything true within the existence of your universe according to your sphere of perception. A perspective seeking to assimilate with those who reinforce that reality. It creates an identity that becomes the basis for your personality and beliefs within that reality. A shared illusion of like minds similarly inclined to create validation.

Freedom is one of the biggest illusions that an individual practices which may have little or no basis in reality except to be contextually measured by the reasonable degree of restrictions or lack thereof. The illusion resides in the perception that makes it a reality, like love. Even when you exercise freedom, it is only seen in the form of a deed or gesture, which we recognize as the essence to choose.

Outside forces govern every facet of life we choose but we do not determine what is comprised within the margins of that choice. For example, Let’s say you choose a profession. When exercising your freedom of choice within the confines of that choice is criteria that you must confirm to loosely or otherwise that are fixed restrictions of that specific professional choice.

There may be educational requirements, time requirements, dress code, appearance expectations, drug testing, necessary equipment, and any number of mandatory conditions. They remain outside the realm of your freedom to choose if that profession is your choice and pursue it.

You may wear safety equipment, or if in law enforcement, you wear a bulletproof vest and carry a bat utility belt with lots of equipment. It is department-issued equipment, and you are required to have it, including body cameras requirements nowadays. All of which I am sure does not permit your freedom to be exercised regarding compliance, but you must, and you do.

So you consent, submit and conform to the restriction of your freedom in exchange for exercising that freedom to be included in the choice you have freely chosen to pursue. It is just the price of playing the game, but there are rules to the game that you will follow. You have the freedom to choose not to follow them, but you do not have the liberty to not follow them and still be involved.

That raises the question in a practical analysis do you really have the freedom to choose? Or do you have the freedom not to be involved or participate? To make it simpler, does everyone on the job have the freedom to show up whenever they feel like it? Or is there an expectation of being on time that will be adhered to if someone chooses to enforce it? Still, it is not your freedom of choice to not be on time and not face any consequences.

You may choose who you want to marry, but do you also have the freedom to select why they married you? Once married, there are rules and expectations of protocol that require the compromise of individual freedoms within the confines of the marriage. Even if you have untold freedoms within a marriage that all parties are aware of and consent to, laws and community restrictions impede your choices.

Restricting your freedom in a way that it would not if you were not married. For example, the limits and conditions within the given hall pass or permission structure determines if you have cheated. Suppressing your desires, emotions, and thoughts because of the decisions associated with the consequences of your choice to marry restricts your Freedom. When you speak of Freedom, it is a relatively theoretical concept.



In practice, it can leave you feeling trapped in a situation that circumstances don’t allow you to walk away from while yet being free to do so. This freedom is not just the physical restraint of your movements but also demands the constant consumption of your time and any accompanying restrictive commitments. Compromise and unfulfilled desires become standard concessions of your expression.

A narrowing spiral occurs once a decision has been made, presenting the various possibilities of any decision according to the universal law of cause and effect. Hence, every decision alters the current circumstances while presenting another set of more limiting circumstances specific to that decision. Another set of expectations to restrictively adhere to. 

This will require another choice that will lead to a more definitive selection, which lessens the spectrum you have to choose from within that choice. Thus, your Freedom of choice essentially and eventually reduces your Freedom to choose other options. A diminishing course of action is developed.

You can exercise no freedom beyond or outside of your control or awareness, knowing only that which is within your grasp, understanding, or choice. You adhere to most social and religious standards that were not of your creation but claim the right and Freedom within that range selected and provided to you while never assuming you never had control over the initial selection.

Choices are generally made for you, and you then choose from that variable. The illusion is you were not influenced in a predictable way to conform.

Your level of conformity is guided by your morality in judging or condemning anyone outside your radius of compliance. To censure their act or choice beyond your level of courage to not conform as you did. Is Freedom then displayed by your right to be the same or different?

The prevailing social model of schooling, education, employment, and happiness is not a structure of Freedom but conformity and rewards within that system for compliance. You follow the rules and make sure others follow the rules that you dare not violate, but who regulates the rule-makers if not themselves, surely not you.

Raging against the system would seem selective at best and counterintuitive at worst, considering how many times you reinforce the system by your actions. For example, for the many who refuse to get a Covid vaccination, how many have the required childhood vaccinations and flu shots? How many have given their children these shots in exchange for the convenience of school indoctrinations and societal group conditioning? 

The consistency of your choices and protest is not an expression of Freedom but conformity. Not to judge vaccinations but to illustrate the context of the choices made that limits selection or liberty. Imagine if the government ordered a microchip to be inserted in every person in this country above ten years old.

This microchip would monitor and record your every move, your close associations and interactions, your appearance, your habits, and personal behaviors, predict your thoughts and actions, and any normal facet of your life, including your location and movements. As a result, this microchip could probably have long-term effects on your health and influence your psychological inclinations.

 The implications of this microchip are only limited by the imagination or denial of its purpose but would, over time, become an addictive dependency. Your every move is scripted or record by your very own unique compulsion to incorporate the microchip into your life.

Remember the Freedom of the Smith and Wesson to be pried from your cold dead hand before you surrender your Freedom. No need to worry because it has voluntarily been replaced by a cell phone, Ipad, smart TV, Alexa, and Siri.  The technological convenience extends far beyond these personal agents of surveillance to the public arena. Ever wonder how do these devices respond when you call them if they are not listening? How do they hear if they are not actively listening and recording?

Cameras everywhere have you mostly convinced it is for safety purposes or convenience. Not only do you provide information on yourself, but you also do so on everyone you know when you are addicted to social media, recording your every move, encounter, and with whom. If not willingly, then, by the proximity of cell towers pinging when you move in a way to trigger the triangulation for optimum phone service, or that is what you believe.

Information is the new currency to control, predict, manipulate, program, and monitor your whole existence with your full cooperation and consent. Electronic and video surveillance initiated, submitted, and operated by you.  You then indoctrinate your children when you use these devices to teach and raise them because you can’t be bothered. It is too stressful for you to deal with your very own children but the machine will.

So you send them to school for teachers to deal with what you have deemed an impossible task beyond your capabilities. Now multiply that times a classroom size. Where is the Freedom to escape the social engineering at every turn that is innocently woven into everyday life for your Freedom not to be an illusion?

Now you have voluntarily done what the government could not force you to do and somehow speak of your Freedom being taken. It is not being taken; it is being given by stroking your fears and catering to your conveniences. So it is amusing to hear someone speak of a microchip in the vaccine when you keep one with you constantly, even when you are sleep.

You tell it secrets you don’t share with anyone and even trust the entirety of your financial transactions to it or a cloud. By these illustrations, Freedom would seem compromised in will and exercise by you.

 Three questions arise. Why would it be necessary to put a chip in your body that does less than your cell phone and other gadgets to monitor your existence, affairs, and encounters? Second, is your love of Freedom real, or has the definition of Freedom changed? Third, is conforming to Freedom under the misconception of liberties the same as the illusion of Freedom? Freedom is choices but are the choices freely?


Thurston K. Atlas

Creating a Buzz


Spread No Further

Legacy of Contamination

I remember as a young fella, quite naturally I am going back a number of years, but I remember a television show named Lost in Space. The main characters were Dr. Zachary Smith and a robot. Dr. Smith was always whining and nervously candy-assing his way through every episode.

When confronted with danger, he would sell you out in a heartbeat. The robot would repeatedly proclaim, this does not compute Will Robinson, and malfunction shutting down when anything was beyond his programming and understanding.

Contamination is understood to mean a state of impurity or poisoning of something that results in spoilage, corruption, infection, or unfitness. It also spreads with a hazardous impact throughout entire countries, continents, or the world. By definition, the following most certainly will qualify as such toxins, when the contamination is ideological, but the intent was purposeful. It magnifies the outrage.

The biggest obstacle to dealing successfully with these contaminates have been far more than the lack of recognition and transparency but the outright lies that continue to be perpetuated and promoted. Instead of the names changing to protect the innocent, the names of the guilty remain the same, while their guilty deeds are made innocently invisible.

In an old gangster movie it was said, if you do not fear for your deed, then why fear for your name. No one should deny them their full credit if we are to be led to believe that these deeds are so admirable. If so deservingly earned, why not attach their name to all they have done. After all, they have been glorified and exalted to be of exemplary emulation as influences on America.

Ronald Reagan, Charles Darwin, King James I (or aka the IV), Great Britain, Christopher Columbus, Capitalism / Colonialism /Patriotism, and Healthcare have surely earned such distinctions in no particular order but with long-lasting implications. And now, yes, added to the infamous ranks is none other than the nefarious Donald Trump himself.

If you wonder whether the current pandemic is man-made, then there is no such question concerning the influence of the pandemics mentioned above. Of that, we can be sure. However, although I imagine all did some good, we could have all been better off without them considering the damage done.

Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)– the great communicator and alleged drug dealing undeniable racist of trickle-down elitist economics. His impact and the impact of his directives can still be felt today with a legacy of crack cocaine aided by Oliver North, who later was head of the NRA.

They stood accused by the U.S. Government and history. The Iran Contra scandal was a way to circumvent the workings of the U.S. government funding protocol by not only trafficking drugs but guns and funneling money for a war in a foreign country.

Drug addiction and other forms of inebriation to cloud judgment and diminish will or resistance are weapons used against populations for hundreds of years and cause many years of dysfunctional impediment. Whether building wealth, raising cash, funding objectives,or promoting corruption, drugs have proven quite lucrative and effective.

That the crack epidemic was directed towards the black communities should come as no surprise. It could have been foretold by Reagan’s shared racist views with disgraced Presidential bigot Richard Nixon.

In October of 1971, Ronnie was recorded long before his Presidency by Nixon of the “these cannibals” utterances. He stated,” to see those- those monkeys from the African countries, damn them, they are still learning how to wear shoes.” Reagan was indeed a man of his time as many in government shared this sentiment regarding Blacks in America.

This ideology seems to have played out in his presidency after his California governor stint, where he proclaimed that housing discrimination was a property owner’s right. He was against sanctions of Apartheid in Africa as President. His trickle-down effect politics at its core is F— ’em and feed them cheese while taking care of the elite interest at the top.

There was considerable economic suffering among minorities and low-income Americans under his eight-year tenure, which ended in 1989. In addition, Reagan created a legacy of drug addiction, crime, and incarceration lasting over thirty years after leaving office. His impact was not only felt in the States but other drug-torn countries and toppled governments.

Charles Darwin (1808-1882)– revealed his bigoted evolution by his obviously primitive twisted mind while masquerading as a scientist promoting a premise of natural selection. Furthermore, he believed in racial hierarchy and gender superiority, stating that the woman’s brain was similar to a small child’s brain, well beneath a man’s brain.

The Descent of Man principles were taught as fact, further perpetuating this privileged class and racist view. It exalted the Caucasian male, especially the European Caucasian, claiming that the negro and the Australian or aborigines are closer to the ape and gorilla in all matters. All other members of humanity were also beneath the white male but above the colored.

The New York Times advocated and found no fault with others displaying a pygmy male, Ota Benga, in the Bronx Zoo in a cage with monkeys to prove Darwin’s Theory of evolution. The Bronx Zoo, then owned by William Rockefeller, had no problem displaying it in 1906, claiming he was a cannibalistic link between the African and apes.

Instructed and enforced consciously and subliminally that the white race was superior to all with the white male at the top of the evolutionary chain. Darwin encouraged genocide to fully exterminate and replace savages throughout the world in addition to a duty to and justification for slavery thinly veiled as Social Darwinism. Supported by his equally misguided cousin, Francis Galton, they convinced or justified what continues to plague the world today nearly 140 years after Darwin’s death.

These two gave rise to eugenics (1883) which greatly inspired Adolf Hitler and Nazism (1933) based on the reproduction of a master race. Undesirable elements of humanity, such as the poor, uneducated, immigrants, and minority populations, were to be exterminated. Today they are widely known as not only minorities but “essential workers,” expendable.

Hitler was known to say if you tell a big enough lie enough times, it will become true. Darwin has yet to be fully discredited and exposed. Mimicking this Trump lies so much today with similar results as Hitler and praise of the swastika-like symbol confederate flag.

King James I (1566-1625)– that practitioner of behaviors supposedly forbidden and denounced by the most famous book in the world, which bears his name, the Bible. He has been of particular detriment to society.

He has violated the trust and sincere yearning for the Christian guidance of billions of seekers by being in a position at a time in history to manipulate and change the Bible. It reflects his purpose and ambition of control, vanity, and systematic racism.

The issue of marriage and homosexuality has been vigorously debated and rebuked. Marriage, at times, was just a contract of a partnership between two parties that needed the support of each other to accomplish a task. It had nothing to do with gender or a sexual relationship; it was just business. In comparison, using self-righteous judgments of impositional morality against those who choose to live outside the mainstream traditional acceptance of both, condemnation is inflicted.

King James I in the era of #metoo would have been a prime offender allegedly primarily canoodling with Lord Buckingham of British and Buckingham Palace fame as his longtime same-sex lover through coercion or the Weinstein technique of courtship. His infidelity and sexual appetite were rampant, contrary to the book that bears his name, but vanity was his primary sin and objective.

Lord Buckingham proclaimed himself to be the “slave and dog,” a not very royal title, of King James at his disposal to be turned every which way but loose. The next time someone stands on a stack of King James Version of the Holy Bible condemning homosexuality, infidelity, fornication, and same-sex unions, remember he openly practiced them. The charade continues nearly four hundred years after King James’ demise.

Charles Darwin was of British descent like King James and his self-proclaimed slave and dog Lord Buckingham marking a long and less than royal history of racism in Britain. The London Company, Henry VIII, William Shakespeare, Elizabeth I, and Charles I was embedded in British racist society. This honored their racism and garnered adulation for the whiteness of their influence, bloodline, and royalty. 

Christianity had struggled before Constantine’s vision before a victorious battle which converted him to Christianity and his Council of Nicaea (325, 381).

If not for Constantine and King James I, you might now worship animal deities, numina, or ancestral worshipping. They were pervasive practices in Rome before embracing Catholicism. Now, sprinkle in some Titus of Flavian lineage and Theodosius I for influential good measure shaping modern Christianity.

The Catholic Church has also committed some unholy deeds and indulgences. They were a prominent presence benefiting directly from participation in the slave trade and spreading their religion to educate heathens. This served more to deter slaves from revolt and resistance while having been robbed of their resources and identity.

Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) a murderer and marauder, which perhaps none have done better when it comes to conquest and colonialism. His influence can be felt in America, the Caribbean, Mexico, South America, and Canada as he spread his European brand of death, bondage, disease, and greed.

He had ambitions of conquering Asia and proving to the Spanish Crown that he could strong-arm gold, precious resources, and slaves in sort of a bum rush midnight raid. In the process, he left a path of destruction, genocide, theft, and slavery everywhere he went and influenced those who followed to do the same.


The Taino of Arawak descent was the first to taste his homicidal thirst on the island of Hispaniola, Columbus taking advantage of their cultural lack of aggression and abundance of hospitality. He left them decimated and diseased coincidentally with smallpox and extinction.

Smallpox was gifted to the Native American or Indigenous people of this land long occupied by them. Somehow, that which had already been discovered and indeed occupied was whitewashed. It was credited to Columbus’s exploration as his discovery.

Columbus is no hero worthy of a national holiday. He is a squatter and, most appropriately, a war criminal and a warmonger without opposition, compassion, or a war. He is the father of colonization in the new land bringing slavery and death while providing how it can be done to an inviting population.

His sole purpose was not to prove the world was round or to discover new lands but was motivated by a decree to see who he could jack of their resources and enslave their people, and that is why he is an American hero today.

The pride some so adamantly claim of Columbus’ heritage must be made in full disclosure and support of his genocidal ways. It is a shameful commentary that no one else of that heritage can be deemed more deserving than him.

The father and founder of slavery in the Americas unleashing discrimination lasting over five hundred years later. Colonialism/Capitalism was built on robbery, theft, deception, and oppression, including death. It is no longer practiced exclusively against the poor, immigrant, purposefully ignorant, women, and minorities but the working and middle class.

Yes, the middle class is now infiltrating the lower class when they thought they were safely above it. Pure greed recognizes no boundaries. Laissez-Faire is the foundation of Free Market Capitalism to not interfere with the free market of survival of the fittest unless it affects the rich.

The Marxist theory of socialism and the Fascist principles urging ultra-nationalism and racism are inbred with today’s capitalism. Capitalism, Marxism, and Fascism are conducting an intimately salacious threesome in a democracy where it is unchecked. It is becoming a dictatorship suppressing criticism and truth obliged by silence or vigilantism to protect the money or political ideology that protects the power.

The great American Revolution and the Boston Tea Party were supposedly about taxation without representation, but what about representation without taxation. Some rich do not pay any taxes at all and boast of it. How is that possible or acceptable in a country founded on tax disputes and fairness?

Capitalism is becoming straight-up indentured  servatude and exploitation where assistance to the poor is primarily considered socialism while the bailouts and incentives for the wealthy are justified economic policies.

The healthcare system image is as long as you owe them, they will never be broke, and you will never be well. Healthcare itself is not the problem, but the rules the system is forced to adhere to for its survival. It promotes corruption from within, seeming like a high-stakes poker game where significant resources or DEBT are required to participate. Same for educational and student loans, the game is debt.

Medicine is an instrument used to launder money and redistribute wealth, probably better than the stock market. Consider all the substances which are legal but detrimental to your health. Many create not only sickness but outrageous medical expenses. There can be no other justification other than money. Look no further than the opioid crisis.

Crack was devastating, and it had a child named OxyContin, cousin to the dog food dating back to the Vietnam war exit and before. Opioids and heroin are nothing new, but the last 60 years have spanned these three illicit drugs to continue to be a destructive toll on populations by design.

Then, crack was a crime heavily and unevenly punished, but Oxy and dog food is now a disease by demographic selection. Opioids created wealth through sales and now through treatment.

Marijuana, which has many medicinal purposes, is only now being utilized, but the argument against it being its unknown effects and addictive nature. Other substances are allowed, encouraged, and addictive with industry backing and profits. This does influence their acceptability with well-known health damages if that is the case. This is where the lobbyist and special interest groups come into corrupt the reality of its danger.

Compared to the things that we know the side effects of with no medicinal purposes, the argument is weak. If addiction is a concern, then what about alcohol, cigarettes, or sugar, among many. Control of hemp products, the newspaper industry wars, and good old racism is again the original root opposition of a ban on marijuana.

Donald J Trump (1946 -, 45th President of U.S.) that stern representation of the Confederate legacy, American heritage, and Patriotism. He can boast of himself dodging the draft, an immigrant background by way of his grandfather coming here after being dispelled from his country for dodging the draft, and family roots from the drumpf’s of Kallstadt, formerly of Bulgaria, not the patriotic founding fathers.

Real Patriots of the Republic to make America great again would not participate in any government stimulus, assistance, subsidies, bankruptcy protection, business or corporate bailout as an inspiration and example of their beliefs just like their opposition to the vaccine. Instead, they participate in the overthrow of the government and an election without realizing what happens when you tire of Trump, elections again? Not likely.

However, when the shoes get tight, where are your patriotic principles now. Without excuses, please, since you reject all reason, then please give no excuses. The puppeteer exploits your ignorant complicity to threaten your beloved Constitution and Democracy for his glory.

If you would relinquish your freedom to vote him out or his offspring, then what? Racism is the number one killer in the world of opportunity, whether by drug addiction, economic suppression, or any other socially engineered construct of control.

No wonder it is hard to advance, it is most likely to have been by effective design and not human frailty or lack of ambition. Most of these atrocities were committed in the name of morality, religion, and politic. The rest can be attributed to pure unadulterated greed. Now Patriotism is the new buzzword and dog whistle.

Arianism is the belief that Jesus is above man but below God, which a twisted adaptation is used today to promote racism in essence insinuating that the white race is above all other races. That and Patriotism are alibied to save the country. Their Patriotism aims to restore America to what principles or period and, how by government coup, mass murder, or slavery?

The above examples of how dangerous these fallacies, grandiose delusions of superiority, mass deceptions, and wanton acts against segments of society are promoted. It is transmitted as intentional contamination of reality and faith persistent throughout time. It ignores truth and fairness but embraces ignorance, violence, and inequality from a self-appointed group of moral law and order manipulators with religious principles.

They want you to believe the meek will inherit the earth but let us not forget even Jesus warned of a house divided. Something more closely resembling fairness, equality, and freedom must emerge soon if we avoid the fate of all great civilizations before us. The clouds of unrest rumble on the horizon of implosion.

With the former leader of the free world attempting to install himself as a quasi-dictator by promoting insurgence via a violent takeover of the Capitol lawmakers in one fell swoop, our foundation is wobbling badly right now yall. Like all of the above, Trump’s actions will have long-lasting repercussions both at home and abroad. The chaos has been ignited.

We are a resilient nation when in solidarity. We have survived much, but as we now tussle with the Covid-19, which Trump unduly exacerbated by admittedly downplaying the presence and deadly consequences, regardless of how it originated. He bungled the response.

The foundation of what has stood for 244 years is on the brink of destruction and collapse in four years of one man. A day of ego soothing indiscretion and foolishness carried out by his army of terrorists threatens Democracy.

Remember, those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. This is how dictatorships and strongmen come into power, but they keep control by oppressing those who brought them to power. They prefer the iron fist technique of persuasion for their longevity of rule.

These above-referenced influences of American foundational structure and guidance have a very well-earned placed in history and should be rightfully singled out for their intentional and insidiously contrived transmission of mental and social contamination. Let us not forget the accompanied death and suffering. Now we can add the destruction of Democracy and Capitalism.

You cannot have Capitalism without Democracy. Trump is not solely to blame because the table was set long before him. He just feasted at the table. However, he can be held to account for his contribution, and many share his vision if not his methods. This needs to spread no further.

Hopefully, it is not too late to forgive them, for they know not what they do. Seduced and cajoled by a snake oil salesman bent on deceit, vanity, and ego inflation selling miracle notions and poisonous potions. It is the puppet master who pulls the strings when the puppet dances.
Now, this seems like being lost in space with the cowardly constantly whining Dr. Smith and the robot, who frequently cannot compute reality and have malfunctioning meltdowns. A sellout and his malfunctioning companion, the public.


Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz



Practicality of Consumption

Spend Wisely.

Money carries a lot of weight wherever it circulates. It garners respect across borders, cultures, and ideologies. It compromises principles, corrupt souls, and just the same inspires great accomplishments.

It is said to be the root of all evil. In its pursuit, many atrocities have been committed in its name. It has been worshipped as life itself, and to some, life is deemed not worthy of living without it.

The mystique is valid because the perception and value placed upon it are so very real. It is the basis of operation in modern society, but its use is still not understood by the multitudes of people who stalk and chase it in their daily pursuits. Furthermore, the time and effort spent in its acquisition is often not reflected in the time and thought given in its consumption and how it is expended.

Money is the basis of existence in a material world and can bring riches and favor beyond its face value even if it can’t buy you, love. Make no mistake about it money is power and respect; the more money you have, the more of both you will receive.

Ever stop to wonder about the value and power of money. It has no value. It is a measurement representative of value but has no value other than that perceived and manufactured to be accepted as an assigned worth or denomination. That is where its power is in the acceptance and significance placed upon it.

The ruling power or government assigns a value accepted as a unit of exchange or buying power, replacing a bartering system to regulate the consistency of its value. It replaces trading cows and livestock for goods and services. Before money, wealth was judged in a much different way, primarily by how much livestock or land one owned.

As time progressed and personal services were offered, money was the exchanged consideration used as payment to establish a uniform value for services by its acceptance in exchange. It is a matter of supply and demand, determined by who has it and how badly someone else wants it.

Money is known as currency because it is expected to “circulate” as a unit of trade equivalent to the value of your goods, time, or effort. That is where the gift and the curse lie. Depending on which end of the currency you are on, the giving end or the receiving end. We are conditioned to accept that the power is all on the giving end, but that is not an absolute truth.

Those on the giving end have consolidated a position superior to yours because they have something that you want, and you must meet their expectation to receive it. Once it is received, then the “flow” changes, and the power switches.

Now they need you to put it back into the survival of the system for their wealth to increase and the cycle to continue completing the circuit. You earn it, they pay you, and you spend it back into the system, starting the process all over again.

Money like water must circulate or flow to remain vibrant, just as a current of electricity must flow to produce power, but when stagnant becomes a hazard, so it is with the currency of money. Circulation is the key to its value, the velocity of its turnover.

The velocity of money is the rate and how often it is circulated. Since the control of the source of money is much smaller than the need to get it, there is a small window of transfer of power.

The collective power of the “flow” must be concentrated for the impact to be felt. The effectiveness is not in spending it but in where, how, and what you spend it on. The economic strength is in the fist and not the fingers for economic impact to be felt and concessions to be offered or demanded.

Smart money will offer concessions before being adversely influenced, but the majority will only bend to the inevitable when left with no other monetary choice.

I once held a job that I liked very much, but it was not economically feasible for me, and promotions and pay raises seemed to elude me, forcing me to seek other opportunities. When it became known that I intended to leave and gave my two weeks’ notice, only then were offers made to retain me only because I was leaving.

I did not have the same value to that entity until it threatened their objective. I still left because I felt that if I was as valued as now claimed, then why was I not straightened out before now and given what I deserved to retain a so-called valued employee. The same is true with buying power.

Many consumers have been refused accommodations which would be goodwill and smart business practice until you threaten cancellation. Only then customer retention offers you a much better deal to keep your business.

The question is, what were they doing to you before if this was available to you but withheld? Cell phone and cable companies were good for such practices until consumer dissatisfaction gave rise to other alternatives to address the problems. This created competition that had not existed before but threatens their bottom line now.

I state that to say, if you fear a void will exist for a product, service, or quality, then history and economics have proven that someone will create an alternative. Someone will most likely improve upon that product to meet consumer satisfaction and expectations. Whatever you can’t do without, ask yourself how you got by before it and what if it became unavailable?

It is most likely a matter of convenience but mostly a preference rooted in status and prestige as a psychological separation elevating your self-worth comparative to others. That elevation is externally influenced by making your economic decisions habitual rather than rational. For example, if any clothing manufacturer went out of business, you would merely find another manufacturer to your liking.

Current trends often make the decisions for you. So why can’t you make these decisions for yourself about how and where you spend your money? I know but do you really? How you spend your money should be a direct reflection of what you had to do to get it and what is the value of what you spend it on.

There is a vast difference between cost and price. At what cost will you pay the price for what you want. If you feed it, it will grow, and if you starve it, it will wither or adapt. That is the collective power of how you spend your money. Feed that which feeds your needs outside of the purchase itself. That they gratefully recognize that you have other choices according to your personal values.

What incentive are you giving them to value your economic voice if you do not recognize or, more sadly, will not exercise your discretion? What cost to them for their disregard of it?

The strength of the intertwined vine or collective voice is the “bottom line” language that is spoken all around the world. In all languages, financial survival speaks loudly and causes economic mountains to yield.

Why would you enrich those who have offended you or your culture if they stand categorically opposed to your interest except to receive your money? This is funding the opposition.

It reinforces their disregard for your voice in addition to assuming an entitlement to your money because you refuse to sever a dysfunctional and abusive consumer affiliation. This is functionally funding your opposition and fueling their continued resistance to your significance or concerns.

Old heads knew this and would often state they would not spend their money with those that did not support their interest or respect them, their ideology, or culture. Those who offend your ideology should not be supported or patronized to encourage their opposition to your position. This spans from a personal or cultural resistance to include ideological resistance.

A prime example was the Washington professional football team. They have for many years refused to change their derogatory name. Instead, they would declare they do not embrace racism. They didn’t embrace racism; they were a symbol of it.

Yet, all those who patronized them, did business with them, or freely sign with them were complicit in their racism. This is the reason they continued it because there was no fiscal accountability. Fiscal accountability, not public sentiment, finally pressured a change of position.

The Indigenous People, the true forefathers of this land, don’t have the fiscal power to force change monetarily. Civil discord has not gotten change done. Aunt Jemima, phonetically ain’t that yo momma, has been recognized as offensive, and despite her endearment to millions of breakfast tables, she has finally reached retirement age.

They could no longer risk the fiscal fallout and moral objections among Black folks and those whose ideology would no longer condone it. Instead, it moved them to suddenly examine the actual costs and act in their fiscal best interests.

 Marginalized were once such groups as the LBGT community, domestic violence victims, and others. Those native to this land whose voices are muffled need similar support or incentives exercised for them. We cannot discount grievances based on race, but we must also embrace grievances based on ideology to raise the tide for all of those in our midst afflicted.

We have at times thoughtlessly contributed to the oppression of others because they are not us. To support any degradation is to invite continued coercion, discrimination, and exploitations that have gone on far too long. It is way past time for a correction and concerted effort to improve the narrative.

We should spend our money where our core values and decency are reflected. Fiscal support should be withdrawn where change is not provoked. The flow of money is the twist of the arm that receives the most immediate and comprehensive adjustments.

The fiscal survival of these entities that support systemic racism and other discriminations is dependant on our funding. Public or private depends on our “flow” of currency and our silent agreement to continue hurting our collective good.

The flow or circulation must be strategically directed or removed. Money like blood circulates, and lack of circulation leads to amputation or death. The consolidation of economic power is the most efficient and effective tactic because it forces their voluntary change to sustain their survival. It has been proven to work just as it has been effectively used against us.

The queen of soul said it best when she SANG “R E S P E C T find out what it means to me.” First, we must declare where there is no respect for me or my culture; then, you must be paid by those who agree with you, never by those you oppose. The personal fiscal policy and funding by those who sincerely reject racism and discrimination against whatever historically marginalized and exploited group should be to first listen.

Listen to that group about remedies and redirection of collective resources for the removal of those restrictions. Of course, propaganda and atrocities have been committed, and it is true that perhaps the worst has been committed in bygone days. But that does not justify the continuation of discrimination and privileged entitlement by those who are now living.

By your participation, you are roundly condemned. By its continuation, you condemn yourself just as those before you have been. Put this shameful past behind us, not by denial and misconceptions but acknowledgment and realization of remedies.

The persuasion of the people’s economic patronage when focused ensures our money should never go where our influence cannot go, provoking a fair labor/wage exchange.

P.S. Please reconsider accountability for these manufacturers, designers, and fashions that have been overtly offensive. I am sure others make quality products that deserve the chance and our business.

Wearing and being seen in these costumes exposes the psychological dependency and cost you are willing to pay for pretentious prestige or status.

Spend your money where you are respected and appreciated, especially if there can be collateral good done. Then, if you must, you get it started. It has to start somewhere, be a real trendsetter. Be the straw that stirs the drink! Spend wisely and responsibly.

Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz


The Ugly Truth or a Pretty Lie

Do you Know the Truth?

Is the truth subjective and situationally influenced by our perspective’s radius and the conditions that apply to our circumstances? Personal truths which often emerge through heritage are usually dependent upon conditioning and reinforced through our experiences and environment that provide proof and acceptance of its legitimacy.

The flaw with personal truth is that they lead to the pretty lies that we convince ourselves are true, then we seek confirmation by our biased metric of verification within our subgroup. So then, our truth can always be proven by the criteria and method in which it is favorably applied, measured, and verified.

With the many variations of truth-proving processes and their interpretations, there can be any number of truths logically deduced and seemingly proven. It would then seem to fluctuate depending on who you are, where you are from, where you are, or even more importantly, what you would like it to be.

How many truths can there be? Let us count the ways. First, you have your more basic ones. You have relative truth in comparison to something else like a higher-suited card. There is the old standby, the convenient truth when you need it the most to suit your purpose.

The objective truth is when you are just allegedly unbiasedly saying, while the subjective truth is generally because you said so. The historical truth is how it has always been often without even knowing why.

Your higher-level truths are the ones that have collective persuasion supporting them, making them more widely acceptable and supposedly less partisan. The ultimate truth can be obtained but must be maintained, so it is fleeting by nature.

The universal truth is not all-inclusive of knowledge, so it is incomplete. Absolute truth is limited to what is known and, by definition, inconclusive. Empirical truth is based upon observing and quantifying the measurements. It is likely to fluctuate according to the subjective interpretation of the observer.

If perception is reality, then experience dictates the validity of that perspective. When convinced of the certainty of our beliefs, it becomes the irrefutable basis for our actions. Our judgments produce our conclusions based on these assertions. The context of our truth is the extent of our knowledge until more extensive knowledge or different circumstances replace it.

It then exists in contrast to what is rejected or accepted as fact with limited experience or lack of understanding. Thus, it has just as many implications as the metric used to evaluate and establish full acceptance.

Your belief system is assembled by what consumes the void and what is accepted as fact. You act upon that fact which fills this void, thereby conceding to submit to a sphere of this reality which you apply to external spheres seeking commonality as proof.

These commonalities reinforce these comparative analyses within the adopted interpretations forming your associations and approval basis then producing integration and assumptions of the truth, if you will, in a definitive system of your operating ideology.

Our established realities create a binary system where that which does not conform to our truths must be false. There is rarely a consideration by us that our reality may be faulty. It is almost always the flawed reality of another while our default personal defense mechanism protects our perspective.

As humans, we believe what we are conditioned to believe, but these beliefs are not scientific in their selection or application and often don’t have to be true. Often it is all we know, but how much more is there to be known?

We have to wonder if we can trust our truth. It is fragile and has a random dependency on arbitrary provocations and provisional systems presented as proof. Consequently, it has to be defined by the collective belief and acknowledgment that certain human behavior under specific influences and circumstances will produce varying outcomes.

So, the resulting truth must also be varied, not confined by predictable human behavior but by the variable outcomes. The truth would then be predicated and fabricated on a somewhat simulated belief system with no proven point of reference. The reference point would be transient, making it ever-changing and subjective. It would be biased based upon a limited radius of understanding or acceptance.

The truth could be a virtual Mandela effect subject to change or imitating a mirage. Can a “lie” then be an alternative reality limitedly accepted outside of the liar’s mind or be just a contrary belief or reality not collectively shared and rejected? After all, it is acceptable to the mind of the liar as a form of truth.

Is truth an illusion that we all function within as a confirmed and collectively agreed upon judgment, which gives stability and conformity to a moment in time? Must it then be stagnant and constant to be true in an ever-changing environment?

Can it co-exist with other equally valid truths, or must there be only one? Does acceptance of its validation make it a certainty within the variations of truth? Can one that does not infringe, victimize, harm, or obstruct others remain a personal preference of acceptance even though not true?

Is all truth a personal preference based on an accumulation of experiences and knowledge or lack of which will terminate itself when the believer is expired? Since it can exist beyond the believer to influence those indoctrinated to its acceptance, would it not be free to manifest in another to evolve, allowing them to reject it as their truth separate from that belief? Hence. truth expires when the belief is gone, not the believer.

The ugly truth is that very few things are true even when accepted and established as a societal certainty. If you wait long enough when more knowledgeable minds prevail, any belief will likely adjust to a new reality or acceptance.

Isn’t it a pretty lie when we believe it to be an actuality but restricted by the limitations of our understanding or interpretation? The truth changes according to new information and evolving circumstances.

In the end, it is Crystal clear that there is no truth other than the limitations of our knowledge. There is always a limited radius within the sphere of knowledge, creating a scope of perspective, which defines its boundaries until expanded by a more compelling “truth” or knowledge.

Acceptance of our solitary truth is camouflaged by the pretty lie that we pretend to know the truth with certainty. Our pretty lie is the definitive assumption of what is really the ugly truth. Now that is THE truth.


Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz




Time after Time

Wrong time?

Time is a bizarre concept in that we all believe we have an understanding of it based strictly on a clock, calendar, or our aging. It is measured by a standard principle that is shared by everyone and affects everyone equally. What if it does not exist, is not shared the same by everyone, or even affects everyone universally the same?

What if time is a construct of society that the conscious mind quantified to standardize our existence relative to one another or the universe aligned with nature? Seasons change as a matter of nature and can be used as a meter designating the passage of time, but seasons are cyclical, so are they simply repeating, or are they passing?

Can you rush through a day, or does the day drag? As you get older, does it move faster? If you are restricted or in solitary, does it move slower than if you are free and active? The sun and the moon are nature’s clock, and the seasons the calendar on a cyclical rhythm indistinguishable from the previous day or the following day except for the weather.

Time cannot be rewound, paused, or fast-forwarded. It is constant in its progression, never to be recovered. We recognize these intervals in three phases known as the past, present, and future. If only the present existed, would there be a passage of time if the other two did not exist by contrast? By context, time and the present would be constant.

What if time did not exist except as a sequence of the present? If it did exist as a constant, wouldn’t all living things be subjected to the laws of time equally? Time would not make sense when applied to the life of a dog and its aging process. Time can be confusing and very simple, but what is your time worth? Why is someone’s time valued more than another person’s time when it is the same amount of time, strictly as a matter of time?

The conceptual perspective of recurrence may be the only evaluation of time that reflects a passage. Otherwise, there can only be the present. The present is all there is, and all that has been. The future has yet to be told until it becomes the present, no longer being the future. On a grand scale, speed and location alter time while still in that reality’s present state. So, as reality is changes affected by time, time is always experienced as an extension of our current linear reality.

A collection of memories from yesterday originating from a prior present. It has then given way to the current present as the past. The past only exists in our minds as a recollection of memories that no longer exist, but that was at one time the present.

Our existence is a three-dimensional physical existence, and physically you cannot return to the past. It is not a location or destination that you can revisit except in thought recalling a reality which no longer is accessible except by reflection.

The subconscious mind records constantly storing all that has occurred. Specific incidents can be recalled to the present as a thought filtered through the conscious mind, usually altered by our current perspective or a modified memory. It is strongly recommended to not “live in the past” or “beat yourself up over past mistakes” because they cannot be changed, as that time is no longer accessible or alterable.

Amends for “past” aggressions is all that is within our power as in the present reality. The passage of time is not observable only by the effects of its evolution or progression. In theory, the past has nothing to do with the present. In practice, the “past” can dictate the present and the future like a ghostly haunting.

This is due to an improper perspective of the function of time and the proper application of the present. The “past” no longer exists and can only be compared to the present. It is a record in the present relative to what is gone.

The proper focus and application of the present in the evolution of “time” becomes perceived as “past” deeds. The “future” becomes a preparation for a present time presumed to come that’s not yet here.

Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow never comes. When tomorrow comes, it is called today, and the rotation of the present continues no matter how you measure. It then manifests in the present, and when it is no longer present by that measurement, it is gone, even if measured by a second.

The present is where all the magic happens, and the recollections of the presents wasted that regrets live. The present transforms into the past, giving the future its context. Its existence contrasts with what has happened and expectations of what could still happen, the possibilities. The present defines us now, while the “past” defines who we no longer are in our current state.

Our present represents the collective “past” as well as our preparation for our assumptions for the “future.” The free throw you hit yesterday does not help you today, and it does you no good to hit one tomorrow when the game is on the line today.

There is only the present. Preparation is a function of being present today, moving into a position for that present moment when called upon. So, the “future” is present speculation that a present moment will come whereby it will be needed.


Living in the present to improve your existence today washes away losses, regrets, hurts, resentments, and all those things that take up space in our minds.

They restrict us to “past” hardships instead of propelling us to “future” accomplishments. In addition, living in the present eliminates anxiety about the “future.” The “future” has yet to be written and is uncertain, but the present is where the work can only be done to affect the “future” now.

The future is like never neverland, where dreams and fantasies lived out of reach, hoping to manifest into the present one day. The future, similar to the past, also only lives in the aspirations of our minds. Except for the future, you can actually affect it through preparation, or else it just stays in our mind like a cartoon out of reach. Although it does not exist, you can use the present to bring it into existence by doing today what will make it a present reality in the concept of “future” presents.

Exertions of speculation in preparation for the “future” are, in essence, investments for today that will continue to reap benefits in the “future” when it becomes the present. Thus, the present state of being to come is not anxiety-driven anticipation or a calculated expectation, but the proper use and focus of the present producing that desired outcome.

We have been through what has happened in the past, no longer under our control. We have some control over the happenings in the present. The future rests on uncertainty. Any efforts toward any ”future” present can change it while the past is written in stone. The “future” holds promise directly influenced by the present if there is a specific projected “future.”

A strategy put in place now and executed in the present has current benefits that move you closer to your aspiring goals and desires. An enterprising present does your part in having a bright “future.” It is said that time waits on no one but time will not be rushed either, so patience, action, and diligence is the steady path to use time as an ally.

Time has a way of taking its place when the time is right, given that you are prepared when it comes. Time can wait, after all, there is plenty of time, but we have a limited, unknown amount of time. So, it would be wise not to waste it on the past or the future. Instead, live in the present because time only exists in the present.

Time is a commodity that is limited in its duration that can be affected or enhanced but certainly not recouped. They say youth is wasted on the young, but we all had our turn with a youthful time and how we chose to use it. There is always something that could have been done better, not done at all, or just if we knew then what we know now.

The more advanced in years we become, we discover that time is our most precious commodity and an asset to be spent wisely, hopefully not regretting having wasted too many presents. It is funny how present is also described as a gift given without any anticipation of action except gratitude, happiness, and care in its use.

Time and life progression in this physical dimension are inseparable and interchangeable. Time and life are to be fully consumed in the present, as the gift that they are and are not guaranteed. Enjoy them while tasting, smelling, feeling, loving, but surely living while you still can.

Do yourself and your present a favor and eliminate the despair. Despair and anxiety are psychological illusions created and nurtured in our minds regarding the past and the future that wastes the present. We have to dust ourselves off and take inventory because whatever the past was, we survived it physically until we don’t.

It lets us know that we can survive it mentally and emotionally, not surrendering to a struggle within ourselves that only exist in our mind. It is a perspective of hurt from the past or anxiety about the future diminishing the promise of the present. Don’t rob or be robbed of your time. Time is not to be squandered or only to be appreciated when it is short.

As long as you have time, you have a chance. It is up to you as the present is always on your side. As far as dwelling in regrets for time already spent, two tears in a bucket, you don’t have time for that.

The future has yet to come, the past has already gone, and the present is ever-evolving. The context remains unchanged, the obstacles conditional, the change inevitable, but the present always fleeting. But, perhaps, it has come to pass, time after time.

Let me ask you a few questions. Is the thread of time the road to or the destination of manifestation? What if time is a frequency and selectively accessible like a channel?

Is changing reality and thus any alternative perspective of experiences governed by the simultaneous chances of possibilities? Or is time mimicking motion, not a linear acceleration of our progression but of times progression? Is it destiny or fate? Does time move past us or us through time? Is time eternal beyond our ability to measure it?

Remember the gift of TIME, the present, is always your greatest asset!

Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz



Hairy Situation


Queens, Hair, and Identity. Is it just Hair?

It is said that a woman’s hair is her crown and glory by way of a crown being worn on the head, but what if, metaphorically speaking, a woman’s crown is not her hair but instead her perspective.

Crowns symbolize wealth, dignity, power, and the distinction of sovereignty proclaimed in the physical realm, but they are also concepts of adornment in appearance. It can also signify a belief and portrayal that is spiritual in an unyielding conviction of dignified recognition without reservation.

The peak of the head is where the crown chakra is located and characterizes the transcendence of uncertainty and limitations. The distinction between perspective and appearance is not to be regarded as a harmless occurrence of insignificance beyond influence but a constant state of being. Instead, an act of self-proclaimed royalty and a display of queenly declaration. 

Found in the crown chakra is clarity, wisdom, self-love, enlightenment, self-acceptance, and elevation from this perceived physical realm. It is where vanity and the ego dissolve, and balance emerges from being in harmony with one’s self-identity and uniqueness. Nature manifested in its uniqueness.

It is where the subconscious mind and the perspective of your identity reside as the crown itself. This state of mind is a one-dimensional self-determination, sustained by your distinct existence where all is true, that is internally believed and faithfully embraced while genuinely expressed.

It is created within a one-dimensional space of self-acceptance and revealed outwardly in a two-dimensional realm of self-expression but received in the three-dimensional reality of life transformed by the eternal beauty of confidence and certainty of self-identity.

Hair exists as an inanimate aesthetic having life but no feeling. It is superficially assigned cosmetic value through cultural conditioning, diminishing its natural splendor and uniqueness.

Cosmetic hair’s value is narcissistic in nature, pretentious in practice, and insecurity of appearance by sincere self-evaluation. It gets its value from your feelings towards it and evokes feelings of inadequacy when applying projected expectations of other’s standards of beauty. It craves validation by association and imitation.

Cosmetic hair then becomes not the standard of beauty but your actual conformity to the perceived beauty you have allowed to mask and define your self-image. It distorts a direct correlation between your self-image and the external masquerade you project as reality.

The greater the exaggeration, the more it reflects your insecurity and delusion yearning to fit into some contrived role. Psychologically this is a symbolic expression and representation of unresolved insecurities at best and coveted cultural appropriation at worst by embracing that which you are not and rejecting that which you can only be.

The authenticity of your identity is the highest representation of your natural self and character. Hair is used as an external cosmetic but cannot truly empower and transform you to be what you internally already are or could be.

This self-deception essentially is a crutch revealing a need to claim the self-loving salvation of your crown identity. An assessment of your self-esteem, identity, and confidence that is dependent on hair color, texture, or length camouflaged as fashion indicates that an awakening of self-worth has yet to be fully embraced.

A woman’s actual attractiveness, capabilities, and substance are not in her hair but the radiance of her intellect, personality, and uniqueness. Quantity or quality of hair is not an indication or essence of a woman’s value.

That value is obtained by personal development, embracing and expressing yourself as your crown. Often uncertainties are self-imposed by comparison and by seeking perfection that devalues what you already possess, a value that is unique to you.

Pursuing personal development to be self-aware and self-accepting without external props leaves you always properly adorned. It frees you from the delusion of obtaining external validation and perfection.

That which is external only creates an illusion and represents a dependency that weakens you internally, for it shall wither under time and vanity. This creates a delusion that manifests itself as an unstable self-confidence and an artificial acceptance of self-doubt, which feeds your insecurities and disrupts your harmony.

The deception of this imposter persona creates a lavish fantasy whose performance must be compulsively maintained. A mental and emotional addiction then defines your self-worth and restricts your ability to function without feeling social anxiety.

The solution is to not submit to a foolish misconception, believing that is what allows you to be who you are. You can empower yourself to be because you chose to be sovereign by your permission and validation.

Empowering perspectives allows you not to crave, conform to, or identify with psychologically defeating denials of your identity, cultural or otherwise. It also may delay the maturation of your strength in your identity without it.

For example, wearing artificial blond hair down to your waist does not promote images of cultural role models conducive to empowering those who are young and unduly impressionable. Cultural appropriation of anything black causes outrage but is not considered theft when the opposite occurs, especially certain depictions of hair.

Just as black females need to see themselves and their images represented in dolls and professional positions of power and entrepreneurship, they need to see their image positively and naturally in their mirrors and other black women.

The proliferation of unnatural hairstyles encourages them to embrace something other than themselves. By comparison and example, they cannot embrace their features, blackness, uniqueness, and crown with the subliminal messaging being sent that strong, independent, regal, and woke black women display and believe that their beauty is other than their natural selves.

Abandoning their natural beauty to imitate another’s cultural idea of beauty has a psychologically damaging effect on themselves and the young females who are starting to form images and acceptance of their own identity.

Black beauty covers a broad spectrum that can accommodate your stylings without the exaggerated extreme portrayal of unnatural stylings as costumes and artificial headdresses.

Collateral considerations that are impacted are the forced labor and exploitation of women in the countries that produce the hair. Their level of compensation from a four-billion-dollar industry that black women overwhelmingly support is close to slave labor.

Black women being one of the primary users of the hair and needed accessories that generate massive revenue with minimal retail or wholesale opportunities returned to them amounts to the voluntary financial exploitation of black women by themselves.

No participation in the wealth accumulation of this industry questions the continued voluntary exploitation through the patronage of the black woman’s insecurities and cultural appropriation. The only money to be made is in service of the industry at the bottom of the economic chain. Crumbs should no longer be acceptable as a return on investment.

Perhaps it is time to support something that empowers the black woman’s identity, natural beauty, ownership, and responsibility as an example of a role model of self-love and acceptance. With this being a four-billion-dollar industry, any money steered to another industry that benefits and more closely aligns itself with the black woman’s natural beauty, interest, opportunity, and respect should be explored.

This is also compelling and influences the black male to support, acknowledge, demonstrate, and acclimate themselves to not appreciate the black female’s natural beauty and value.

Setting the example and standard for black beauty will avoid conditioning the black male to subliminally embrace a façade and unintentional portrayal of beauty. That standard that is not representative and appreciative of the black woman’s beauty should not be promoted by the black woman or man. Just in case a reminder is needed.

The black male also must participate in the elevation of the black women’s self-image and remove obstacles to the black woman’s crown state of mind. Providing support, input, gratitude, and encouragement is needed and well deserved considering what she has gone through, is going through, and will go through to heal and renew her spirit. Just in case some reassurances are wanted, and our contribution is needed.

Her glory lays not in hair but the dignity of her crown projection. A symbol of the renewal of mother earth, where all that exists is created, nurtured, and grown.

Remember, for all she does; hair does not make the woman; self-determination that reveals the acceptance of her cultural identity as royalty ensures that her best is more than enough and beautiful in its uniqueness.

In this time of black girl magic and the black woman’s celebration, beauty, and empowerment, it is in contrast to the imposed image of a European appearance and standard of beauty being shredded. Then, why does the black woman insist on these beauty standards appropriated and promoted by others?

The King of Soul, James Brown, said “Say it Loud I’m Black, and I’m Proud,” and the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, spoke about “Feel like a Natural Woman,” but it is better said only if you mean it and walk it like you talk it.

Promote and be a representation of your unique, organic beauty. That is a beautiful example for black women to empower black girls to accept their own likeness as beautiful. After all, it might be MORE than just fake hair projecting a harmless cosmetic delusion of impractical images of black beauty.

Arm yourself in a manner you can not be disarmed with the confidence of your acceptance of yourself. Then you will be dressed your best.


Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz

Patriotism and The American Way

Why does it Taste so Different?

Here we go again. The Capitol revolt at its core is aggression to preserve a mangled distortion of truth and a delusional rejection of reality.

An effort to circumvent an outcome that did not unfold according to a preferred advantage. The proclaimed love and allegiance to Democracy, Capitalism, and the Constitution has revealed itself to be a farce when white privilege and rogue expectations are unfulfilled.

Fairness and equality have never been the American way, with more than a thumb of collusion on the scales and at the highest levels subversively unbalancing the scales of justice. Justice is not blind but peeking to distinguish who it shall be imposed upon and who has an inalienable right to the exclusion or special consideration from its application.

Claiming the founding fathers at your back and the confederate Flag at your front, this violent takeover attempt screams insurgence and only in whispers can be called a coup.

“Loyal patriots” now fight not for the country but in mutiny against it to unseat our government and overrun the Capitol chambers decimating Democracy.

Camouflaged as patriots while masquerading as protestors, the insurrectionist has undertaken to highjack a national election and have the moral integrity of this country bent to their ideology. A minority ideology at that according to election results.

It is an obvious annihilation of and contradiction to Democracy at the behest of the highest office in the land. Not aligned with but in direct opposition to that which you claim to hold dear, our democratic society.

It is not about Resident drumpf either, at least in principle, but he did promote the fabrication and this notion of patriots. They are not patriots, and white folks are not the only ones to have served this country as real patriots.

A wide variety of racial backgrounds and women served in defense of this country despite being discriminated against, segregated, and/or excluded from service.

These groups have all persevered to serve their Flag and country honorably. These groups have served in some capacity from the beginning of this nation to support this country, especially doing times of war. Only the traitorous confederates have ever turned on this country and now seek a resurgence. There are examples of when patriots were patriots and not all white.

At the birth of this nation, a patriot merchant has been historically acknowledged as the first to give his life in defense of what would become the nation we know today.

This patriot was Crispus Attucks, a Black Man. He was the first to be shot and killed, which started the American Revolution by the Boston Massacre that ignited freedom from British rule.

He was a former slave and partly of Native American heritage. To honor his moral courage and contribution at the founding of this nation, he was laid in State, which necessitated the waiver of segregation laws.

He took two to the chest while others were shot in the back. His murderer, a white British soldier, and others were placed into custody. They were put on trial to symbolize the fair justice this land would later become known for, instead of being lynched for their crime immediately.

Even back then, six were acquitted of the eight soldiers who fired shots, and two were convicted and given reduced sentences. Once again, a Black Man shot and his white murderers shown leniency and defended by John Adams. This brand of fair justice is still on display today.

I guess some might say Crispus Attucks did not serve. Some others would say that Crispus Attucks served America before America was. However, there is no dispute that he gave his life at the very start of this nation while confronting tyranny or at the very least protesting it.

He is the very first American Hero; he was “the first to defy and the first to die” at age 47. Attucks and the other four brave protesters murdered set off the Boston Tea Party against British rule and injustice. As they say, the rest is history, but it is not surprising that they blamed the protesters for being fired upon. So, modern-day patriots, check your history.

William H Carney, born a slave, escaped slavery through the underground railroad. He was the first Black soldier to earn the Medal of Honor for valor at Fort Wagner during the Civil War. He took three shots in total but managed to fight on, picked up the American Flag, and carried it the whole time while advancing.

He was taken to a field hospital, relinquishing the Flag while never letting it touch the ground. Let us not forget that he had been shot three times after he picked up the Flag but still managed to keep the American Flag from touching the ground.

Andre Cailloux of Drew Brees’s very own beloved New Orleans was born a slave and became a Union Captain. He had his arm blown off by cannon fire during combat but continued to spearhead the charge on a suicide mission while he was gravely wounded until he was killed. It was commonplace to give the most dangerous missions to the “colored” units, who did a lot of the heavy lifting.

Many other Black heroes are listed in history for their valor during the Civil War against the Confederates attempting to overthrow America’s government.

However, because the treasonous Confederates fought against the American Flag and this country being soundly defeated, I guess you could say they were on the wrong side of history again. The Confederate flag stands for treason and slavery; what else was the Civil War about but preserving economic advantage.

American Sergeant Henry Johnson, a Black Man, single-handedly fought off German soldiers in the trenches of France during WWI. He was injured twenty-one times. As a result, he was one of the first Americans to be awarded the prestigious French Croix de Guerre Avec Palme, the highest award given by France to anyone.

He was awarded the Purple Heart and Distinguished Service Cross posthumously in the United States 57 years and 63 years after his death. As a member of a negro unit, he used a knife, a rifle, and his bare hands to fight off two dozen German soldiers.

When he was not busy fighting also managed to save lives. But, unfortunately, the racism of that time prevented many black patriots of valor whose heroics were absolutely needed but not awarded.

The Tuskegee Airmen nicknamed “the Red Tails” fought in WW2 with exemplary distinction escorting planes critical to the supply chain. Their war efforts significantly contributed to the Allies’ victory.

So skilled and fearless this “colored unit” that despite the extreme racism and segregation pervasive at that time, they forced the United States military out of extreme necessity and often at white squadron’s request to use them to ensure safe missions and swing the advantage to the allies.

They are not to be confused with the Tuskegee Study done in 1932, where black men were used as research specimens for the government study of syphilis. Done without their consent or knowledge and allowed to go untreated. The men were intentionally infected with syphilis which caused blindness, insanity, other ailments, and ultimately their premature deaths. Did they serve medicine?

Patriots of a different kind, I guess, for the advancement of medicine. In 1940 when penicillin was discovered as the cure, they still were not offered treatment.

When it became unethical to conduct such experiments in the U.S., they merely moved them to Mexico and began experimenting on their population. These human trials are why old heads did not trust the medical profession; better to be sick than dead.

Doris “Dorie” Miller, a cook, jumped in the gunnery seat and operated anti-aircraft weapons with no training and attended to the wounded later was awarded the Navy Cross.

The day was December 7, 1941, that day that will live in infamy known as Pearl Harbor. He was the first responder to defend this country against that attack. That probably qualifies as a patriot.

The right to protest is in the DNA of this country. The voice of the people heard and their right to demonstrate their discontent with the treatment of citizens.

The Vietnam War was a very unpopular war with the American Flag burned by white Americans, soldiers treated far worse than kneeling before the Flag, and the soldiers returning “home” from service spat upon. We needed civilian patriots then to not stand for that disrespect of the Flag and returning troops.

Ohio National Guard fired upon Kent State students protesting the Vietnam War on a college campus for protesting. Four students were murdered and nine others injured on May 4, 1970, the outrage and fallout from the student-led protest shutdown colleges across the country.

Resident Richard Nixon, that purveyor of racism, would be proud of Resident drumpf deadly antics now to “dominate” protesters he opposes but supports those who violated Democracy in the worst way since confederacy.

The hope that students and young people will lead us out of this shameful history is in question since some have been poisoned with wanting to “make America great again.

Many Black Women patriots also made significant contributions to the freedom that allows others to enjoy liberties that they did not. In addition, many other marginalized people of different racial backgrounds have and continue to serve this country and Flag.

Women, including Black Women, have and still fight for equality, safety, and recognition to this day.

For many years women were never treated as full citizens, believed by Charles Darwin to have the mind of a child, justifying their denial of the right to vote or run for office. The Women’s Suffrage Movement is still essentially being fought today since 1848 but is now reflected more in wage disparity and health care.

So, when it looks like this is just a racial issue, it is not nor is it a group’s radical claim to Patriotism despite others’ contribution. It is a discrimination issue manifested and facilitated by racism and sexism. Racism is the longest and most vile offense among many that fuels this brand of Patriotism quivering behind morality and religion.

Black folk’s specifically and others in general, have a record that speaks for itself of being patriots when respecting the American Flag and military service. America’s record speaks for itself too when it comes to this Democracy and the Flag, but this is a flag that never gave a dam about anyone but “white males.”

Is Democracy is just for white radicals to disperse according to their will and not be confined by the principles upon which it rests?

Well, that’s a fat cat’s easy street if you can find it. Despite Black’s service to this country, the “love” has yet to be fully felt. Instead of love, hundreds of years of brutality and economic suffering under this Democracy that you claim we should love so much.

Still, no violent storming of the Capitol because an election did not meet our black expectations or the horrible treatment we have suffered. Now tell me what seems like a better reason.

We would love Democracy more if it had done for us what it has done for you. Despite that, we have fought for the American dream that does not include us despite exhausted patience and the insanity of forgiveness.

Patriotism is a choice, a collective pride, albeit an individually made choice. Patriotism has transcended our atrocious experiences, harsh treatment, blatant discrimination, and even brutal murder. Talking about loving Patriotism under duress or unfulfilled expectations.

You would not expect the Jewish community to salute, fight for, or stand for the Nazi Flag with the atrocities against their people, but Blacks not only still stand but also serve a flag and country that should thank us for our service.

In times of crisis like 911, we are one nation, America Strong. Still, otherwise, we are n—-rs, relegated to second-class citizenship whose voting preferences should be overturned by a mob on capitol hill.

The very foundation of America was built on the brutality of slavery, and the same Constitution of The United States of America, which never included Black folks, might need to start sincerely including us for real. We fought too.

I think we have earned the right not to be treated dismissively. If not, I believe we have earned the right to protest by peacefully kneeling to symbols that have oppressed us. Our oppression has been much worse than the founding father of America have ever experienced or “patriots” whining about an election lost.

The alternative to kneeling is standing up straight and tall with our backs un-bent, displaying the same valor for ourselves that we have time and again displayed for this country.

All those who may feel our centuries-old struggle feel their own, demonstrating their dissatisfaction by their vote. In a democratic society, we have somehow become unpatriotic by not storming the Capitol attempting to overthrow Democracy.

The Black Man has every right to be constantly in fear for his life regularly given America’s continued assault on our lives and dignity. This is nothing new, but it has gotten very old.

Of all the law enforcement personnel at the Capitol, only one shot was fired despite thousands of violent terrorists besieging Democracy and even causing death. At the same time, none was in fear of their life to fire a shot except one.

Some did appear to be too busy yucking it up, giving tours, or fleeing but not in fear to use force deadly or otherwise if as if it were one black man with his back turned. No fear, no enforcement, no preparation, and no problem.

Encouraged by their deceitful and egocentric leader, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists, and enemies of Democracy attempted a violent insurrection. He whipped them into a violent frenzy that can only move in large numbers and with intimidation and consent but mostly with weapons.

Overwhelming odds are a common theme of their beer muscle courage and Gestapo tactics. Their efforts were very short-sighted unless it was implied complicity that they could, or it was preferable to unseat the government and install a dictator. By some appearances and concessions, it might not be too far-fetched by the lack of resistance shown.

The people in a majority have spoken in more overwhelming numbers united not by race but as citizens of a democracy. Yet, when violent armed puppets lack even the courage to process disappointment, instead, they bellyache and hatch a coup to eradicate any future elections, especially if they do not agree with the outcome.

So, the American military will be deployed against citizens protesting racism for looting stores but not against terrorist looting democracy and forcing entry into a beacon of democratic structure fundamental to our countries existence and national security.

King David, a boy still, stood courageously against the mighty Goliath with just a slingshot, not with his boys, a mob, or heavy weaponry.

A lone protester in China among many protesters unflinchingly positioned himself in front of an armored tank in Tiananmen Square with steeled resolve. Without his boys or heavy weapons, armed with only his courage and conviction.

Where is the courage from some of our elected officials to protect Democracy? Instead, some folded to the whims of one man? Although he had law enforcement and the military at his discretion, he still did not deploy them, thereby endangering some legislature’s lives during the attack?

A failure of this magnitude cannot be exaggerated or summarily dismissed. The government was on the brink of being maimed or overthrown.

The Resident can admonish and sanction the Chinese government over Hong Kong, but he does or threatens to do the same in a democracy. At least they admit to authoritarian rule. As the bigoted puppet master’s anxiety level escalates over the end of his term, so did his desperation and blunders.

While the country fragments, he produces a karmic cause and effect that his hate base has to find ever more blatantly bizarre explanations to explain and dismiss his actions.

He has kept them on their toes with little to work with but plenty of blatant lies and divisive tweets. With pathological lying so acceptable to his base, they should encourage their spouse and children to lie whenever they open their mouth.

His lies have become more divisive and hazardous to Democracy, as well as an obstruction to the current administration. So why are career people considered knowledgeable in their field, exceptionally experienced, and highly qualified silent and disposable in favor of his delusions and ambitions?

Is it because they don’t want to risk not being re-elected or appointed in the future, or have their careers ruined at the cost of the country, our Democracy, and the Constitution?

Is it acceptable to pander to cronyism and nepotism by placing your enablers and uniquely unqualified children in government positions as if this is your family business? I remember when that use to be a crime or least frowned upon, but it has added to the element of instability.

Look at the country and our diminished position in the world severely compromised by a coup attempt, and we can all see the ramifications of the disastrous atmosphere he created.

Meanwhile, his dog whistle and overt urgings to his misguided base have not ceased when he is no longer in office. Therefore, one must ask if he becomes more or less dangerous when he no longer has the pretense of restrictions associated with the oval office.

Patriotism must stop being used as a justification and symbol of oppression and white supremacy. Beware “thugs and looters” when the looting starts the shooting starts but rest assured Capitol terrorists when the siege begins, he will sit back and grin.

Elections are for the people’s majority to always be heard in the end. Majority rules, history has taught us that. It is Patriotism for Democracy and the American way. To ensure more Patriotism for the country then maybe diminish the un-patriotic actions.

Is it more distressing to kneel or turn away from the flag as opposed to openly advocate for civil war and overthrowing the government that the flag represents? Just as all have the freedom to honor the flag, all also have the freedom to not so much.

Please reconcile using coercion but being resistant to its use by others. Seemingly some are patriotic to their perspective, not the principles of freedom. 

P.S. At any rate, without Twitter to keep him up at night, I hope Patriotism can sleep well.

Thurston K. Atlas

Creating A Buzz