The Theory of Critical Race

Why the past matters for the future.

If history suddenly doesn’t matter now, why would telling it accurately and truthfully matter, and why is it so crucial for you to sugar coat it? Critical race theory has been a hotbed issue of late and not because it is divisive or misunderstood but because it is both liberating and accusatory by history’s revelations. As the Big Tuna once said regarding football, “you are what your record says you are.”

Racism is no longer a barrier to success but a burden to success with the subjective suppositions, expectations, and connotations as a standard others are not subjected to. Discrimination is when a unilateral standard is not applied whether you overcome it or not. It is like running a race with extra distance only for you.

Increased perseverance to compensate for diminished objectivity is not burdensome unless it is you that are impositioned. It may not prevent you from being what you can but it may dictate what it takes and where you can be that. So CRT does not promote black victimization or white condemnation, racism does. Systemic obstructions often reflect the sentiment of the persons involved execution of their duties. These personal sentiments manifest themselves in the system.  

These systems then become extensions and reflections of the perspective and biases of the people who comprise and operate them. They are consequently calibrated to that persuasion despite whatever the stated letter of the law. Despite the scope of operation, there is a discretionary or selective aspect that can be applied biasly creating preferential or prejudicial determinations.

So the systemic discrimination and racism are a by-product of the routine practices of the individuals within the system to restrict or deny fair and equal accommodations contrary to legal expectations thereby violating equality. It is technically irrelevant if you overcome it because you should not have to, others don’t.

 The persistent reason for this condition is rooted in historical perspectives that insidiously avoid detection and offer plausible deniability of protections. It then becomes accepted and commonplace as to not be viewed as a violation normalizing it. Once normalized it becomes invisible to all who it does not affect.

Here are ten queries of the foundation for critical race theory that may clarify any misconceptions regarding the basis of its purpose or intent for you to ponder. It is not to assign oppressed or oppressor status to anyone but to either accurately tell the history or discontinue the deceptions regarding the historically known facts affecting systematic injustices.

One. Who has more to gain or lose by the truth being exposed? Is it the victims of the racial atrocities and prey of crimes against humanity that are not exclusive to the Black or Native American experience? Could it be the Caucasian/British Colonial Anglo-Saxon European transgressor’s modern-day descendant’s image that is at risk? After what was done for centuries, what do you have to gain now which has not already been gained?

The transgressors stand to lose their societal masquerade as superior, privileged, religious, honorable, and so on. Can this be the real reason to oppose the truth of critical race theory teachings as being irrelevant to history? If the truth is irrelevant, how could the manipulation of it passed as the truth be more acceptable when we know it to be a lie? 

Two. Supposing the Confederate heritage is so great and endearing, why not reveal its totality for all to see in all of its infinite glory and brutal deeds, to arrive at the point where it is today portrayed as the apex of conservative values and southern civility? Why would there be shame and division associated with the actual unadulterated history of America or the experiences of any race here in America, including yours? There is plenty of shame to go around yours and ours.

Three. How much longer do you think these original sins can be concealed from your children as they are being vomited forth, revealing the degree of depravity that this country and your ancestors committed?

Since it is not your crimes, actions, brutality, or inhumanity committed long ago, why hide now?. Does it not become yours when you embrace, conceal, or support its heritage and perpetuation by deceit and privilege today? Would it not be more devastating for your children to learn that the truth was withheld from them, that they were purposely deceived by the ones they trust the most, you? 

Four. If your actions were not divisive and destructive, how can the revelations of them be divisive or detrimental to the self-image of yourself or your children? Why would there be any shame attached to them if they were noble in cause or actions? CRT is not to promote inferiority or superiority but truth and a factual depiction of America.

Five. Some would protest CRT as indoctrinating their children with the truthful history of this country. Where is their concern for historically and criminally brainwashing other races and nationalities’ children with lies about America?

Then what you complain about would be the very thing that you have committed against others and refuse to acknowledge or discontinue but yet resist subjecting your children to the truth? What manner of nonsense is readily taught in schools today with the truth being concealed?

Should we start with the genocidal thief Christopher Columbus or the first President of the United States of America, slave owner and friend to slavery George Washington? Andrew Jackson, another President, did more than any other person in the United States history to exterminate the Native Americans, so should that also be put on the twenty-dollar bill to honor his accomplishments?  

Six. Do we need to look any further than a former daytime talk show host who would proudly state that “everyone knows Jesus and Santa Claus are white” as evidence that factual and cultural brainwashing is real?

Is this blasphemous against the Christ to be compared to a fictional commercialized character? Is this blasphemous against the bible to depict Jesus in any likeness, especially one where the rest of him is a different color than his bronze feet?

What is the purpose of a blue-eyed blond hair white Jesus if not propaganda and the perpetuation of a lie? Would CRT violate your religious covenant to persecute, exploit, and exterminate races you deem inferior using the bible as justification?

 Would CRT prove these races not to have been inferior but instead exploited? How many casual deceptions are embraced as truth known to be false? ? This is the danger of growing old and being blinded to the truth but guided by the lie. Why lie when the truth would be sufficient, or would it?

Seven. Are there any accomplishments in this country that Black people were not here for and participated in achieving? Beginning with Crispus Attucks, who was the first to die in the liberation of this country from British rule or the Industrial Revolution, and the cotton gin whose idea was a slave named Sam.

Automation is what really so-called “ended slavery” and gave America a competitive economic edge better than slaves. Every war this country has ever had involved Black participation in winning, such as The Tuskegee Airmen contribution!

Eight. Every perceived measure of negative human endeavor in America reflects the image attributed to or associated with blacks from lack of education, lack of wealth, a natural tendency for criminal conduct, drug addiction, scattered family tree, other negative stereotypes, and so on except for the pervasive image of racial injustices committed against blacks?

We can’t mention that part because it makes you look and feel bad. Imagine how bad we feel and look being on the receiving end. Bet you wouldn’t trade feelings and switch places, would you?

So everyone’s record is their record except for yours? If the past should not be levied against you, why do you levy against those whose crimes and atrocities are less than the injustices you committed? Shall we now indiscriminately do away with your accountability but not others? If we can not tell your history, are we also forbidden to tell ours? Is it not a shared history of experience and one of occurrence?  

Can the Confederate Heritage be a source of pride but the Confederate deed a source of shame? What separates them from being the same? Is not slavery the defining element of contention for the Confederate resistance? Should the truth of slave atrocities be ignored but the stain of the Confederacy tolerated? If you are so proud of the Confederacy, surely your children can not be ashamed of its history, can they? 

Nine. Why deny CRT? Is it necessary to stroke fear and deceit while in the annals of history and the recesses of your mind, it can’t be concealed without history shamefully betraying the truth? Is it your obsession with race or history from the intellectual pursuit of accuracy you fear being exposed?




The factual pursuit of history could not be racist unless the history itself were racist at its core and the immoral practice standard. CRT represents a ledger of advantages and disadvantages from the volumes of history. If racial advantages and disadvantages still exist, can there be parity while you still enjoy concessions that no one else enjoys but you?

Ten. Why do your American dream and core conservative values have to be a discriminatory nightmare for so many? As your demographic advantage shrinks, it would seem wise to balance the ideology and racial equilibrium associated with your diluting subgroup despite the historical blemishes of your morality.

If racism was a major part of building this country then it would stand to reason that it has to be a major part of what was built. It has to be deconstructed with the structural and systematic remnants of racism identified and addressed.  While the oppression of racism has diminished it still is a reality. The obstacles are not insurmountable but they do exist where they don’t for non-blacks.  

Lingering resentment dismissed by denying but perpetuating the sin only fosters the continuation of it remaining an issue that should have long ago been put to rest. Denying the hurt will not make the pain or damage go away.

Since you will not feel other’s pain, do you see it can only bring yours? No longer do all others have to beg and submit themselves to your graces and permission or denounce their identity to assimilate with you. So, the grasp of your grip is slipping while losing control to exploit or convert others. Has the curtain finally been pulled too far?

You have nothing to fear but yourself as your most significant threat to yourself by insisting on a weak adaptation of a stolen Nazi ideology and slogan to make America great again. Hitler was able to rise on make Germany great again propaganda, America has risen from the same doctrine regarding slavery and racism. Variations of this ideology sully your fragile self-image exposing your moral inferiority insistent upon hiding the truth. 

This concept at its core eliminates not only certain races but religious freedoms, sexual identifications, economic viabilities and marginalizes everyone except the white prototypes. Your denial and refusal to deal with the historical truth through CRT or any other substantial means of truth only exacerbates the problem and prolongs its relevance.

If we should get over having it done to us, how much easier should it be for you to get over having done it to us? Your feelings and self-images cannot take precedence over truth. What damage could the facts do to your history that it has not done to ours? So let’s be reasonable and forthright that we need education and correction, not continued concealment and oblivious posturing, to make for a sustainable society. 

We cannot live in the past, but a discriminatory past should not thrive in the present and into the future. Therefore, it is unreasonable and unwise to reject viable solutions when projecting the harmful effects of your continued opposition moving forward.

The first step is an admission of historical fact as a beginning to a solution for these actions. They are too enormous to simply forget or cover-up. Secondly, solutions are problematic when you deny and promote the mentality of injustice as fair. Thirdly, it is not so much the act as the mentality and tolerance of the justifications without remorse or accountability. Finally, it is the utter impunity in which it is done.

When will it be time to teach the historical accuracy of the truth since silence and pretending will no longer cover this deeply a national wound? This is a wound that infects all directly or indirectly and globally.

Has the time come to tell the truth as a reflection of history, not race, guilt, or blame but fact? Contaminated soil can only produce a poison tree. The foundation of truth and education changes the mentality on all sides, re-aligning the future.

Critical race theory is incidental to race but essential to history progressing through to the future. More important than the race factor is the historical manipulation, minimization, and ignoring of the intentional occurrences that formed this country. Race only matters in identifying the victims and perpetrators because the facts speak for themselves just as the identity of any group’s participation. Also, you prefer race doesn’t matter when it exposes you and casts contempt on your actions but race is the only thing that matters regarding discrimination.

Does your unconditional love for America include its blemishes? If history and heritage are so important, shouldn’t it be essential to depicting its factually blemishes included? The past should be of contrast to improvements made over time. Otherwise, the albatross continues hanging from the indignity of this country. 

With humanity seemingly on the brink of another evolution through science, technology, biology, quantum physics, medicine, space exploration, and yes, maybe self-destruction, can we afford to adhere to politics and policies which are antiquated or detrimental to the expansion of our societal evolution? 

We can surmise that change, nature, science, and universal forces do not care or respond to what we think or want but to their own harmonic circadian rhythm according to physics and evolution without our consent. Time will only move forward even if we remain stagnant or resist. Change is inevitable, and the desired change is just a matter of time as a function of evolution.

Anything without the flexibility to bend is snapped or broken. The past matters as a lesson for adaptation and evolution to survive into the future. We already know there are powers beyond our denial or resistance, such as time, history, and change. We cannot change history or avoid change but can affect the future. 

The theoretic mission statement and tenants of this country’s founding need to finally ring true from sea to shining sea for all who occupy it or collapse will follow. Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it same as the insanity of those who refuse to change, seeking a different result when the current condition is unsustainable.

Are we all that naïve to believe that the white race or any other race on this earth is superior to the entirety of all universes and dimensions that exist? Or, for that matter, any race on this earth inferior except for opportunities denied? Are we to sacrifice the future living a historical lie that breeds dissatisfaction against the equality of creation?

History is not a condemnation of anyone or their children, be it accusatory of the oppressed or oppressor. Still, the liberation from the ignorance of its past over time absolves all of its control. Facing the truth of the past rids us of our collective shame, but only if we veer from the same mistakes in the future.

The division, shame, and embarrassment claimed and sought to be avoided by concealment is no affirmation against the truth. It is your historic skin tone distinctions that have made it a problem. You can not condemn complaints of racism while still practicing racism.

That would effectively promote its silent furtherance preserving your image’s fallacy instead of correcting it. You then, by default, would not be condemning racism but the exposure and discontinuation of it.

If knowing racial atrocities and injustices might damage your children, what effect of having been subjected have on our children? If not knowing would make your children love themselves, the Flag, and America; what does knowing make our children feel or love, certainly not discrimination?

If your children are not taught the evil of racism, how can they know it is evil or not perpetuate it. Is it not your obligation to not lead them astray with evil but away from evil? If expecting Blacks to demonstrate love for symbols of oppression, does your behavior demonstrate condemnation of oppression and racism or disregard?

How does the doer of wrong not be attributed the shame of that wrong? Repentance and remorse belong to the wrongdoer. Restitution and anger belong to those who have been wronged. Is not the criminal justice system built on punishing the doer of crime and not the victim of such crimes? Your redress to ignore is subjective to your benefit.

What is not good for the goose can not be good for the gander. So how does the wronged become vilified for acts committed against them becoming known? It only makes sense if the wrongdoer wants to continue the wrong. Should you continue preserving your image and injustices at our expense? How can we allow it?

It will not just magically go away. That is where the shame lies for your children and you to continue it on your watch. Your children know what is shown and taught them. Changing both would solve both of our racial problems moving forward. The past always instructs the future if lessons learned are applied wisely.

Otherwise, it is just a sprint, a senseless race to the finish line of implosion. Now, how is that for a critical race theory or the theory of a critical race?

Thurston K Atlas

Creating A Buzz

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